Exercise dominion over self

September 12, 2024 | 20 comments

A person without self-control is like a house with its doors and windows knocked out.

~ Proverbs 25:28, The Message

Windows and doors free an inhabitant to walk in and out of his house at will and to see what is happening outside of his house.  They also keep unwanted strangers from entering the premises.

If one’s door and windows are knocked out, strangers can enter at any time.  Stormy weather conditions are free to pour in unchecked.

Strong moral standards, conscientiousness, taking responsibility for one’s thoughts and actions, love for the good and the true—namely, self-control—build strong defenses against unwanted intrusions.  They keep our mental doors and windows closed to evil when temptation comes venturing our way.  They keep us safe from trouble.

20 thoughts on “Exercise dominion over self”

  1. Timely eye opener, as it relates to getting into sticky messes, from the repercussions of self deception, worse yet, unintended consequences. Antidote POUR IN LOVE, giving LOVE, receiving LOVE, until the eyes are open and the self deception is overcome by self control. Christ sets the best example of this with his teachings and by being spiritually minded, as well as teaching his disciples principles of healing, through example.

  2. Thank you, Evan. It is so important to guard our thoughts (doors and windows) to guard and protect against the aggressive mental suggestions that try to come in.

    I am reminded of Mrs, Eddy’s direction to all: Stand porter at the door of thought. Admitting only such conclusions as you wish realized in bodily results, you will control yourself harmoniously.
    (SH 392:24–27 Stand)

    I thought I had submitted a comment, but it disappeared. Sorry if there are two that show up.

  3. Thank you, Evan. Very important to take responsibility for one’s thoughts as well as one’s actions. What but should thinking make it so.

  4. Thank you Evan and all. The thought came to me that we must bar our door (and windows)
    [thoughts] against false beliefs as we bar our doors against the approach of thieves that
    would rob us of our “home” in divine Love.
    On page 2 of Pulpit and Press, Mrs. Eddy, writes so truthfully, “By intrenching ourselves in
    the knowledge that our true temple [my interpretation – thought’s identity] is no human
    fabrication, but the superstructure of Truth, reared on the foundation of Love, and
    pinnacled in Life [God]. Such being it’s nature, how can our godly temple possibly be
    demolished, or even disturbed? Can eternity end? Can Life die? Can Truth be uncertain?
    Can Love be less then boundless? … Our surety is in our confidence that we are indeed
    dwellers in Truth and Love, man’s eternal mansion”.
    By seeing our true identity as being spiritual, we can exercise our true dominion over
    mortal self, that sometimes seems to let intruders into our peace and harmony.

  5. I heard a C.S. teacher say the 2 Timothy 4:2 quote regarding pray in season and out of season meant something to the effect pray when inspired and even if we don’t feel like it at that moment. That takes self-control for me. Sometimes when I feel cobwebby in thought I ask what spiritual truths do I know to be true and have no doubts about? And start there. God is Love. God is our Father-Mother. God loves us. God is one Mind. God is Spirit. God is present now. God created us as His image. I’m always delighted to read about others’ spiritual disciplines and practices which help them to keep God, Spirit first and practice self-control if anything has been particularly helpful.

  6. The Wednesday Meeting from Kelowna BC.. Was so rich, ..Who spoke with Love, How Grounded we are, God Is Love…a shift must have beamed through the cosmos of Divine Mind, the reverb alone , all One in Divine Love, cartwheeling above with Joy. Surely, steadfast and confident, hearing the angel….We fly on thy wing
    Love xx

  7. Thank you for this, Evan! I needed this reminder on the importance of self-control or the RESPONSIBILITY for control. Law (Principle) controls and we must choose to be obedient and abide by it to keep things running in proper order. Grateful for Pat W’s connection to Mrs. Eddy’s “stand porter at the door” – which clearly also shows the goodness of doors, porters, and control to experience harmony all around, not just physical so-called.
    Love to all the SpiritView family

  8. I think that without a spiritual practice or spiritual focus in life many people are unknowingly keeping their doors and windows open to anything that comes along. Error’s temptations/suggestions are like the “stormy weather conditions” Evan mentions, that can come pouring in if we don’t exercise the dominion and authority God gives us to keep our house (consciousness) clean and secure.

  9. Such a great analogy Evan… and especially as we were talking recently (in our church “chat group”) about how we need to stand porter at the door of our thoughts to keep out unhelpful ideas…but a CS practitioner recently reminded us that a porter at a door of a hotel for instance, not only keeps out those who don’t have a room there, but welcomes IN the right people (ideas, thoughts) who belong in the building at the time.

  10. Thanks Evan for your spiritual ideas on how to watch our thougts, as Mrs Eddy told us as Christian scientists, but it seems difficult sometimes to do when all different thoughts
    are coming to us.
    Help me Father-Mother to focus only on yoi.

  11. Great topic, Evan, thanks so much. And J — fantastic CSS article on “self deception.” Clear and powerful. Thanks to all.

  12. Dear Kathy,
    In trying to answer your question – it is not always easy to do. It often seems
    difficult. It seems we are constantly being bombarded, even from places that
    we wouldn’t expect to be, in things that are untrue. and not from God, our
    protector from evil. I think we need to constantly keep reminding ourselves –
    where are thoughts coming from? Are they from God/Truth/Love or are they
    from mortal opinion or a seeming power that is distorted or erroneous, inclined
    to be what is destructive to our spiritual way of thinking, from the one Mind, that
    is always expressing qualities of Truth, Love, Life, Principle, Mind, Soul, Spirit –
    all synonymous with God and His/Her ever guiding instruction for our well being
    of thought and action.
    It is not always easy in a world that seems to be controlled by matter and material
    tendencies that are not in line with the beneficial always perfect will of God’s caring
    and guidance, for we, the children, but we are capable of guarding our thoughts in
    the right direction, if we Try our best to keep thoughts in harmony with what is
    divinely coming our way. That is the way I understand it anyway. It is a constant
    challenge from a mortal viewpoint, but spiritually it is divinely natural.

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