Getting along with others

December 20, 2021 | 36 comments

I had a friend tell me that he was worried about his family getting together this Christmas season, for a few of the family members were prone to getting into contentious debates about politics and other issues that created tension for everyone else to endure.

If you have a family gathering coming up that you are worried about, you might do some preemptive prayer to maintain harmony in the home when everyone gets together. Preventative prayer can make all the difference.

It can be helpful to remember that every member of the family expresses the same one Mind of God. Yes, this Mind is expressed in an infinite number of ways, as represented by the various family members, but each individual reflection of God is complementary with all other individual reflections of God. It’s what each child has in common that gives them grounds on which to unite in brotherly and sisterly love.

The love of God the one Mind expresses through each family member, gives individuals the perspective they need to see all the good in each other, to respect that good, honor it, acknowledge it, and celebrate it.

There are not material differences to fear in the one Mind. There are spiritual commonalities to love and appreciate. Each family member has the spiritual capacity to set material differences aside and focus on the good.

The one Mind sees the good, dwells on the good, and brings out the good.

Welcome the one Mind into your home this holiday season as family members arrive. Gather in the one Mind of Love that all of God’s children have in common and enjoy the family peace and harmony that follows.

36 thoughts on “Getting along with others”

  1. If the awareness that there is one Mind can end wars it can certainly resolve a smaller political or personal disagreement..I often ask friends or close family members to “let us reason together in love”… I go on to say, “It will bring us closer together.”
    You can just feel the authority of scripture saying :“Whatsoever things are good think on these things.”

  2. Something we should should focus on this holiday season is to de-nature alcohol. Silently, silently know that it’s not man’s real nature. Gradually there has been a remission of its use and influence in my families gatherings.
    I usually recite one of Mrs. Eddy’s poems at each family function. They all listen. It purifies the atmosphere and uplifts each one present.
    The very young need insulation from this error. Its use and influence needs de-naturing.
    We can contribute to society by knowing and affirming the Truth of what satisfies man’s true nature, Destroy this error in a belief in a power apart from God, as we are enlisted to do.
    The season will be harmonious for all. When we practice what constitutes real happiness.
    Lovingkindness, David

    1. David, It is a good thought to recognize that God’s child is not attracted to any substance or behavior that can be problematic or goes against his true Nature.

      Love the image of you reading out loud Mrs. Eddy poems and how that uplifts and clears the atmosphere, making Truth more easily seen and and felt by those present (and event those not present but held in thought).

      1. Dear Rose,
        I have committed all of Mrs. Eddy’s poems as found in our hymnal to memory. That way they are always available.
        Thanks for your comment.

    2. WELL SAID DAVID! Yes I would love to see a huge reduction in alcohol at any time of year and I like your work DE_NATURE …and this makes me think about what the nature of man is/ Truly? God doesn’t see his image and likeness as having a nature that is attracted to unhealthy ways of being or losing control of oneself, so we should also try to see those doing these things in the way GOD SEES THEM…without judgement or expectation of an effect from a material substance of any sort. I also have to be careful that in my own “mind” I do not be so annoyed about a certain person drinking an incredible amount of alcohol every day of the year , thinking how this will badly affect him. Instead, I need to be sure to not attach ANY cause or effect to the drink. This can also be extended to food because we all seem to drastically over eat on Christmas day so the idea of excess should also be addressed …we should enjoy the good things of life such as delicious and well made and prepared food with our friends and family, but as God’s ideas, surely we are made complete and whole and balanced ….not needing to feel as if we need more more more !!!…. so this is the angle of thought I am taking this Christmas.

      1. Diane,
        Thanks for you comment. Each time I see substance abuse of any kind or nature I know that it has no power. A wonderful healing came to a friend of mine whom I have known since he was a teen. I reasoned with him and eventually he quit using many different forms of tobacco. He no longer has been hospitalized nor ill for days. He found a woman and got married. He refused S & H, but thanked me for prayers.
        He has a different life now. Blessed and free from vice. Divine Love has met his need.

    3. I cannot agree more David! Thankyou
      Yes, real happiness❣️❣️❣️

      Coming from a family that seemed to think liquor was an acceptable daily indulgence always bothered me as a little girl. The change that overcame the drinkers was so very obvious to little me.
      I was blessed with great discernment and while the indulging of others continued after I left home, I found myself succumbing to the occasional glass of wine.
      Until that became distasteful to me as well.
      I now joyfully look away from the error and when they toast, my sparkling smile matches my sparkling water.

      And I pray I am influencing my impressionable grandsons.

  3. May I share my poem “Do What Jesus Did!”

    They cheered and clapped and cried well done
    I took the credit as my prize
    And all around were pleased for me
    The patted back was no surprise.

    But what did Jesus do?

    “King of the Jews” they cried and sang.
    No mighty horse and army strong,
    In meekness and at one with God
    His lowly ass bore him along.
    False accusations hit the floor
    The trumped up charge that was a lie.
    The cold contempt and shove and kick
    My temper roused, I did let fly!

    So what did Jesus do?

    False witness bore against this man
    The lies and falsity absurd.
    But with great love he held his peace,
    And answered evil not a word
    They caused me grief and wrecked my life
    In victory they mocked and laughed
    I wished revenge, though hollow wish
    For I was beat, and vengeance daft.

    And what did Jesus do?

    Upon the cross nailed to the wood
    He never uttered word of shame,
    With love unmatched he looked at each
    “Forgive them Father in my name.”
    He loved, he taught, he preached, he healed
    The power of God through him rang true.
    Throughout all time the Christ revealed:
    As Jesus did, so you can too.

    Oh Jesus you have given me
    The way of life that can’t be hid.
    And now the Christ speaks once again:
    Beloved, DO what Jesus did.

    John 5:17 My, 30 (to:)
    My Father worketh hitherto, and I work. …………I can of mine own self do nothing
    332:9-11 Jesus
    Jesus was born of Mary. Christ is the true idea voicing good, the divine message from God to men speaking to the human consciousness.

    Jesus always blessed others, no matter what. This is the perfect gift that we can give, and always enjoy..

    1. Beautifully written, Ken. At first I thought to myself,” oh, would I like this poem?” but as I read through it, it took me to another place in mind and spirit. That is a true spiritual gift. thank you.

  4. Thank you Evan for sharing these ideas as we look forward to Christmas with family. What a beautiful
    poem Ken! Thank you.

  5. I love the idea of meeting in the One Mind of God. It also reminds me of, “in atmosphere of love divine, we live and move and breathe.” (Hymn 144). I’ve been working with the idea of seeing every place I go in this way. When I enter my workplace I think – I’m entering the Mind of God, where I meet my co-workers and customers and anyone else who may enter there. It can become a holy place wherever we are if we remember there are no separate conflicting minds, no confusion or fear in God’s child, and that He fills our thought with good and right ideas to live by.

    1. Thank you, Rose. This is perfect for my workplace as well, and every place I go in thought, including human history.
      Love and blessings to all this day and every day!

      1. Carolyne I love the idea that we can also “meet in the Mind of God’ when we revisit our so called human past. Definitely will ponder this, I think we all carry some wrong ideas around things that “happened” to us in the past, I know I can surely benefit from this view, thank you!

  6. The needed ingredient is gratitude.
    Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude.
    Those in the tornado would love a family
    gathering and a place to have it.
    The last sentence of the poem I’m sending
    says, “It is staying out of the Inn, and in
    the stable.
    I’m sure gratitude was the ingredient
    the first Christmas.
    Thanks Ken for your poem.


    It was a stable, not a mansion
    It was a star, not a parade of dignitaries
    It was quietude, not a party of notables
    It was animals, not the masses

    And yet,
    It was safety
    It was protection
    It was a divinely provided sanctuary

    It was exactitude
    It was divine placement
    It was Love at it finest hour

    It was the birthing of the Christ
    It was the magnitude of divinity recognized
    It is our story also, if lived in stable
    quietness, allowing the Christ idea to
    animate our thinking and actions

    It is birthing the Christmas story daily in
    It is not allowing the noise in the Inn, the
    human story of mortality to dominate our

    And that is Christmas to be seen and felt
    It is birthing our divine oneness daily
    It is staying out of the Inn, and in the stable

    Melissa Baker

    1. What a Christmas present!!! Another gift from an author I’ve been seeking. When I saw your name, I was hopeful that it answered a question I’d been holding for months: where did I find the poem “Are you a lover or a stoner?” by Melissa Baker. Are you the author of this poem? I must have seen it on SpiritView, copied it, and failed to note the source. I’ve been so inspired by its message and want to express my gratitude to you for sharing it. Please let me know if I’ve found my “answer”–to this question, at any rate 🙂
      Love the poem in this SpritView, too–“Recognizing Christmas.” So well stated. Thanks.

    2. Melissa that is lovely! Did you write it? I would love to read this at Christmas with my in-laws (thanks to David for the idea of reading a poem to family).

    3. Beautiful, Melissa, thank you! What stood out to me was another meaning of stable when I read “stable quietness”… def: Not likely to give way or overturn; firmly fixed.” So, we can remain in that mental state of stillness, stable quietness at all times.
      Thank you, Evan and Ken and all who have shared such inspiring ideas.
      Merry Christmas!

  7. Thank you so much for those wonderful thoughts and the poems which so resonate with the season’s git of gratitude. These are truly the gifts of the heart.

  8. Beautiful! Ken, Melissa, Angie and Evan. Thank you for the perfect message for this Christmas week!
    Much love to all

  9. I was thinking this morning as I prepare for a family gathering with apprehension, that in reality, I belong to God’s larger family, bigger even than church family and that larger sense of family happens to include my birth family.
    I am never outside of ever present divine Love. Home is where I have always been cared for, sustained, nurtured. With God as our Father and our Mother, no one is ever disowned or rejected, never uncared for, we all belong in His family.
    We are all infinite ideas and we bless mankind.
    Merry Christmas
    Thank you for the reminder that there is one Mind that governs.

  10. Thank you Evan. How vital to implore us to see one another from the higher perspective of Divine Mind’s Oneness…. The way to individual and family harmony.
    Ken and Melissa, your poems are beautiful. And Angie, the article is so on point and perfect as usual! A joyous week to all!!

  11. Wow! Great topic, comments, poems and article! Quotes from others:
    – When we refuse to acknowledge any power but God, Spirit, we cannot be controlled by anything else. The problem is never another person, but the lie in a mind apart from God. “Personality” is not the reality of who we are.
    – There are not many minds, with differing ideals & purposes, but many ideas all obedient to the action of divine Mind.
    – Don’t be impressed if you see turmoil. Work on, trusting that the understanding of the omnipotence and oneness of Mind is the only reality, and watch it work.
    – God’s child is eternally pure, and God is responsible for His children’s purity. God sees us all as the perfect reflection of Himself, thus pure, innocent and free.

  12. What a wonderful feast of loving thoughts and ideas to share today. The One Mind in evidence , operating for us all to feel and draw comforting guidance from. Many thanks to all at SV., and a merry and Joyous Christmas to everyone.
    God, Divine Mind guards, guides and Governs ❣️

  13. It is with gratitude for Spiritview, Evan and all who comment daily that I look forward to opening Spiritview every weekday morning. Thank you all and God bless.

    Melissa and Ken, thank you for the lovely poems and Angie for the article. Today’s Spiritview was exactly what I needed as I had some concerns for the safety of my daughter’s neighborhood.

  14. Much love to all who take part in this daily conversation as a Spirit View family. Thank you all and especially the wonderful poems by Ken and Melissa. Angie again I appreciate your dedication to finding pertinent articles on the subject at hand. David, your comments really helped me to know the unreality of the over celebrating with the use of alcohol around me by de-naturing it’s power. “Seeing those that do these things AS GOD SEES THEM.” good point Diane.
    Wishing Evan and all a very Merry Celebration of the birth of the Christ.

  15. Yes, Trista , I wrote it. You are welcome to read it.
    A happy day of living and seeing the Christ in everyone, and every situation, to all
    SpiritViewers, and to the universe of divine Love.

  16. Dear Evan, thank you every day for your loving spiritual , and very helpful advices and ideas how to side with God the everpresent Love!♡
    I will be at home with God, listening to a CD with the complete Messiah by Haendel in English. But have it also still on an LP in German. I thank God that He sent us the Christ with Jesus and anew in our times through Mary Baker Eddy. How great and wonderful is God’s Love to us all !

    Dear SpiritView friends, thanks for tthe lively and inspired comments. Merry Christmas week to all ♡c

    1. Thank you, Uta. I have enjoyed your inputs to this vlog for a number of years. What you have to say is very loving and very humble. May your holidays be blessed ones. I’m sure there are many of us will be spending Christmas at home by ourselves; however, we are never alone because God is with us wherever we are. (And just a note: Some years ago, I drove by myself through a good portion of your country–from Aachen to Travemunde–and found the people to be kind and helpful.)

  17. Thank you Evan and thank you ALL for your wonderful inspiring comments. Each and everyone was a blessing to me.
    With Love and gratitude for a blessed Christmas and with joyful expectation for the New Year.

  18. I’m glad that I revisited the responses 39 a couple days after this blog ! More comments more uplifting ideas ! Thank you God!

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