Healing other people’s fears

April 9, 2021 | 26 comments

If you ever make a spiritual choice that causes alarm to others around you, pray to heal their fear. The same spiritual truth that brings you peace, can bring them peace too.

There is one Mind. All of God’s children share the one Mind of God and have its thoughts and understanding in common.

If you decide to demonstrate spiritual immunity to disease, and opt not to get the vaccine as a result, for instance, but find family members who don’t understand your choice expressing fear, their fear can be dissolved. Rather than cowering to the fear, heal it! They have no reason to be afraid. They can lose that fear and trust your choice.

God didn’t create fear. God created Love. The same wisdom of Love that inspired you to make your positive spiritual choice can inspire them to trust your choice. They don’t need to understand all the reasons why, but can feel the love of God at work in their mind assuring them that you are being guided by divine intelligence, that you are making a wise choice that works for you that is no threat to them, and that they can trust it.

Don’t fear fear. Heal it! It’s not a power, influence, or presence to honor. Displace it with Truth and Love and keep moving down the path of spiritual progress. Your demonstration of Truth can be a joint healing that blesses you and them.

“God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (II Tim. 1:7, NKJV).

26 thoughts on “Healing other people’s fears”

  1. Another wonderful piece of inspiration. Thank you so much, Evan. So helpful when thinking about the fears of others.

  2. Thank you Evan. I have found this to be true. Knowing that there is one Mind and praying the 6th tenet. “And we solemnly promise to watch, and pray for that Mind to be in us which was also in Christ Jesus; to do unto others as we would have them do unto us; and to be merciful just and pure. ” The golden rule has changed over the years for me to mean to see everyone as the child of God. Having that same Mind that has no fear. This we are certain and sure.

  3. Wonderful! And it works in the reverse too. Recently a friend expressed fear for the safety and health of family members who were choosing to get the vaccine because it was not approved by the FDA. I assured this friend she could trust her family would be safe in choosing their highest sense of right, that she didn’t need to fear. Fear all the way around is definitely something we can all be working to lift off humanity’s thoughts.
    Thank you, Evan, for continuing to bring us uplifting blog posts!

  4. And, when important employment opportunities require vaccination, we can, as Mary Baker Eddy says, , be vaccinated without fear as we pray for immunity from any negative consequences. A nothing remains a no thing.

  5. This came to thought this morning. The
    accompanying music is lovely. I am just sending
    the lyrics. The title,,Open my eyes that I may see.

    Open my eyes that I may see
    Glimpses of truth Thou hast for me;
    Place in my hands the wonderful key
    That shall unclasp and set me free.
    Silently now I wait for Thee,
    Ready, my God, Thy will to see;
    Open my eyes, illumine me,
    Spirit Divine!
    Open my ears that I may hear
    Voices of truth Thou sendest clear;
    And while the wave notes fall on my ear,
    Everything false will disappear.
    Open my mouth and let me bear
    Tidings of mercy everywhere;
    Open my heart and let me prepare
    Love with Thy children thus to share.
    Open my mind that I may read
    More of Thy love in word and deed;
    What shall I fear while yet Thou dost lead?
    Only for light from Thee I plead.

    1. Thank you so much, M. I love this and I didn’t know there were more than 3 verses – lovely
      to have the last one.

    2. Thanks M. I used to sing this solo when I was soloing and I think the last verse is one that someone added to this solo as the original only has three. But when inspired we soloists have added verses to our solos to inspire the heal the congregation. So whoever wrote this last verse Bravo, I love it. As Evan always points out we always need to have our eyes open to the Truth of being.

  6. “What blesses one blesses all”. Thank you for showing the enemy is fear. The fearless lead on through the darkest hour. Those following gain confidence and become “proselytes”.
    Soon followers become enlightened and become another radiant light. Thus spirit grows and it’s blessings grows.
    Wonderful verse “M”. Thanks for that.

  7. Back again. I love words. I was thinking about the word afraid.
    A parent might say to a child you can have a
    cookie, a friend over … one cookie, one friend. You
    can decided which one.

    You can have, “a fraid” one.
    You can decide which “fraid” you want.
    Makes it easier to see.

  8. Thank you Evan for all these supportive ideas and guidance. Also, love seeing all the verses to ‘Open my eyes that I may see’ Thank you ‘M’. I too had forgotten this in its entirety.

    ‘Thy presence ever goes with me,
    And Thou dost give me peace.’ Last lines of hymn 136

  9. Thank you! Our son and daughter in law are Christian Scientists . This will help us and others in our family to understand why they do not plan to get vaccinated.

  10. I prayed ahead of time before going to get my hair cut yesterday. When I called to schedule the appointment, I was told they would take my temperature and I should wear a mask — which of course I was planning to obey their policies. But when I showed up, they didn’t take my temperature, although everyone and myself were wearing masks. My hairdresser asked me, “Have you received the vaccine yet?” I calmly and kindly replied, “No, I haven’t, but if I am required to, I will.” I continued, “My husband and I have been fine. We’ve helped an elderly couple/neighbors with grocery shopping during the pandemic and we’ve been fine with everything.” I could tell she was perfectly calm and pleased with my honest, heartfelt response. Seems that if we feel peace about our God-inspired decisions in our hearts, it will shine forth. Love Mrs. Eddy’s guidance, “The tender word and Christian encouragement of an invalid, pitiful patience with his fears and the removal of them, are better than hecatombs of gushing theories, stereotyped borrowed speeches, and the doling of arguments, which are but so many parodies on legitimate Christian Science, aflame with divine Love.” I’m striving for this practice….

  11. Evan this has been the missing piece for me in this situation, Thank you so much. Early this morning error was playing out scenarios in my head of things some family members might say to me if I they ask and I tell them no I am fine and feel safe and don’t see a need to take a vaccine. Then there were thoughts of how I would “defend” or explain myself, worry that they would say I was being selfish because of the belief that it is a protection to others, and that they may think I was making them wrong for choosing differently etc. etc..

    All this error swirling around…..then you come out with the perfect answer, pray to heal their fear, anger, disapproval, whatever is inharmonious in their thought and any residual fear in my thought. Then we can all enjoy the Peace and trust that we actually can never lose. I can love them more and hold them in true Light instead of fearing human reactions.

    Love when you said that we all share the One Mind of God and have it’s thoughts and understandings in common, and they can feel the Love at work in their mind and heart that is beyond human understanding.

  12. Josh Henn, one of the soloists for The Mother Church has an album “Open Mine Eyes” that is truly outstanding. I have the CD in my computer and listen to it during most of my meals, plus other times. And this is one of his solos. Thanks M for sharing the words.

  13. We’re not just talking about friends and relatives who might be afraid. We are talking to about a worldwide scientific belief that is recommending all get shots to stop the virus. I am in 3 book clubs and much of Zoom discussion is if we have our shot yet. I know when we meet in person they expect us all to have a shot. I feel the loving thing to do was to get the shot. A relative who is manager in a company arranged to have employees vacinated. She asked me to join them. I agreed– it was nearby and within a 1/2 hour it was all taken care of –I had no reaction and it was the shot type that I only needed one. I do feel divide love was bringing harmony to the whole situation I do feel Divine Love was bringing harmony to the whole situation.

  14. Thanks for this spiritual reasoning. I’ve struggled with the attitude of others toward my choice not to vaccinate. The reactions I’ve encountered must be fear-based, like the disease itself. I know now to address the fear underlying the negative emotion.

  15. Yes, Fear needs to be handled whether it’s your own fear or another persons, or the world. I still have to start with my own fear of reaction from taking the shot and guilt from having taken the shot even though those around me are happy that I did and it enabled me to be with family for Easter. It was wonderful to see them after a year of not being able to because of their fear for me. This post is so clear Evan and I wish I had been more steadfast in handling their fear instead of giving in to it.

  16. I loved David Brandon’s comment above. I condensed it for notes I keep on my phone.

    The fearless lead on
    The followers gain confidence
    The enlightened become another radiant light

    That’s what these beautiful sharing discussions are doing!

  17. God did not create fear, He created Love. Yes, and this week`s lesson says that God mad made everything very good. Very Good means without any falsity – so so wonderful and comforting. Your assurance that there is o n e Mind, and all of God`s children share the one Mind of God and have it`s thoughts and understanding in common, was so healing in decision making in my CS church these days. After I listened to decisions, I did not quite agree, I immediately had in mind that the One Mind is in control of all what happens in church, the decision changed to the perfectly right one. And I am still so thankful for God`s loving care for us all.
    Thank you dear Evan, thank you so very much for your really helpful and healing spiritual views, you are offering us so lovingly and so understandable. Much love to you and all wonderful commenters!!

  18. Thank you Evan and all the other responders. Where I live there is no vaccine available at present but this is clearly something that I need to work on getting right in my thinking immediately.

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