Finishing up London

October 7, 2011 | 1 comment

Kathy and I felt like we “did” London, by the time we got through our short two days there. Although, I know Londoners would disagree!  There is so much to see and visit that we didn’t get to. Like palace tours, museum visits, shows, cafes and more cafes, etc…

We walked Hyde Park, Kensington Park, St. James Park, and all the way from St. Paul’s to the Marble Arch, taking in Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus, Fleet Street, Regent Street, walked the shore on the London Eye side of the Thames, walked the Millennium Bridge, took a cruise on the river, and a bunch more. Whew! Lots of walking…


St. Paul’s cathedral was an eye-popper. Honestly, for an edifice, the building is so mammoth in size, at least to this country boy, the little human mind has a very difficult time getting its perspective around it.  One can’t possibly capture the immensity of the structure in a picture. You have to see it to believe it.



St. Paul, dome view


St. Paul’s front entrance
The inside is filled with beautiful artwork, murals, paintings and statues. After a while, though, of absorbing the vast material surround, the luster quickly wears off and spiritual sense cries out for the things of the Spirit.

I have great appreciation for the talent, skill and genius that goes into creating unique and uplifting works of art, but as Jesus taught, even they have a limit as to how far they can take one’s view. There inevitably comes a point when the material view has to be dropped entirely for the spiritual view to wholly take over.


London is a combination of the historical, the modern, the serious, and the fun.


On our way back to the hotel Saturday evening, we walked through the Piccadilly Circus region. Whoa…it was mobbed, just like Times Square on a busy night, and equally as noisy, crowded and boisterous. The streets were crammed with people, mostly young people, going this way and that.


We stopped into the M&M store out of curiosity, and to get some of our favorite peanut M&Ms. Everybody in the city was there…or so it seemed. There were three floors of souvenirs, toys, huggables, trinkets, gadgets and goof-off items…all spawned from a single simple candy that has endured for decades.  Quite amazing…
M&M inside


M&M gallery

A fire-blowing tuba player in Trafalgar square, enjoying much curious attention from passers-by.


Fire-blowing tuba player

The next day we flew home, happy as can be.


The lecture tour was a grand success.  There were many well-attended lectures, new people introduced to Christian Science, old spiritual fires rekindled, people healed, and new friends made.


We will hold fond memories of the trip for years to come.


1 thought on “Finishing up London”

  1. I’ve enjoyed following you around the UK, Evan. Thank you for sharing and for keeping things in perspective. London is one of my favorite cities – although I’ve only been there once, it was always a dream of mine to visit. Thank you for taking me there again.

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