Be What God Created You To Be

April 17, 2014 | 5 comments

Do you try to please other people or fit into the crowd to keep yourself from being noticed?

Maybe that’s the wrong approach. Maybe it’s time to be you, the God-made you that is special, unique and beautifully different than others?

“Why are you trying so hard to fit in, when you’re born to stand out?”

~ Oliver James

5 thoughts on “Be What God Created You To Be”

  1. Very well said Evan. We all are unique, special in our own way and dearly loved by God. Then where is the need to copy someone else or do what the majority of the people are doing???
    Have your own stand and do what is right, even if many people are on the other side. Why?
    Because one with God is majority.

  2. Thanks for the message and comments! I have issues with trying to please others, as many people (especially women, it seems) do. So I’m spending time working on pleasing God and myself. When I wrote that, the error thought came that it was selfish – but it isn’t. How can you help others if you don’t care for yourself first? MBE tells us to pray daily for ourselves, and of course even the airline industry says to put the oxygen mask on yourself first.

  3. The Bible brings out to first Love yourself (IN GOD’S IMAGE & LIKENESS) before taking on others. One is as unique as one’s fingerprints, so why try to impress?

  4. Once again, all I needed to hear today, Evan !
    It´s sad to see how many times we are sabotaging our right to feel completely joyful because that would “harm” the people around us that are feeling not so nice.
    When we sabotage our joyful expression of God, we´re sabotaging our success as well.
    Besides, as I look back, how many times didn´t I let myself have fun while dancing and singing because my mom would criticize me for standing out too much ?
    I don´t know if that happens in the States, but here in Brazil that´s quite common unfortunately.

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