Heal marriage conflict quickly

September 21, 2011 | 2 comments

Marriage is a wonderful experience if done correctly.  Two people united in love can bring great blessings into each other’s lives.
But as with most all relationships, there will be challenges, misunderstandings, difference of opinions, flat out disagreements and opposite points of view along the way.  As a rule, the sooner conflict is resolved, the better for everyone involved.
Conflicts can be like fires.  The culminating event starts with a little spark, but left unchecked, can produce a flame that grows and grows until it seems to out of control and hope withers that the devouring flames can ever be quenched.
To prevent the unhappy experience of an all-out battle and test of wills, as a rule, strive to stamp out that fire in the early stages.  Don’t let the spark of a careless remark, a hurt feeling, a self-righteous position, a selfish act, or a callous word, turn into something bigger.  Stamp out ego with all its pride and self-righteousness, and let the influence of divine Love come back into the relationship.  Then a prolonged period of tension and unpleasantness can be averted.
This can feel tough to do if the cause of the strife is too closely identified with, but if one really wants to preserve harmony in their family and take their marriage to a higher level, a course of correction will be discerned that restores harmony and understanding.
Listen. Be humble. Consider the other person’s point of view. Understand God’s point of view! Be patient. Don’t compromise with wrong. But don’t be self-righteous about the right either. Get human ego and person opinion out of the way, and let the divine Ego take over. Once the one Mind of God is directing and guiding the discussion, then solutions, answers and peace will be found.
Don’t let an angry spark grow into a raging fire.  Douse it with buckets of love and understanding early on, and spare the marriage unnecessary grief.

Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.” James


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