Guidance for celebrating a peaceful Christmas season

November 29, 2024 | 14 comments

I love to observe Christmas in quietude, humility, benevolence, charity, letting good will towards man, eloquent silence, prayer, and praise express my conception of Truth’s appearing.

~ Mary Baker Eddy, Miscellany, p. 262

14 thoughts on “Guidance for celebrating a peaceful Christmas season”

  1. Que bom porque sempre eu sou criticada por gostar de ficar em silencio e oração no Natal.Mas é o que mais desejo fazer nessa data.Agradecer e ouvir o que Deus tem a me dizer. Sempre procuro ouvir a voz de Deus no sicio tranquilo e suave das aspirações imortais.

    1. Thank you Ramona-I realized this was Portuguese (the Spanish translation didn’t quite make sense!) and was able to get this translation: “That’s good because I’m always criticized for liking to be silent and pray at Christmas. But that’s what I most want to do on this date. Give thanks and listen to what God has to say to me. I always try to hear the voice of God in the quiet and gentle place of immortal aspirations”. I appreciate the reminder for quietude at this time too — When it can seem so busy!

      1. Thank you, Ramona and DKM for the translation. That quotation from our Leader is the perfect grounding thought for my engagement in the time of Christmastide (along with her other Christmas messages and poem, Blest Christmas Morn.) So grateful…

    1. Thank you J – a lovely article to ponder at this time. I do remember
      reading it when it first appeared, so it must have struck me at
      the time as being worth pondering.

  2. Thank you Evan for this reminder, as the start of the holiday season and often rush, begins, to let quietness and prayerful gratitude for the timeless message of the Christ- appearing to us and the world enveloping the world in goodness and love is here and everywhere. May we all carry that peace in our hearts throughout this season and into the new year!

  3. Thank you for this loving reflection of the true meaning of Christmas, Evan and all.
    At a time when it seems the world is bombarded by Santa references and images,
    and Jesus not being the main focus of the holidays, where Christ is even sometimes
    taken out of the reverent meaning of Christmas, with xmas, and other missings of
    the true observation … it is lovely to be reminded what you shared above, of Mrs.
    Eddy’s interpretation and how she devoted her thoughts in such a beautifully
    warm and cherished way … where the spirit of giving, even if perhaps not thought
    of in the same way by all, is in the heart of this every-day thought process of God’s
    dear Love for all of His children.

  4. This was a lovely reminder of why we celebrate the birth of Christ Jesus , on the weekend we always endeavour to decorate the house for the festive season. For the first time it has all gone to hasty thought and not a broken ornament in sight! Everything looks beautiful.
    But the real demonstration of the Christ being apparent in my world is that I suddenly ( but not without much prayer ) find I am able to attend the Sunday Service live zoom from my local Society. This means so much to me as I love the added music and hymns with our Bible lesson.
    With gratitude and blessings to you all.❣️

  5. Mrs. Eddy had such a pure and comforting way of expressing herself, as in the
    above reference to a peaceful and beautiful meaning and expression of
    Christmas. Lovely! Thank you for sharing that with us, Evan.

  6. During Christmastime I read in the little book “What Christmas means me “. It’s a collection of passages written by Mrs. Eddy about Christmas . And I also love to listen to the Messiah” by Georg Friedrch Haendel.
    However, actually our healing work is the everpresent Christ, yeah Chrisian Science is the eternally healing Christ in action!! I am thankful to God for giving us His Christ and Mrs Eddy!
    Thank you all, dear SV friends for your inspired comments, and thanks to you dear Evan for inspiring and uplifting and nurishing us with so loving spiritual food!!❤️

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