How big is your universe?

June 6, 2011 | 2 comments

Do you realize how gargantuan the universe is that you live in?

I watched the below 6 minute video from the American Museum of Natural History and compared the grand expanses of space yet to be explored and understood to the little neighborhood of Richland, Washington that I call my address. What a difference!

The universe is beyond immense. It is infinite.

As Christian Science explains, we live in a universe of Mind where there are no boundaries, no ends, no finite barriers, and no lack of resources, opportunity or possibility.

But how often do we accept the opposite for our life? How often do we think, “I’m stuck. I can’t see any further? I don’t have enough. I’m limited. There is not enough good to go around for everyone. I lack.”? If this ever happens, it’s because our concept of the universe we live in is limited. It’s not the size of the universe that is lacking. It’s the human/mortal limited view that is lacking. And one way out is to get a more expanded and correct view of the infinite universe of Mind we actually live in.

This video portrays a material concept of the universe, so has its limits too. But the fascinating part of its explanations is that the further the human mind looks, the further it sees. There is no end. And there won’t be an end. It illustrates how with persistent inquiry and searching the human mind grows out of its finite view into the spiritual reality where time and space are no longer, just infinite Mind. The same rule works for individual human experience. As the human mind persists in seeking out the infinite resources of divine Mind, it grows out of its own limited view. Lack disappears and abundance abounds.

Are you dwelling in the infinite or the finite today? You can tell by the kind of experience you are having.

2 thoughts on “How big is your universe?”

  1. These ideas are particularly helpful today as I am about to accept a job that pays two-thirds less than the last job I had. It pays what I was making 16 years ago and that was low pay then!! But, I’ve been praying to know that I really live in God’s kingdom, where there is no limitation, no lack, no stifling of my abilities, and where progress is the law!!! I can’t be defeated by this mortal picture of not being good enough for anything better than what I’ve found — for the moment. So, thanks for the additions to my prayer!

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