Helping others

November 27, 2009 | 2 comments

People who give of themselves unselfishly make this world a better place to live for everyone.

A reader forwarded me a link to a short video clip about the Spartan Sparkles Cheerleaders. Because of the generosity, care and compassion of two very capable cheerleaders, a large group of other young ladies, who many in the world would erroneously classify as disabled, get to experience special joys and liberties of life that they otherwise probably would never have.

Click here for the video, “Spartan Sparkles Cheerleaders,” and be patient while a 17 second ad runs first.

2 thoughts on “Helping others”

  1. Very Inspiring. Something else very inspiring you need to check out is the movie “The Blind Side”.
    Most uplifting movie I’ve seen in years

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