If you’re ever facing a trying situation that leaves you wondering what to do, have no fear of it. You can still master it with God’s help, for God knows what to do.
What you cannot do humanly, God can do spiritually.
Let the Mind of God take over and meet the need of the moment. Divine Mind always knows best.
Thanks Evan. We are not the do-er or the figurer-outer. We can end up down a rabbit hole when trying to over analyze and ruminate about seeming difficulties. God’s way is always infinitely better than anything mortal or material thinking can ever come up with. I can breathe and get quiet and humble before God, and just feel Him gently guiding and nudging me in the right way.
Thank you Evan and Rose.
“God able is to raise up seed in thought and deed to faithful His.”
What a timely message.
Many thanks.
Love that! “What you can not do humanly, God can do spiritually”. There seems to
be a lot that humanly can not be done, but – What hope and solace in knowing, that
God/Love is ever-present. Like with the photo above, only God can open the buds.
If we try to pry them open, it does not work. The changing seasons, the budding
flowers, perennials that come up and flower in God’s time – is all such a wonderful
blessing that we experience through Spirit and Soul and can feel God’s presence
through it all.
Oh Carol! Thank you for drawing our attention to the beautiful buds in the photo and for sharing the idea that only God can open the buds. If we yield to the mind of Christ and listen patiently, we’ll be given the truths we need. And God will cause them to bloom and grow in our thought, bringing healing and solutions.
I also appreciate this idea, Carol, that only God can open the buds. IF we try to pry them open, it doesn’t work. Patience, patience, patience. 🙂
“Let God be the problem solver” The Bible tells us that we can rely completely on God’s love, wisdom, and power. By Pamela Savage, from the May 20, 2024 issue of The Christian Science Sentinel:
(I’m sorry but this may not open completely for those without a subscription. Maybe someone would be interested in attaching a shareable copy.)
This link opens fully in highlighting the entire hyperlink, leaving off
the . (dot) Thank you J ! Great article. Thank you All for your,
as always, cherished inspiration.
Thanks Angel. I’m glad it’s opening for you. Unfortunately, It’s not opening fully for me and I’m guessing others too. If anyone is still interested in attaching a shareable article it would be appreciated.
Hi J! Is this link helpful? (Thank you, Evan – and J – and everyone in the comments.)
Thank you so much Cheryl for attaching a shareable article – much appreciation to you! 🙂
Thank you, dear J for this healing and comforting article, to let God heal the situation. It’s very helpful!
And thank you very much, dear Cheryl for making this article fully sharable!
I am very grateful that we can help us each other here on SpiritView so lovingly! ❤️
Thank you J and Cheryl for the excellent article. It addressed the very thing I’ve been having a mighty struggle with recently. It says that even though we as CS’ists turn to God for help,
“…it can often be difficult to turn the ENTIRE situation over to God and remove our own sense of personal responsibility from the equation.” That is what I needed to hear and pray to understand further.
We think we are letting go of humanly controlling a situation, and praying aright, but there may be a little bit we hold back and still believe we have to be the one to “orchestrate the solution.” I related to that, it is human will, and I can tell you there is no peace till we finally trust completely that God’s way is better and trust that He can help us get quiet and hear Him and follow.
This message is so timely for me. Thank you! I also was prompted to share one of my all-time favorite articles for anyone dealing with a challenging situation with a son or daughter. I so love to read SpiritView everyday, and all the comments as well. So helpful, everyone.
This was wonderful, Ginny. Loved it! Thank you. Any size rose
is beautiful, from mini to two foot diameter. Roses are so
awesome. God’s perfection, Totally. Like we are, perfect in
every way, because we reflect God.
Ginny, that was beautiful. We all are able to blossom gradually as the rose. It is wonderful that Wally could feel like at 2 foot rose as he continued blossoming. Just in case some can;t open this, I went to “share” and chose “copy link” to paste here. https://journal.christianscience.com/shared/view/1rod063to8uai?s=copylink
Thank you all for the ideas and support you gave today. Thank you Evan, Cheryl,, Rose, Carol, J, and all. Happy Spring and may it give you many opening buds to enjoy.
2 Cor: 9: 8 “God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work.”
Today’s SpiritView is terrific. Facing an infestation situation in my home and it appears overwhelming. Knowing God has a plan is comforting. Be still and know… Thank you
“Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need.” S&H p.494
God is Love and there is nothing less important than that.