Feeling more of God’s presence

December 22, 2021 | 18 comments

Would you like to feel more of God’s presence in your life? One way is to enter a “closet” of prayer.

In this video, I explain how to shut down the physical senses and all their commotion that seem to compete with spiritual sense, so that you can find God’s presence in the quiet and peaceful sanctuary of Spirit.

This vlog was filmed at the Woods Canyon Lake, in the Apaches-Sitgreaves National Forest, Arizona, when my wife I visited in May 2021.

18 thoughts on “Feeling more of God’s presence”

  1. Thank you so much Evan – I am so pleased that I have just discovered that one can read the text of what you are saying. In the past I have really strained trying to make out what you are saying with
    the wind whistling through the mic etc. It was really good to see the beautiful scenery and know what you were imparting I will have to go back and revisit the other videos.

    I love that you are reminding us that we can make the choice to listen to spiritual sense, instead
    of accepting what the material senses are presenting, which is probably what comes to most of us first. -and that it is natural for us to be receptive to the spiritual senses. To me it brings to mind what MBE says that we must stand porter at the door of thought – that is where we are able to make the choices. So we need to be on the alert at all times and make the choice of what we are going to let in, and what we are going to keep out. Knowing only good is the real is good to keep in consciousness.

    Thank you to Evan, and everyone who contributes messages that enhance the topic, I always tune in every day, and find it very inspiring.

      1. Hi Maggie, at the bottom right of Evan’s video it shows CC. Click on that. It stands for Subtitles/Closed Caption and it will show the text across the video while Evan is talking. I use it all the time.

    1. Martine thank you for sharing the two lovely and uplifting poems. Poems and songs are very special, they can touch us in a different way than other types of communication.

      As far as going into the closet, sometimes it may have to be done out in a crowded, busy place if the need arises, but it can be done, because we take our spiritual sense with us wherever we go. We are never apart from our quiet place with God.

  2. Thank you Evan. I find early morning as the best time for me to enter the closet as there are less distractions. Also it helps for a much better day.

  3. Thank you for re defining for me this closet. I realized that when I was a child I was going to a private place with my understanding of God and privately talking, pouring my heart out. It is now more of going back to where I truly live and resting there, all distractions are shut out.

  4. My gratitude cup runneth over. Am about to step into my closet.
    Great appreciation reaches out for all the above help!

  5. I am remembering the first time i walked into a Christian Science reading room and with tears in my eyes told the man at the desk what was bothering me – I no longer remember what that was – but what stood out in my mind was how quiet and peaceful he was as he listened to me. I felt so loved. I have no doubt that he was in his prayer closet at the moment I was crying so heavily. He allowed me to keep a tape that was old and no longer in production and lent me a Science and Health for 2 weeks. I listened to that tape on Safety over and over during my flight to Florida and when I got there, I had a miracle. I found the Naples CS Church and told that story that Wed night. I have been studying CS ever since. I do not know that reading room man’s name, but may God bless him for his kindness to me! He changed my life.

  6. Thank you Lisa, very moving is your experience and , as I understand, your “introduction” to.Christian Science. That is wonderful!♡
    Often before I do my errands, I go into my closet, and sometimes I did not do what I intended but instead did something more important which came to my mind through praying for guidance before.
    Tank you very much Evan for reminding me so lovingly to go more often into my closet, my spiritual sense, praying for God’s guidance which is so essential for our progress and healing.

  7. Very pertinent and impactful ideas, shepherding human sense to see how to feel more the coinciding of the divine!!!!! Great instructiveness to cherish and hold close to thought.

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