Find the peace

February 22, 2012 | 5 comments

At several lectures recently, when relating a story to my audience about a time when I had a tough decision to make, I’ve said, “I waited until I felt the peace.” And then I went on to explain that once I felt “the peace,” I knew I was listening to God and would hear clear direction.

Every time I’ve done this, one or more people would come up after the lecture and ask, “How do I find ‘the peace’?” It was a concept that highly intrigued them, and they wanted to know more.
It has been a rule for me over the decades that when I’m struggling with a major decision or prospective new course of action, I wait to feel what I call “the peace.”
For instance, big decisions, like to get married or not, buy a house, which house, move across the country, accept a new job, quit a job, and so on. At first, there may be confusion, uncertainty, doubt, worry, and fear about what to do. But every time, when I patiently wait for “the peace,” I inevitably know what to do, and it’s the right decision. Amazingly good things often happen after finding “the peace.”
What is “the peace?”
It’s a very quiet, calm reflective state of thought where all fear, worry and concern is nowhere to be seen or felt. It’s an inspired state of thought filled with conviction that God is in control causing all the right things to happen, and with perfect timing. It’s a deep trust that all is well under God’s harmonious control. It’s an absolutely fearless perspective, certain that even though the human mind is blank and void of what to do, God does know what to do and is doing it.
Sometimes it takes me months to find this peace on big issues that need resolution. But I’ve learned to be patient. If I haven’t found “the peace” yet, it means I have more to understand on the issue that is relevant. And if there is more to understand, then I’m not ready to make a decision yet. If I act impatiently, my decision will be poor, I know from experience. And that’s an important part to understand! We need enough humility to admit, when appropriate, “I’m not ready to decide yet because I haven’t seen the path clearly.”
If struggling, persist in prayer; persevere in listening, trusting and growing in God’s love and care. The peace will come. It always does. And once it does, the path you need to take next will have a huge blinking arrow pointing in its direction. And you will be happy you waited for that perfect moment to occur because the outcome will be mightily blessed.

5 thoughts on “Find the peace”

  1. I had to laugh at your graphic. I have always wished there was a great neon sign in the sky that would point to the right direction to go…”go here,” “do this,” “go there.” Well, I guess you found that sign! Your “lesson” for today is great. I have certainly found it to be true in the past…it does take some time to truly get quiet and get the world’s clamor out of the way. But when you do find that quiet place…so much inspired thought pours in!

  2. When you find peace, you know it. You don’t have any doubt. And you are right, beautiful things happen when you feel at peace. Things feel right and they just flow naturally. Thanks very much for this posting.

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