Hold to health and wellness

June 27, 2018 | 14 comments

“The physical affirmation of disease should always be met with the mental negation. Whatever benefit is produced on the body, must be expressed mentally, and thought should be held fast to this ideal.”

~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health, p. 392.

The human body is human thought, and the master of the body is the mind that governs it.

If you want to stay well, think well. If you want to stay strong, kick out all suggestions of weakness and disease and replace them with spiritual thoughts of God’s perfect man.

God created you healthy in the divine image and likeness. This is your reality to live out.

Accept nothing less than the ideal for yourself. Negate any suggestions of suffering with spiritual truth and stay well!

14 thoughts on “Hold to health and wellness”

  1. Thank you so much, Evan, for this reminder of what we need to do and how to do it.
    I have just come in from working in the garden and some subtle suggestions of ‘age’ came creeping in. So – out they go, replaced by spiritual truth.

  2. Wow. Really hit the nail on the head with this one today. Just what i not only need to hear but stay with, thanks!

  3. “God created you healthy in the divine image and likeness. This is your reality to live out.”

    Health is the eternal status of our being the divine image and likeness of God. I remember a lecture you gave, Evan, where you mentioned that eternal life means eternal health too!

  4. This is sooooo helpful for me today. Thank you, Evan, for your consistency and love to benefit mankind with your conviction and understanding of the reality of God’s laws. My day will be better for it.

  5. Christian Science is the Law of Love, Health and Wholeness!! “Hold thought steadfastly…….”!!

  6. Thanks, Evan, for just the message I needed this morning. And thanks also to Grace for the link to Chet Manchester’s article. Though I had read in when I received the Journal, it was inspiring to have a review.

  7. Julie said it all for me: “This is sooooo helpful for me today. Thank you, Evan, for your consistency and love to benefit mankind with your conviction and understanding of the reality of God’s laws. My day will be better for it.”

  8. Mrs Eddy states in Science and Health God is Life, and Life is the law of my being. Since Life must be health, than health is also the law of my being. Thank you all for this connection as it is what I needed today.

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