God to the rescue

August 14, 2024 | 14 comments

The righteous person faces many troubles, but the Lord comes to the rescue each time.

~ Psalms 34:19, NLT

Just because you’re a moral spiritually minded person, striving to be a good citizen and do the right thing, doesn’t mean you’re not going to face trials.  Hardly!  Jesus Christ, the best man to ever walk the face of the earth, faced severe trials.  Mary Baker Eddy, a woman who saved thousands of people from disease and death, faced severe trials.  But with every trial they faced, they knew they were not alone.  They wholeheartedly trusted in God’s help and found it.  

When we face trials, we can expect the same.  God is with us.  Divine Mind sends spiritual truths and healing insights our way that save us from despairing mortal sense and lift our thought to heavenly reality.  In a consciousness of God’s goodness, healing happens.

Before a trial begins, God has a rescue plan already in place.  

Prayer, listening, and following where divine Love leads, gets us out of trouble, neutralizes our enemies, and keeps us safe.  Truth and Love come to our rescue and keep us moving down a path of progress.

14 thoughts on “God to the rescue”

  1. Evan says, “When we face trials we can expect the same,” the same help and loving care from God, that is there for all of us. We don’t even have to think of “ourselves” as facing trials, it can seem to imply a sense of separateness, like some thing or force can come against a personal “us.” If there is no us apart from God, then anything that seems to come against us is actually trying to come against God, against God’s actual expression. So it (error) doesn’t stand a chance!

    The only thing error can even try to come against is our thought, our belief. But God, One divine Mind, our only Mind, is already there, here, every moment. To help us see that All Is Well. Blessings and love to all.

  2. Thank you Evan…this is wonderful.
    We must never forget we are the expression of our creator…right now. A whole new meaning to…
    First Aid!

  3. We are on a spiritual journey to know and understand God and our relationship with him-“earth’s preparatory school” as Mr. Eddy calls it. Old beliefs need to be put off which can appear as trials in our experience. Once a lesson is fully learned, we move higher in the scale of health and happiness. Trials force us to grow – like math problems we work out as we progress. I find it comforting that we are capable of working out each challenge or it wouldn’t be in our experience. We have our loving Father and the Christ showing us the way forward!

  4. “If God takes us To it, He will take us Through it” is something I’ve heard often.
    Thank you so much, Evan and all, for these inspiring insights of Truth. Often through
    my life, I’ve lamented, “Why Me??” “I’ve always tried to be a good person – Why is
    this happening to Me??” It seemed that others who were doing wrong were being
    rewarded, while those who were trying to do right, were being punished. It just
    didn’t make sense to me. Your explanation, above, Evan … does explain it very
    well. Sometimes we need to be abruptly awoken to what is True. Sometimes it is
    subtle, like how mortal (little) mind creeps into thought without our realizing it.
    To have those who love us – respect and appreciate and care for our well being
    and share this love is so special and cherished. The good we do always will be
    rewarded … in the end, even if it doesn’t always appear at the moment.

  5. “They (MBE and Jesus) wholeheartedly trusted in God’s help and found it.” I love this. Thank you Evan for this beautiful reminder that our Father/Mother Good is always here for us. Wishing each of you that your day is filled with blessings.

  6. Reflecting on the message today, where Evan writes, “But with every trial they,
    (Mrs. Eddy and Jesus), faced, they knew they were not alone”. Sometimes it Seems
    that we are all alone … That, maybe folks seem to think so differently than we …
    that our way of thinking is so foreign to others and the world, even though most
    times they don’t really know our innate thoughts … That we are paddling upstream
    against a torrent of thoughts that seem so against what we try to see as true, as
    God created and spiritual. But like our two dear leaders, Jesus and Mrs. Eddy
    kept proving in their lives, there Is truth to their practice of trust in God.
    I had a lovely card today from a friend who has been estranged due to many
    varying beliefs and who thought I was a bad person because of what I believe(d).
    This was an out of the blue surprise that was very sweet and heart-warming and
    in a world that sometimes seems so divided, it was lovely to receive and I will

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