Finding more light in your life

June 7, 2024 | 18 comments

If you’d like to see more light in your life, tune into God’s ever-present goodness with spiritual sense.  

Spiritual sense is awareness of God and God’s infinite good.

Any sense of darkness, such as despair, despondency, discouragement, depression, and their kin, is the outcome of material sense, which is ignorance of God, a mental place that feels void of God’s comfort and care.

Like changing channels on the TV, we can change the mental channels we tune into.  We are not obliged to watch the “channel” of material sense.  We can opt to watch the “channel” of spiritual sense instead.

All of us, as children of God, have spiritual sense.  And it works well.

Spiritual sense is filled with light.  The two come hand in hand.

Stick with spiritual sense and let the light of Truth and Love flood consciousness.  You’ll find the light you’re looking for.

18 thoughts on “Finding more light in your life”

  1. Thank you, Evan, for this, and for all you’re posts. Though I don’t comment, I look forward to your email each day and always find uplift. I also appreciate the sharing that happens from others who are inclined to comment. My thanks go out to all!

    1. Yes don’t often comment but look forward each day to Evan’s wonderful posts and also people’s loving comments. Thank you

  2. This is so inspirational, Evan! Thank-you! It ‘links’ to the Wednesday night readings from the desk this last week when the Reader’s subject was about getting rid of those “D” words in our consciousness, therefore in our lives. Yes, despondency, depression, discouragement and despair, etc., need to be replaced by upward-soaring thoughts like goodness, purity, effervescence, and so on so that they can be made manifest in our daily lives. Her readings brought forth several great testimonials of healing from the congregants. These positive, enriching, and powerful thoughts are so helpful to those we live with and to the world around us! Onward!

  3. What an uplifting, bright, sunshiney, flowery view from Spirit today! Thank you! It
    brings a sense of joy and happiness and isn’t that what the world needs these days –
    instead of as seen through the filter of mortal sense?
    To add to the d’s above .. instead of darkness, how about the definition of Day that
    Mrs. Eddy defines as “The irradiance of Life; light, the spiritual idea of Truth and Love”,
    where the mundane is transformed to eternity’s continuity in a Good way.
    And despair, discouragement, despondency – a sort of hell, can be seen through the
    freedom of a Dove: “A symbol of divine Science; purity and peace; hope and faith”…
    and depression can be turned into the gentleness, yet power of David, the shepherd
    who took down Goliath, who Seemed so overwhelming and unconquerable…[mortal
    mind, lack, limitation]
    It is good to be aware of what needs correcting in our thought and the world certainly
    needs the light of Truth and Love.

  4. “Christ, the light shining in darkness” by Marjorie Russell Tis:

    Thank you Evan! I love the thought that we are not obliged to “watch” the channel of material sense. The material senses always lie and never tell us the truth. A sentence from this article says, “Christ invites us to stop thinking we are embattled”. And from George Millar: “Identify entirely with Mind, with Principle – that oneness of Principle and idea. God, Principle, is never dividing. Because God is one, He’s not misunderstanding Himself. Principle is not antagonistic – does not have an adversary, competitor. There’s just one God and one man. When we work out from Principle – the higher standpoint – we are no longer attempting to apply spiritual truths to our misconceptions.”
    A wonderful weekend to all! 🙂

  5. Thank you Everyone! Letting our light shine spiritually is an innate part of being a perfect child
    of God. Darkness can not exist when light is present, because it is nothingness.. Two thoughts
    that I had written down that came to thought:

    “Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle. Happiness never ceases by
    being shared”. – Buddha

    “Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise” – Les Miserables
    Of course we know it is just our Perception of the sun setting and rising. It shines
    Always like God’s ever-present Love for us.

    1. Thank you J….looking forward to some uplifting listening and reading. Doesn’t SV just keep giving by Evan and all the ‘honest seekers of Truth ‘ who meet here.
      Sending Love❣️

      1. Also very grateful for SV and your love-filled comment(s) BarbaraUK! Enjoy the lectures and reading….very thought-provoking.

    2. Yes, Thank you dear J and BarbaraUK – these spiritual truths go on into
      infinity. So wonderful, this place of Love!! I’ve only read one of the
      lectures, so far, but the site has so many good thoughts to share.
      (Have so many things I should be doing around here, inside and out,
      but am more tempted to just sit and read or listen. LOL)
      It is a beautiful day sharing the eternality of thoughts. Thank you so
      much for the joyous boost of inspiration. : )

    3. Thank you very much “J” for Charles W Ferris’ lectures! I listened to the first one about God is in control. It gives me a lot, and I will listen to it and others again. Charles Ferris speaks such a wonderful English.
      Thank you Evan, I like how wonderfully vehemently you point to the Spiritual Sense bringing us the needed light and help. And from the standpoint of Christian Science, which is the only right perspective, God’s child has only spiritual sense to express joyfully! I love how you put it: “Spiritual sense is awareness of God and God’s Infinite goodness.”♡

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