Go For the Best

December 10, 2013 | 5 comments

“I am quite convinced that a lot of my success has been because I was doing something that I loved to do.”

~ Condoleezza Rice

It’s not always easy to do what you love and pay the bills. But if the love is true, genuinely unselfish and serving others rather than self; God will bless that desire with a way to profitably express itself.

5 thoughts on “Go For the Best”

  1. Love this quote from Miss Rice whose intellect, excellence, and service to her country is inspiring to all, regardless of political affiliation. I had to ask myself this morning: “what do I love to do”? Easy, I love practicing Christian Science in my day to day activities, and striving to emulate Christ Jesus by following the Golden Rule consistently. Not always successful but striving! Love this, Evan…it’s thought provoking!

  2. Just at the right time. I love to submit commits to the websites covering C/S. It’s a thrill to see them in print. The one thing I am trying to overcome is the feeling of disappointment when either the comments are not published or can not go through because of technical difficulties. That is not what the practice of C/S is all about. It’s like what Mrs Eddy writes; “I have to get Mary out of the way.”

  3. Both you and Condeleeza are spot on Evan. I read her autobiography and admire her more for what I learned.
    Thank you so much for your writings and your living of the truths you share. I always feel uplifted by reading your blog.

  4. I know that when I was in my 20’s I loved singing, acting, performing but how could I make that work in the real world? I chose teaching and promptly started the 1st junior high Drama Club. It was great fun. I always loved to read plays aloud in class. I introduced music to some special education students to discuss “Westside Story vrs. “Romeo and Juliet”. They loved it. In a geography class we ate our way around the world discussing and tasting foods from different parts of the world. I love to cook and be creative. Teaching was a love for over 25 years! Even after retirement I sing with a senior group and love to share cooking treasures with my friends.

  5. What an inspirational thought!!! It is so wonderful to be able to do what one loves to do. However, one can learn to love what one is doing by keeping thought open and following God’s direction.

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