God knows best

March 26, 2018 | 25 comments

When you are faced with a major decision to make, God knows best what to do.

It might be tempting to figure the answer out on your own, if you think you’re wiser than God, but that’s not necessary. God already has the solution figured out, and it’s present in divine Mind.

To hear that remedy, tune into divine Mind, listen for the voice of wisdom, and expect an answer to surface. It will come.

Recently, when deciding what to say to a close friend about an issue that was bothering me, I wrestled for days with the right words to communicate my message. Finally, I stopped my human reasoning, and realized that I needed to listen for God’s direction more, and less to my own. I quieted the human intellect and reached out for angel messages.

Once I got humble and quiet, I heard God’s suggestions about what to do. And the answer was, “You don’t need to say anything. Let me do the talking.” I obeyed, and instead of worrying about what to say, I loved this person more knowing that God was speaking to them in the best way possible to get a healing message across.

It worked. The issue was resolved without me saying a word.

God did a much better job than I ever could.

God knows best. Get self out of the way, and let God take over. The outcome will always be better.

“God is Love. Can we ask Him to be more? God is intelligence. Can we inform the infinite Mind of anything He does not already comprehend?” Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 2.

25 thoughts on “God knows best”

  1. Am in loss of words to describe how beautiful this message is. It’s very important for us to keep reminding ourselves about this every single day. Life will be beautiful if we simply follow these principles.

  2. Good morning Evan and scholars of the Truth. Thanks for today’s topic, interesting and very useful. What a nice experience How many times has it happened to me, and I never prayed to solve it. I always tried it on my own, now I analyze it and regardless of whether or not I had reason, I let myself be magnetized by the human mind, with a lack of humility and pride. Now I understand that we must silence the senses and let God act with the true Mind and it will result in the most just solution that can be, because it derives from All Love. Excellent week !!

    1. Thank you so much, Evan, for these words of wisdom. I am reminded of a saying I once saw… I plan, God laughs. He/She usually has much better plans for us than we could even dream of, if we would only listen for His/Her divine guidance. I love that ~ “scholars of Truth”, Gustavo.
      Have a great day everyone!

  3. I stand in amazement that your loving messages always are just what I need at that moment!
    I very much need stillness of thought and to ‘let go and let God’ this morning.
    Thank you yet again, Evan!

  4. Acknowledge the presence of God.
    Invite stillness of thought and listen.
    Silence human reasoning while refusing to worry.
    Take action – “Let go and let God”. (thanks Annepat)
    Find resolution and peace!

    Love this blog! Gratitude overflowing. Thank you Evan and all who share!

  5. Life is less complicated, smooth sailing, more enjoyable and less stressful if we allow God to captain our ship.
    He will take care of the rough weathers and protect us from the storms of life. Then there is nothing to worry but everything to enjoy, provided we be still and listen n obey His messages.
    Thanks Evan for the daily spiritual feast

  6. Great message, Evan, and all you “first responders.” 🙂

    Love all the comments, especially from Nergist:”Life is less complicated, smooth sailing, more enjoyable and less stressful if we allow God to captain our ship.” Don’t you love that?
    Have a beautiful Easter week, “scholars of Truth” (thanks Gustavo). 🙂

  7. Thank you Evan and contributors. Love the ideas here. 🙂

    “That individual is the best healer who asserts himself the least, and thus becomes a transparency for the divine Mind, who is the only physician; the divine Mind is the scientific healer.”
    Mis. 59:26

  8. Thank you – I’ve been struggling to answer a friend when she referred to the Bible as not having anything in there to ‘stop drinking alcohol’ . I have been trying to find the words and thoughts to answer her in the way she needs answering. As my first attempt I could not express properly and was quite disappointed in myself. But here you are saying I don’t necessarily need to say anything but let God lead the way to answers for her. Thank you. All the best everyone for Easter Week! Be blessed! Yes, ‘let us sing of Easter gladness that rejoices everyday’!

    1. Hi Nancy,
      There is a C.S. Perspective article in the C.S. Monitor daily today entitled “Overcoming loneliness through prayer.” Your friend might enjoy that. Have a nice Easter. 🙂

      1. I shared that article on my Facebook page just now – thank you – it is a start as she reads some of my ‘sharings’ . and God bless anyone who needs that article on my page and reaches out to read it. Thanks again for sharing.

  9. This is from “A TREATMENT FOR EVERY DAY” attributed to Mary Baker Eddy, “Beloved Father, Mother, God, give me wisdom to meet the problems that come to me today. Give me understanding to deny error. Give me grace to remain silent, when it is not necessary for me to speak. Oh Love, take me in, give me one Mind, one consciousness and enable me to love my neighbor as myself.”

    When someone criticizes Christian Science I have sometimes taken personal offense. I now try to always remember to have the grace to remain silent and let God. The divine Mind is more competent than any human mind.

  10. Thank you! Such a wonderful reminder! Your messages from “Spirit’s View” are just that! Thank you for sharing them.

  11. im in exactly this situation….how do you know for sure you are doing this though and not just ignoring the problem?

    1. When you are consciously listening for divine Mind’s direction, you are not ignoring the problem. You are seeking a solution to it. You can persist in your humble listening until you hear an answer that brings you peace. That’s when resolution of the problem happens.

  12. Wow! Perfect timing, Evan!! Yesterday I was at a celebration in honor of a family member. Present was an individual who has refused to acknowledge, look at, or speak to me. I always greet that one with a “hello good to see you” and am ignored. Well yesterday it went up a notch. I walked into the room and the person turned away. The whole afternoon was like that, very uncomfortable. I just kept knowing he is God’s Beloved child and is loved, loving, and loveable. Nothing changed but the usual humiliation I have felt in the past never appeared. While the temptation to never attend a family party has been strong over the years- I refuse to believe or accept that divine Love cannot open our hearts and purify our intentions.

  13. Great message, Evan. I, too, love all the comments, especially from Nergish: ”Life is less complicated, smooth sailing, more enjoyable and less stressful if we allow God to captain our ship.”

    Have a beautiful Easter week, “scholars of Truth” (thanks Gustavo)

  14. This weekend, I had a nice healing. I was in a large group of people who had trudged through snow from another lodge for dinner. We had to take off all our snow gear downstairs in a very large room where all the teams kept their gear stacking it in this large room wherever it would fit. After dinner, our team came back down to gear up and go back to our lodge and one gal found she only could locate one of her gators (a leg piece that keeps snow out of her boots). The other appeared to be missing. I was next to her and looked with her to locate it. A small voice had me look on top of a backpack where I found one more gator (only one) that was a different color. I was lead to ask our team leader to take this gator upstairs to the dining room and see if we could locate the owner. Mortal mind suggested that the person who took it had already left for their lodge. Mortal mind also was suggesting to this gal that this situation could not be resolved due to all the people staying here and that finding this item would be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Our team leader did take it back upstairs and it was really nice when he returned with the person who owned that gator and that person brought back her other gator. The velcro on her gator had caught it and she had it drying upstairs in a dryer. How wonderful! Thank you God! Nothing is lost in your kingdom and you always have the answers.

  15. We are indeed hidden with God in the “secret place of the most high” always safe always secure.
    Thanks to all!

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