God’s will is done

June 11, 2024 | 26 comments

Here’s a thought picked up from a patient who told me she heard this thought on a Daily Lift years ago:

God’s will is done.  It can’t be undone.

I love it.  Whatever God puts into place, remains in place.  It can’t be undone. 

Whatever God inspires to happen, occurs.  It can’t be prevented from happening.

Whatever God wills to be done, is done, and it’s never undone.

26 thoughts on “God’s will is done”

    1. Yes. Quite clear message and photo. God’s will, infinitely good, is so natural to every individual.
      All there is–the 1 presence. the 1 power.

      This article by Charles Ferris had been one of the most cherished of mine, a daily companion for being aware of its important message for life.

      Appreciating this and everyone here.

  1. Nothing can interfere with the manifestation of God’s will, always unfolding according to divine law. Great!

  2. God’s will is right thinking. CS Podcast this week had this statement about God’s law. L.A.W. Love At Work.
    In us. In all of us.
    Good thinking is flowing from God, who has all the power and is all Love. Bad thoughts do not have a creator behind them. No intelligence or power willed them into being. We have to practice holding this in thought.

    1. Love At Work! How beautiful! How “just right”. I sometimes change up Bible verses for new perspectives. For a long time now, when I pray The Lord’s Prayer, I change the line “Thy will be done,” to Thy LAW is in effect”. or “Thy LAW of harmony is operation right here and now.” or “Thy LAW of perfect Love is governing all, right here and now.” Etc. The noun “will” has a bit of a negative connotation in my thought. For me, substituting LAW rouses my thought better.

      I also sometimes pray, “forgive me my stupidities, as I forgive those of others.”

    2. Yes, I like that L.A.W. is ‘Love at work’ . Reminds me of a comment from last Wed. service when we were alerted that ‘belief’ contains a ‘lie’.
      thank you all, and Evan, so much for the good you are sharing. And that ‘God’s will is done and can’t be undone.” Yes.

  3. Thank you Evan. I love this thought and the picture. I came across new thoughts about God’s will in a lecture from a website I posted last Saturday. It talks about God’s will as being “good universally expressed”. It’s the first lecture.

    “Who’s in control” (written article) & audio by Charles W. Ferris:

    1. Thank you “J”! Wonderful article, I read it already, and will read again!

      This morning, while I studied the lesson sermon, I also knew in several instances that God`s will is already done and that God is in full control of the happenings of his loved children, guiding me and all!
      Thank you very much, dear Evan – I love this SpiritView and the foto – one supreme God reigning over a l l !

    2. Thank you so much J for giving us these wonderful links. I listened to the audio of the wonderful lecture given by Mr. Ferris. What inspirational proofs of God being in control and His will being done! There is no chance of doubt with these proofs and the outcomes applicable to every one of us.

      Thank you, Evan, for the message today. I love the photo. God has a purpose and plan for each of us that cannot be stopped or denied. If the tree is supposed to be there, it will be successfully accomplished. So we can expect what is in place for each of us, universally, will be accomplished. Love it!!

    3. Thanks so much for sharing this link, J, and for the blog post that inspired all these great comments Evan. I’ve recently (re)discovered SpiritView, what a valuable resource and community

  4. I love this too…but I like to add that God is only Good and only knows Good so can only do Good and we can be only blessed by trusting that knowledge.

  5. The absoluteness and perseverance in the Truth of this message and wonderful
    photo is so inspiring! It is awesome how God’s will IS done, like the tree thriving
    in such a beautiful surrounding, but yet so unexpected place for a tree to be. Like
    flowers growing between cracks of a sidewalk. Where there is a will there is a way,
    if it is God’s will. And once done, it can’t be undone. I love that! The permanence
    of God’s power and loveliness is all around.. The loveliness of Love is all around.
    Thank you so very much dear Evan and all for such beautiful inspiration!

  6. Thank you Evan and Everyone for these divine thoughts to hold on to.
    Hymn #51 came to mind. I will share it in it’s entirety for those who may not have
    a hymnal:

    Eternal Mind the Potter is, And thought th’e eternal clay;
    The hand that fashions is divine, His works pass not away. .
    Man is the noblest work of God, His beauty, power and grace,
    Immortal: perfect as his Mind Reflected face to face.

    God could not make imperfect man His model infinite;
    Unhallowed thought He could not plan, Love’s work and Love must fit. .
    Life, Truth and Love the pattern make, Christ is the perfect heir;
    The clouds of sense roll back, and show The form divinely fair.

    God’s will is done; His kingdom come; The Potter’s work is plain.
    The longing to be good and true Has brough the light again. .
    And mad does stand as God’s own child, The image of His love,
    Let gladness ring from every tongue, And heaven and earth approve.

      1. Thank you very much, dear Carol for posting the whole hymn # 51. While I read the wonderfully comforting words, my heart is singing the lovely melody!
        By the way, if you would have written only the hymn number, I would not know which hymn it is. So, thank you dearly, Carol!!♡

        1. Oh, I love that, dear Uta – your – “heart is singing the lovely melody”!
          Hymns do have a wonderful way of making our hearts sing, don’t they.
          I realize not everyone has a CS Hymnal, and each word is so precious,
          as is the message and Spirit of the words, that we see everything
          amplified in all it’s glory, is so beautiful.
          To me, the photos that compliment Evan’s spiritual view message is
          like the music to his words. They blend in perfect harmony together. : )

          1. For me Evan’s foto today expresses calmness and absolute peace! 🙂

  7. I had a practioner once tell me “If God wants you moved, you will be moved.” I am so grateful to God and the blessings bestowed. Blessings to all today.

  8. Wow! What a stunning photo–love the tree (reminds me of Mary Baker Eddy’s reviving a “dead” plant by first placing it in a dark closet, thus proving that material light and water did not provide the sustenance needed, and the plant revived beautifully). Truly it’s God who “plants” us where we are most needed and provides all we need every day.

    Thank you, Evan, as always.

  9. Love the photo! For many years, our Sunday School had a poster on the bulletin board of a photo of a flower that had managed to grow up between the cracks of a sidewalk. The caption read something like…Nothing can thwart God’s plan for you. Over the years, I have changed it up a bit and affirm…nothing and no one can thwart God’s plan and purpose for me. I find it a powerful truth against discouragement, feeling “stuck”, or when I need assurance that progress is the law of God and is operating on my behalf (even though I may not feel/see it.) It’s also a strong affirmation against opposition to good or error of any kind.

  10. Very helpful comments made in my time of need, seemingly going through a painful challenging time in my life when I should be enjoying the “fruits of my and my husbands labors , especially when we are getting to an “advanced age” in our life..

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