Eyes are for Seeing the Truth

August 11, 2014 | 21 comments

If you are praying about clearer eyesight, here are a few truths that may help.

Eyes are for seeing spiritual truth.

Budding metaphysicians often get confused about how to pray about vision. The question looms, “How do I pray for better physical vision when I know God created everything spiritual, including vision?” The question is confusing and impossible to sort out because the premise is incorrect.

God created vision and eyes, but they are both spiritual.

Jesus Christ reprimanded many of his followers because he said they had eyes, but they weren’t using them. In other words, their matter-beliefs were blinding their perspective from seeing spiritual reality.

Eyes are not for seeing material things. They are for seeing spiritual ideas.

Eyes are spiritual. They are gifts of the divine Mind that enable man to perceive and participate in God’s universe of spiritual activity. They originate in Mind.

Mary Baker Eddy caught this sense when she defined eyes as, “Spiritual discernment, — not material but mental.” Science and Health, p. 586. Anytime we discern a spiritual idea, we are using our eyes and proving that we can see.

To try and see a spiritual idea in matter is a form of blindness. It may seem to work, for a while, perhaps even decades, but eventually it will wear thin because it’s a temporal effort, not destined to last.

True vision is spiritual. It’s divine Mind discerning its own divine creation, and as reflection, man has been endowed with this spiritual faculty.

So, if you’re struggling with fading eyesight, it’s an opportunity to start using your eyes for their original purpose—to see God, God’s idea and the truth about man.

Vision happens in Mind, not in eyeballs.

Physically, we don’t see because we have eyes. We have eyes because we see. Spiritually, our eyes are a Mind-capacity to see what God created.

Have you ever looked right at an object and not seen it because you were thinking about something else? Everybody has. It happens all the time.

Seeing is a mental activity. It happens in mind. And mind must be engaged with the idea it strives to discern to see it properly.

God gave eyes to see, but they are spiritual faculties, not temporal phenomenon. They are ageless and eternal. You never lose them. And you can always use them.

Enjoy looking around for God’s beautiful creation today and seeing it in vivid detail, outline, form and color. God gave you the capacity to see, forever. And matter cannot take it away from you, for matter neither helps nor hinders your capacity to see. Spirit is the primary and determining factor.

21 thoughts on “Eyes are for Seeing the Truth”

  1. Evan thank you for writing this article. It made me think of the one you previously wrote about taking your eye exam. I will also share this!

  2. Really the metaphysically clearest insight on vision I’ve ever read. How beautiful that you would share it! A huge thank you, Evan. I’m archiving this one after I read it about twenty times this morning! “Eyes are for seeing spiritual truth.” How grand is that?

  3. Here is one more, DISCERNMENT. An ability to discern=the ability to see the mental aberration causing a physical problem and the discernment to find the mental cause enabling one to cure it. That’s what a C/S Practitioner does when you hire him to work for you. He doesn’t just pray for you indiscriminately like when you ask some one to pray for you. A Practitioner gives the patient thoughts from Mrs Eddy’s works to study as he prays for you. It’s like a schoolteacher giving homework to a student and not doing the work for him. The student would never learn that way. “Pray for me” but give me spiritual thoughts to study is the correct way way for prayer.

  4. You can find Evan’s eye exam by scrolling down this page to archives. Under subject scroll down to “eye” and you will find it! It is another great article!! Happy searching ;~)

  5. Thanks Evan! This past weekend I had finally gotten around to really using your last posting on sight so this new posting is much appreciated. I also was reading the Dec 1946 Journal article entitled “I SEE!” that was mentioned by somebody in a comment (thanks to everyone that makes comments on this blog!) and it is also very helpful.

    Just imagine how the Christian Science movement would benefit if all its adherents demonstrated perfect eyesight. That would go a long way to silencing the aggressive mental suggestions that argue that Christian Science is not effective in healing.

    Here is a link to the I SEE! article:


  6. So grateful for this treatment Evan! A clear reinstatement of what spiritual existence is all about and how this is the very opposite of the so-called five physical senses. Soul sees GOOD and Soul SEES good. Soul hears GOOD and Soul HEARS good and so on. This is our divine heritage! Thanks to all contributors for your healing thoughts.

  7. I must add my thanks also. This is one of the clearest and most powerful statements about true sight that I have read. I’ll be sharing it, too.
    Thank you, Evan for these great blogs.

  8. Thank you, Evan, and other contributors. I will share this with a 95+ friend who struggles with hearing problems. Ears and hearing can be substituted for eyes and vision. Heck, while we’re doing that, why not substitute age and aging for eyes and vision, or balance and balancing? or? or? or? What a treasure this blog is.

  9. So helpful. I’m working on vision for two people. Thank you for all the ways that you have found to dedicate yourself to helping others and glorifying God!

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