34 thoughts on “Happy Eternity”

  1. Thank you Evan, this is perfect.

    Our eldest son marries his fiancèe tomorrow. I decided to look up Matt 5:3 from the Responsive Reading in this week’s Lesson, in the Message, to dig deeper.

    I am thinking of their love for each other, the families’ love for both of them.

    “God’s Law is more real and lasting than the stars in the sky and the ground at your feet. Long after stars burn out and earth wears out, God’s Law will be alive and working.”

    Then I popped in here and saw your SpiritView for today perfect

    How wonderful!

    The wedding is on the 28th of the 8th month, (eternity × eternity eh?) thank you again!

    Beannachd, Shelagh

    1. Sending you Love for a happy family day Shelagh….
      How wonderful that you were lead to look to the spiritual meaning of their union as the basis of this special occasion…
      We are all eternally at one with our Father/Mother.
      Sending blessings❣️

    2. Many blessings to you Shelagh and your dear family on this wonderful occasion where God’s Love is being expressed.

      This morning I heard this thought, “God’s Love is Free.” Then a little more…” It (God’s Love) is the most precious and valuable thing there is, and it does not cost one cent of human money.”

      A good thought to ponder. Freely received freely given.

      Thank you Evan for Happy Eternity, always grateful to be reminded of our timeless nature as timeless beings in a timeless universe.

      Love to all.

    3. Good, Shelagh, now I know more about my “birthday”, thank you so much for explaining, it occurred on the 28th of the 8th month, long ago. You’ve given me MUCH more to celebrate this 28th day of the 8th month. Lots to be grateful for. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!

    4. thank you Shelagh, for explaining August 28th, day of the month, and order of the month, for the connection to eternity, That connects me to ways I’d never dreamed of, as the symbol for eternity is the horizontal symbol of the numeric symbol number ‘8’ My birth coincides with both August “8” and “28” of the month, including the symbol for infinity, number 8 presented horizontally. My surprise is that I had never investigated any of the above regarding my birth. Happy to learn about the history now. Thank you.

  2. I love this SpiritView message, Evan. Thank you. It points to the fact that there is no time. Just eternity, which means all error is simply a suggestion without any foundation.

  3. A lovely message of timelessness. Thank you! I looked up eternity in
    the dictionary and how right it is: “The truths or realities of life and thought that
    are regarded as timeless or eternal”. Or … we could see it as God’s Truth or
    Reality of Life/God and thought/Mind that are regarded as timeless or eternal.
    In other words, God is eternal, so our Truth, Reality, Life, Mind, Soul, Spirit,
    Principle and Love – all being synonymous with God – is Eternal, with we being
    reflections of God.. making our lives eternal…no beginning or ending.
    The more “time” (so-called, years) that pass(es), the more things fade away into
    the nothingness of reality, like a dream. Like when we awake from a night time
    dream, where did it go? Even if we try to reconstruct it as real, we can’t, because
    there is no basis for its true existence.

  4. My brother never wanted anything to be done for his birthday and always said “I’m eternal! I’m not going to celebrate material limitations !” Sadly he passed on suddenly about 30 years too early (for us) and when he left, I had this eternity/ infinity symbol added to a necklace of the Tree of Life that I always wear. It reminds me that life is eternal and full of infinite possibilities.

    1. Thank you for sharing Diana W, how you’ve celebrated your brother’s LIFE. Celebrations about eternity seem certain to eliminate beliefs about material limitations. Celebrating demonstrations can be linked to SHARE THE WELLBEING, and the ABUNDANCE of being eternal. Live LIFE!

  5. What a joyous day we have : God’s Day! Each day
    I send my blessings to you, Shelagh, and your dear family for your Love celebration, & know that the blessing of a new Union will bless everyone. It represents the ever-present now of All Good, Only Love!
    I am Eternally grateful For Christian Science, rejoicing in the harmony of our Perfect God and Her~His perfect expression!
    Thank you, Evan
    And all our dear SpiritViewers

  6. Thank you Evan and all! I love this response. For years whenever my grandchildren have asked me “how old are you Mimi?” I always respond “I’m ageless”. Then they say “no how old are you REALLY?” I lovingly give the same response. So now when they or anyone else celebrates their “birthday” I wish them a happy agelessness day. There is never any pushback on that!

    I’m grateful to have this understanding of the absolute truth of all God’s children (ideas!)

    1. Sherry thanks for “I am ageless,” and Happy Ageless Day. I used to say I am ageless, but somehow got away from that – a good reminder to go back to that kind of thinking and speaking.

      In mortal-minded society certain ages have been anointed as having special significance (at least here in the US) 18, 21, 40, 50, 65 etc. and are thought of as milestones or transition times where certain things “change” materially. We can vote or enter into a legal contract or join the military or collect retirement benefits or just think of ourselves differently. I seemingly reached one of those “ages” last year and I’ve been too focused on it and what it “means.”

      I declare “I am ageless.” I ask God to redirect my thoughts to the higher and right idea of my true agelessness and eternalness in Him.

  7. It is very important to remind ourselves every day that we are
    immortal, ageless, brand new every moment, and not subject to
    material false laws of life in matter with a beginning, a middle and an
    end. As children of God we don’t have birthdays, because we have
    never been born into matter. We have always been God’s perfect
    eternal idea or reflection and will always be so.

    One year I sent out a few lines from this Disney Song
    to a few people on their “special day”:-

    A very merry unbirthday to you
    A very merry unbirthday
    To me?
    To you
    A very merry unbirthday
    For me?
    For you
    A very merry unbirthday to you

    1. Here it is Maggie, from Alice in Wonderland. Very cute.

      It says that we have one birthday a year but 364 unbirthdays and they are celebrating the unbirthdays. We could look at it as, each day is God’s day which we can celebrate with Him as we reflect Him every day.


  8. Thank you, Rose – yes it is very cute, and I just picked out the
    bits I thought were amusing and helpful so that I didn’t have to
    wish them a happy birth-day as such.

    As you have explained the whole thing, I think we have to look at it
    as you suggest.- that each day is God’s day which we can celebrate
    with Him. That sounds good to me. And that one eternal day is
    the ONLY day forever – perpetual renewal.

  9. Thanks Maggie and Rose for your lovely comments. “For God a thousand years are like one day”. Was it in the Bible or in SH? That explains “Eternity”, as well.
    Thank you Evan for “happy Eternity”. I like that wish, it`s so loving. Will wish it to all Christian Scientists I know.
    And thank you Maggie for your second paragraph. I love special what you say “that one eternal day is the ONLY day forever – perpetual renewal ” . Yes, I feel as if I will be renewed every day anew, and I think that is so! That is spiritual progress! Thank God for it !

  10. I am glad, dear Uta, you found that second paragraph helpful. And your quotation is from the
    Bible – the verse reads; “But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” (II Peter 3:8) This sums it all up,
    doesn’t it.

  11. Thank you to everyone for their good wishes.

    Thank you also for expanding on the idea of eternity.

    I am reminded of Mrs Eddy’s words in her Communion Hymn,

    “And for you make radiant room
    Midst the glories of one endless day.”

    So grateful for this group of caring, sharing, thinkers _/\_


  12. When someone asks me how old I am, I just say, “It’s none of my business!” It gets a laugh and diverts attention.

  13. Lovely comments and Happy Wishes to Shelagh! A busy day today, starting with the
    icon on my car lighting up saying my fuel tank was on Empty. I Know it shouldn’t be, but
    put $20 in with hopes the light would go off and go back to normal. It didn’t, so took it
    to my mechanic who thankfully came right out to check it. He said he would have to
    look into it more but thought he “hoped” it would be okay when I drove it a 60 mile
    round trip that I needed to do. I kept Knowing that all would be well, even though the
    gauge kept saying empty. It is like an error, where we Know it isn’t true, but it sure Appears
    to be true. Turns out on the way home, the gauge flipped to almost full and the light went
    off again. I felt a lot more comfortable driving it that way. mortal mind sure does like to
    try to stress us out with it’s unrealities, sometimes, and I am so grateful all was/is well.
    This doesn’t go along with the topic of today, but just wanted to express how grateful I
    was to have this little testimony to God’s care and love for us.

    1. Thank you,dear Blessed. You are really blessed with your interesting and so good testimony!
      For decades I was a car driver, and I do understand your great gratitude for this proof of God’s care for you very well!

  14. I have adopted a birthday greeting I heard a CS grandfather give his granddaughter – with a heavy southern accent: ” Happy Earth-Arrival Day!” I love how that helps to remove it from identifying labels of mortal ages – but just a harmless nod to the dream of life on earth in matter, assigning no material power to the day, but recognizing that we are eternal, existing before that day and forever after – with no birth and no death.

  15. Thank you for your “Happy Earth-Arrival Day!” to share with family and friends. Helps to sharpen up what exactly we’re celebrating, without counting the amount of time passed.

    Good, clear expression which you posted from the BIBLE, from II Peter 3:8, The verse which you shared could be presented tonight at our Wednesday Testimony meeting. Fits well with readings selected, along with the date “28th” as well as the year “1948.” Never crossed my investigation into my human appearance, sure is fun to know. THANK YOU,

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