God is holding you up

April 8, 2015 | 13 comments

Do you ever feel wobbly, shaky, or uncertain about your state of being? You don’t need to. God is holding you up!

When you take a walk around the block, do you worry about whether there is another piece of ground to put your foot on as you walk down the street? Nope. You can see the landscape before you and you know it will be there when you get to it. You walk with confidence that every footstep you take will be grounded on a firm piece of land.

When you get out of bed in the morning, do you worry that there won’t be a floor to stand on? Nope. You know ahead of time that the floor will be there and you have no doubt about it when you get ready for the day.

The same rule applies to living with God. God is always there for you! God is your Life, your strength, your Soul, your ability, your Mind, your mobility, your wisdom, your health, and everything else that keeps you strong and well. God never disappears. God is never absent. God is never on vacation. God is always God, here and now, All and in all. And God takes care of you 100% forever. You never lack with God.

So, when you are faced with difficult decisions, a multitude of options, or feeling weak or hopeless, don’t let the uncertainties of mortal mind mesmerize your attention. Tune into spiritual sense and stay focused on the certainties of spiritual reality. Remember your God! Know God! Find and feel God’s presence.

God is with you holding you up in all the important ways necessary for you to make the right decision and stay healthy and well. That’s what God does.

Knowing the omnipresence and omnipotence of God enables you to walk with confidence and trust that every footstep you take will land you in a good place.

I walk with Love along the way,
And O, it is a holy day;
No more I suffer cruel fear,
I feel God’s presence with me here;
The joy that none can take away
Is mine; I walk with Love today.

Christian Science Hymnal, 139

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13 thoughts on “God is holding you up”

  1. Yes of course, so rightly said by Evan that, if you tune into spiritual sense, life becomes a lovely walk with God – free from anxieties, worries, uncertainties’ and cares of life. God takes care of us 100% and forever. Thanks so very much Evan. God bless

  2. What a great idea that I can keep in mind as I step out of bed each morning, My father/mother God is right there with me being my every thought and every step all day! All I have to do is to tune and listen for God’s “quiet nudge” and then align myself with that nudge and stop listening to my own clamoring human voice. I recently heard it said that one idea is to set the alarm clock to ring every hour to remind yourself to do this. I haven’t yet, but there are times I could set my cell to ring as I go about my day. This idea has prompted my to tune in more at points along my day. Evan, thank you for this blog, I do appreciate it 🙂

  3. This is lovely, Evan, and very inspiring right now. Wonderful examples of why we can trust. Thank you!

  4. Tuning out the whisperings of mortal thinking (sometimes not in whisper form either!) and tuning into the gentle direction of our Father-Mother’s voice, well that’s a clear cut map for having a happy healthy day, and maybe lifting up someone else’s day along the way too!

  5. Most helpful and encouraging! Need more tips, please, on how to “stay focused on the certainties of spiritual reality” when dealing with longstanding intermittent pain limiting mobility. Thank you, Evan, for your inspiring blogs.

  6. I love the graphic, Evan. It’s a nice way of reminding ourselves of God’s guidance and gentle protection. It looks like Michaelangelo’s “Creation of Man” only with a more helpful, comforting and practical application that we can think of whenever we feel we may be lacking God’s Father/Mother care and Love which is always present even though it may seem that it isn’t. Thank you for this spiritual uplift.

  7. I have proof of C/S and God’s protection every day. I am bedbound and 24/7 nurse aide help with their beliefs of dying and decrepid illness and yet I am still alive at 78 years old when the medical profession believe that I should have died years ago.

  8. Thanks so much! Just what I needed to counteract the suggestion of a difficult day. I’ve been singing this hymn recently, too! Love it.

  9. Dear Evan,

    Your spiritual insight and the joy in your messages light up my sky. Thank you for this particular share. And Tobias, you have so much more to learn and so much to give, How many are reading Evan’s message who are also seemingly bound? I know that the only chain that binds anyone is the belief in a power apart from the living God. Dig in with all your might and discard the pictures and the lies that are telling you that you are not free and able to climb up and out of matter. Know this, that you are dearly loved, and EXPECT to walk. Be a shinning light for us all.

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