If you ever feel like you must work out all your problems alone, you do not. God is with you!
God is as close as the air you breathe.
Like the ground holds up your feet without you even asking, Truth is there to hold up your thought in heavenly places that are open to creative solutions.
Like the sun is shining above your head, without you even asking, God is shining down love and care that bring comfort and peace to the heart open to that love and care.
God is always with you.
Material sense does not feel God’s care. Spiritual sense does feel God’s care.
Tune in with spiritual sense today. Open to God’s love and let it flow your way without bounds. It will help you solve those problems.
As the Bible promises, “’I am with you and will save you,’ says the Lord” (Jeremiah 30:11, NLT).
God is with you, this moment!
I love this! Thank you Evan! I am doing some late night studying for a test tomorrow, and this was just what I needed to hear, wonderful reminders. Thank you!
Amadeus’s comment made me smile because it’s so special to remember those college days and needing God’s support. Throughout my life I’m grateful for that supporting light of His life when there were dark days..those days when we learn to trust the consistency of His care..it’s like the ocean that could drown you but if you trust it can hold you up.
Thank you very much, Evan, for all the lovely analogies to
help bring to light that whatever the challenges we face, God
is always with us and will save us from them.
And I love the extra analogy from John above that the ocean
could drown us, but if we keep our trust in God, it will hold us
up. The fact is that we need to put all our trust continually in God
and keep our trust there, and then we will not fear that anything can
harm us, for we know for sure that God is with us to come to our
immediate aid – and that He will.
I am sure most of us have experienced this in some way in our lives
as we hear so many experiences shared here in SpiritView.
,But if we forget God’s ever-presence for a while, we can seem to
lose contact with Him, but nevertheless, we can know thatGod is still
present with us, and we can be sure that He will answer our prayers
when we turn to Him with our whole heart.
I am finding these thoughts all very helpful particularly today, as I really
need to understand it more deeply, and hold onto it.
I pray Evan’s wonderful healing message here will bless
us all.
Dear Maggie
I love what you say here today..( and many other days too) …
Isn’t it wonderful that we know that it’s not what we materially see but what we spiritually ARE that is all that’s really going on.B.x
Thank you so much for this message today Evan.
I sometimes feel such humble gratitude that I know about spiritual sense and how close we are to God as His idea. So much harmony and good would come about if everyone was aware of this truth. I think this underlines the need for much inclusive ‘’world ‘’prayer ….sharing is caring and revealing is healing. ❣️
Dear Barbara,
Thank you for your loving and helpful message above; I have also added a word to your
sentence for myself, that it is not what we materially see (“or feel”), but what we spiritually ARE.
– I really appreciate your thoughts,
Also, I love that you mention in this current post above, that we need more inclusive world prayer – to reach out with all the insights we receive and let them pour out into the world. It certainly needs the truths we share. M x
“God’s care is constant” Can anything occur in the future that God can’t take care of? By Patricia
O’Brien, from the October 29, 1990 issue of The Christian Science Sentinel:
Thankyou Evan, everyday is a Spiritual Feast here on Spirit View, thankyou to everyone for your Spiritual comments. Love It.
I can not believe (although with One Mind – it makes perfect spiritual sense!) … how relevant and helpful this topic and all of you wonderful SpiritView family members are in this most
blessing of Love this morning! Thank you so very much, dear Evan and All!!! My heart
is filled with such gratitude and love for these endearing, precious inspirations of
everything needed so much … and the warm, loving feeling of beautiful shares are like
the fresh falling snow beautifying thought in the picturesque photo above. So
refreshingly sweet and heavenly. I really needed this spiritual support this morning!
So much love to you All !!!
Such a beautiful message. It is so timely. Blessings to you all today.
Thank you, Evan!
Thank you, Evan, for the daily inspiration. It always helps me stay focused on what is real when I start to become distracted by the fog of material belief.