Escape evil by pursuing good

July 28, 2021 | 13 comments

The best way to escape evil, is to pursue good.

Make a habit of it. Actively pursue good ideas, good states of thought, good actions, good ideals, good relationships, good plans, and good behavior.

When you pursue good, your experience fills with goodness, and there’s no room left for anything less to sneak in.

Stay away from evil by staying close to good. God is that good!

13 thoughts on “Escape evil by pursuing good”

    1. Thank you so much, Angie, for this excellent and uplifting article, profound in its simplicity and power. Thank you, Evan, for providing us this “gathering place” for a daily sharing of good.

    2. Thanks Angie for finding once more supporting articles. They are very helpful and extend Evan’s teaching, as we all go higher in our concept of Good, living a better and fuller life.

  1. Wonderful, thank you Evan. So important to balance the scales in favour of the good/GOD in all we do and everyone we meet. Love it❣️

  2. As we continue to turn towards God, good, it is more clearly evident that evil/error are unreal.
    Then we may no longer feel it is something real that we need to escape from. S&H p. 472 states that error is, “…the contradiction of Truth…a belief without understanding….unreal because untrue…that which seemeth to be but is not.” Thank you for this topic and love to all!

  3. Science & Health page 4: 12 ” The habitual struggle to be always good is unceasing prayer.”

  4. How true it is that God is good! Your latest messages have brought me better health (hearing), protection when driving and communication problems. Key has been knowing actively that I can proceed with caution, looking always for good ahead. Thank you!!!

  5. A dear practitioner guided me to “nurture good” a few decades ago. I printed these words out and had them on my cork board along with other important spiritual messages for many years. When my children were born, I guided them to nurture the same. And even today a gentle reminder now and again (and sometimes just silently knowing it is enough), is a great diffuser of fear, or setting thought on the right path.
    Thank you for this reminder dear Evan.

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