Find rest in spiritual consciousness

June 25, 2018 | 9 comments

“The highest and sweetest rest, even from a human standpoint, is in holy work.”

~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 519.

If you’re looking for more rest and peace in your life, strive for spiritual consciousness.

When you lay your thought down at night with thoughts of Truth and Love abounding within, you’ll fall asleep with peaceful thoughts and wake with peaceful thoughts.

It’s not unconsciousness that truly rests one, but consciousness—consciousness of Truth and Love.

Sleeping pills may produce temporary unconsciousness, but they don’t bring spiritual peace, and they may lead to chemical addiction.

The better long-term solution for finding rest, is to engage with “holy work,” to keep one’s thoughts employed with knowing and understanding God’s omnipresent love and care.

In a consciousness of God, suffering vanishes, restlessness disappears, and peace takes over.

9 thoughts on “Find rest in spiritual consciousness”

  1. What beautiful thoughts to greet us this morning. To understand, to know God’s omnipresent Love and Care. This, I think is Life. We can accomplish anything good and right when we absolutely know we cannot mess up God’s Love for us, at any moment we can turn to Him for reassurance, rest when we are weary, and an acknowledgement of His Presence, guidance and directives for showing forth His Love. I had a Wonderful Angel message after reading your entry this morning. He remains with us because He cannot do otherwise, we are and will ever be His Loved and cherished Child. We can’t mess that up, “Come unto me, and I will give you rest.” Blessings and the sweetest reassurance to all that we are Loved, no matter what!

  2. Good morning dear Evan and followers of Christ. I love the article and the photo, everything beautiful. I wanted to comment that it helps me a lot to be in a high state of consciousness the Hymn 293 “Eternal rock, ideal truth …” Espoderoso y Protector. Happy week for all and to enjoy working in Truth and in Love. Thank you Evan. Thank you, disciples.

  3. …and the seventh day God rested”. God sat back and looked at His very good creation and said “Wow! Let’s celebrate . . .party time . .I’ll bring the potato salad! ” God designed his week to be celebrated and rejoiced in. He devoted a whole day to it. It’s important. His perfect creation reflected in the whole universe. Thanks, Abba!

    1. very nice, Eli Davis, would like to join you celebrating dear God`s wonderful creation with potato salad – lovely idea! 🙂

  4. am very grateful, Evan, for today`s SpiritView.
    I love that Truth sentence from SH p. 519, you mentioned in your SV. And I love the foto, such a nice picture of peaceful rest!

    You could not be more right and loving with what you said!
    Sometimes in bed one has to say n o to thoughts and wrong emotions from the day which are not coming from God, and there do not belong to us either. And then we can lay down our thoughts with thoughts of Truth and Love abounding within, and one will find peaceful rest.

    Thank you so much for your insight in this matter, very wellcomed!.

  5. “The consciousness of Truth rests us more than hours of repose in unconsciousness.” (S&H) Knowing that our rest is in Truth and Love, not in the number of hours we’ve slept, has helped me when I’ve had a night where there wasn’t much “repose in unconsciousness.” Thank you for the helpful ideas about what to think prior to going to bed!

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