Get in your metaphysical workout

October 1, 2018 | 19 comments

Have you gotten in your metaphysical workout for today? Be sure to make time for it if you haven’t!

By a metaphysical workout, I’m talking about exerting effort to keep your thought in a good place. Assiduous study of spiritual truth, fervent prayer to understand that truth, and dedicated devotion to putting truth into practice serve to keep thought in a good place.

As a child of God, it is natural to feel inspired, joyful, healthy and fit. Anything less, is not in sync with spiritual reality, and is an opportunity to demonstrate spiritual truth more successfully.

But it takes effort to improve one’s condition and attain a higher demonstration. One cannot sit mindlessly on a mental couch, idle hours away with no effort exerted and expect to see the fruits of progress appear. We must be “up and doing!”

And one way to stay ahead of evil and in step with reality is to develop a daily routine of dedicated study and prayer that serve to keep your thought inspired with spiritual truth.

Commit to a daily metaphysical workout. Go to the “gym” of divine Mind, and get thought running with God, swimming with Spirit, and dancing with Soul.

Paul wrote, “Exercise daily in God—no spiritual flabbiness, please! Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever” (I Tim. 4:7-8, The Message).

Enjoy your workout with Truth today.

19 thoughts on “Get in your metaphysical workout”

  1. Excellent thought for today. God is not powerless and evil is self-destructive rendering all to God. Thank you, Evan, you often give us the right message at just the right time.

  2. Yes!
    In the little one’s Sunday School class we talked of facing any Goliath of evil the way David did — knowing it wasn’t bigger than God! So the work-out I’m thinking of is a kind of baseball practice, hurling truth at whatever looms up as evil in my thought. 5 smooth stones — maybe see them as the five “all”‘s in the definition of God in Science and Health.

    God. The great I am; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence.
    SH 587:5

    Fear of people believing lies? Whomp! Mind is all-knowing and can only know Truth.
    Fear of mistaken views? Whomp! Soul is all-seeing, seeing only perfection..
    Acts of government disturbing? Whomp! Omnipotent Truth is all-acting, unfolding harmony.
    Distressed by lack of wisdom? Whomp! Ever-present Spirit is all-wise, without one element of error.
    Cruelty? Whomp! The Principle of all Life is all-loving.

    And putting a sixth stone in the bin, facing scenes of devastation, aim at despair square on with the truth that Spirit, God, is all-substance, undisturbable, untouched, forever abundant, nourishing, preserving, sheltering. And when these Goliaths fall and dissolve to nothingness, I know I’ll see, know, and feel the kingdom come, God working His loving purpose out.

      1. Thank you Evan for another great reminder! Love your post Diane! “Thy kingdom IS come; Thou art ever-present.” I’ve always been grateful for Mrs. Eddy’s spiritual interpretation of “Thy kingdom come” Science and Health page 16:31. No waiting! (=

  3. How importent, yet very sweet and lovely this passage is ”commit to a daily metaphysical workout. Go to the ”gym” of divine Mind, and get thought running with God, swimming with Spirit, and dancing with Soul.” Oh well, yes let’s do that with joy!

    Thank you all for your good and interesting comments.

    Dear Evan, thank you so much for reminding us at this importent doing ”praying, being alert and working”!! Yes that is a joyful and blessed spiritual and fruitful doing!

  4. What an uplift from Evan et al. Thinking back on my experience as a teacher I had this unfoldment:
    “No teeter tauter” of thought— (up and down between good and evil, highs and lows)–repetition of “same old.”
    “No swings” of indecision-no swinging back and forth between uncertainty and God’s positivity of choice to do the right thing. No repetition of doing the same thing over and over. Highs? vs. lows?”
    “No Merry-go-round” of going round and round, doing the same old thing repeatedly. Pursue God’s good,strive for understanding even if it means struggling across the “monkey bars” of negative thought to reach “the other side.”
    My gymnasium of activity has been propelled forward with great rapidity and thanks to all above .Now I have only God’s gym, filled with so many helpful implements (thoughts). Following are His exercise tools: Practice more love for all, give guidance when needed. “Exercise” kindness, courtesy, patience, giving. What a joyful activity time that will be! Grateful for the change of thought on exercise!!!!! Wonderful!

  5. WOW! this is just wonderful. Evan you have hit the nail on the head! This is what makes us all better healers, better church and community members, better companions and friends, better spouses and grandparents etc. Commitment to finding new ideas each day, knowing more about ourselves as God’s dear children is so important and needed. We can not just think a few good thoughts and then let our spiritual growth and practice vaporize or wander away. Being a physical education teacher for many years, I found lots of opportunities to be in a “mental and spiritual gym ” digging for spiritual uplift and using what I was learning each day in working with my students. It led to better communication, better ways to help students grow and to finding joy in the process. This is a great metaphor you have used.How important & practical it is to exercise our thought & gain new spiritual ideas and joy. As you stated: it takes effort to improve one’s condition and attain a higher demonstration. Dedicated daily prayerful work outs = daily blessings and healings which light up our thoughts and lives!

  6. Great analogy, so needed for a world seeming only full of physical gyms!
    Going for my spiritual workout 🙂 BYe
    Thanks for sharing Evan!

  7. Thanks Evan! excellent reflection, I loved it. I share it. Blessings of Love for you and family, Ma. Cristy <3

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