Finding the peace of God

April 22, 2010 | 4 comments

Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.
Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.
The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.
~ John Muir

Muir was a naturalist with a profound love and appreciation for nature and all its wonders. His idea above applies to climbing the metaphysical heights of divine Mind as well.

It’s so true, that the closer your thought is to God, the easier spiritual truth flows into your consciousness as “sunshine flows into trees.”

Climb the mountain of Truth today, admire the beautiful scenes to behold, “get their good tidings,” and let the cares of mortal mind “drop off like autumn leaves.”


4 thoughts on “Finding the peace of God”

  1. What an appropriate choice for Earth Day! In Science and Health Mary Baker Eddy uses beautifully descriptive language to describe nature. Many poetic passages also inspire reverence for God’s creation.

  2. Dear Evan – I appreciate your blog so much. Also, I attended your lecture today in Boston. Absolutely outstanding – God’s healing presence and power was overflowing in everything you said and did. So strong that I cannot describe. God bless you. Much love, Tamie

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