Focus on Truth, not error

November 12, 2024 | 25 comments

Do you ever feel like you must work extra hard to get rid of a problem?

Maybe you’re facing a diagnosis of disease, a relationship conflict, financial lack, or feelings of hopelessness.  These problems seem very real to the human mind that believes in them, but to the Mind of God, they are not realities. They are temporary errors of belief that can be healed with spiritual truth.

To be healed of the suffering, focus attention on understanding the spiritual truth that disproves the problem.  Focus on spiritual reality. 

As light dispels darkness, spiritual understanding dissolves human suffering.  All suffering is a degree of human ignorance, and a knowledge of Truth is its antidote.

For the quickest progress, cease making any reality out of the problem.  Be sure to not build it up, be fascinated with it, mesmerized by it, or pre-occupied with it.  Exercise your God-given right to reason the situation out spiritually and come to the right conclusion—that God didn’t make evils to hold you back.  God gives you spiritual truth to conquer those evils and move forward.  

Let the light of Truth dispel the error.  It’s much easier on you that way.

25 thoughts on “Focus on Truth, not error”

  1. Thank you very much, dear Evan for your today’s so clear, comforting and healing SpiritView. It gives me a lot!!
    If you combine reading this week’s lesson sermon on “mortals and immortals” with your wonderful Spiritual Views one is richly nourished spiritually for today. I am very grateful for your SpiritView!:)

      1. Thanks for letting me know Allan! But, I should have typed the correct title: “Going Deeper and Healing the Biggest Lie”!

    1. This is one of the best articles I’ve read on Spirit and matter. Good how-to ideas. It dove-tails with Evan’s message. Thanks.

    2. Praise God, thank you Evan, all and Sharon for sharing the link! 🙂 The article is such a gift….I really love this:

      “We must embody the truth. We need to open our arms wide to spiritual truth, and learn to embrace it with our whole heart and let it embrace us. It’s important, of course, to declare the truth pertaining to a specific case and to deny the error with conviction; but then we must go the next step and actually yield to the spiritual reality until the truth about the situation is seen to be the only reality. No matter how long a trouble claims to have been present, no matter how much attention it is receiving, no matter how painful or attractive it seems, it never truly crosses the threshold of reality. It never enters Spirit’s universe. However it appears, evil is always a claim, never a reality.“

    3. This is one of my favorite, go-to articles over many years. Each time I read and study it, I take away something different and so valuable. Spirit’s abundance is limitless.

      Thank you for today’s wonderful nourishment, Evan!

    4. Thank you very much dear Sharon for sharing with us this absolute powerful article “going deeper and healing the biggest lie”. One realy needs a very quiet moment to study these wonderful Truths, to be able to take these gorgeous Truths deeper into our thinking and heart! Wow this was now my great spiritual evening feast. And I always can only express my deepest Gratitude for CS and this valuable pearl “SpiritView!” ❤️

  2. Thank you Evan for todays message. – there is a citation in the Bible Lesson for this week that really struck me and rather I think fits in with your Spirit View today: the citation is number 17 in S&H ” on page 194. When one’s false belief is corrected, Truth sends a report of health over the body. Every theory opposed to this fact ( as I learned in metaphysics ) would presuppose man, who is immortal in spiritual understanding, a mortal in material belief.” This statement has opened my eyes to a long held question so thanks for your blog today.

  3. The exterminator of error is the great truth that God, good, is the only Mind, and that the supposititious opposite of infinite Mind — called devil or evil — is not Mind, is not Truth, but error, without intelligence or reality.
    (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 469:13–17 The)

    1. I am grateful to you Carolyne for sharing how “exterminator of error” is explained in S&H. That image and action appear to explain and shut the door on any return of “error”. The precision and timing are definite, NOT TO BE REPEATED. I LOVE that.

  4. I love this Focus on Truth not error, message. Thanks to Evan and everyone. God’s
    Truth is always reliable and true, never faltering. It is not dependent on material
    senses to experience, not reliant on electrical power, the internet, devices that can
    be undependable. God’s Truth is forever Good .. not good and bad … God’s Truth
    is with us in everything we do, whether in daytime or even in the middle of the
    night – God’s Love is there, to comfort us and such a blessing to turn to.

    1. Thanks very much dear Angel; for your very helpful and loving comment!♡
      It’s very comforting what you give us here!♡

  5. I really need to remember and practice focusing on the spiritual truth, and not error. Your message is so clear for those who erroneously belief hey are suffering. Thanks

  6. If God hasn’t sent it, it has no legitimacy, reality or power over us (God’s children, His reflection). It has nothing to do with us and cannot effect us.

    It’s important to know our divine rights and stand up to error. As Anna mentions (thanks Anna, and thank you Sharon for sharing the link) in the article quote above, “However it appears, evil is always a claim, never a reality.”

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