How to help stop shootings

February 20, 2023 | 34 comments

Do you ever feel helpless when hearing about another shooting in the media?

I share one way we can help in an article printed in my local newspaper, titled,
“We can be agents of God’s love in our community.”


34 thoughts on “How to help stop shootings”

  1. Good Morning and thank you. We experienced the challenge last week here in Michigan, USA.
    Counter-acting hatred with the “Universal solvent of Love” is how we dissolve anger, and protect those in danger. Thank you Evan for reflecting on this social challenge.

    Everyone I have invited a new guest to Spirit View this morning. His name is Jeffery. He reads his Bible each day. He is on his way far from home. An executive in flight most every week.
    Please welcome him to this blessed forum. It will create a whole new atmosphere for him as he spends so much time in hotels and traveling. Thank you in advance as we share the breaking of bread with one another now an additional expression of Spirit who is receptive.

    Love for today! David

    1. Good to see you sharing again here David, and a very warm welcome to your friend Jeffery. David I was glad to see you mention ‘the universal solvent of Love’ which Mrs. Eddy tells us we can use to dissolve the adamant (hardness/stubbornness) of error.

      Evan thanks for sharing your wonderful experience of using that universal solvent to diffuse a volatile situation and allow peace to be demonstrated.. I love this statement from your article, “The touch of love consoles the struggling heart, comforts the lonely, calms the troubled thought. It brings peace of mind. It severs the roots of violence.”

      Wonderful new week to all!

    2. Thank you for introducing us to your friend Jeffery.
      I look forward to any comments he shares.
      Evan and the community of people who share there thoughts on SpiritView have enriched my thoughts for quite some time and I am grateful.

  2. Welcome Jeffery – we are all so blessed by participation in this spiritual forum of actively shared healing ideas . —enabled by our dear Evan . Your life is about to be greatly further enriched and enjoyed by being part of this all loving community of seekers for spiritual truth .

  3. Good morning David and welcome `Jeffrey! Spirit View is such a lovely window to start the day , always looking for the good and annulling the negative. You will be inspired in so many ways by all the comments and observations that Evan evokes…many many happy loving days ahead to you and everyone who visits here❣️

    Pilgrim on earth, thy home is in heaven; stranger thou art the guest of God. S&H pg 254

    1. I should also have thanked you Evan for the explanation of your demonstration over violence. It’s very helpful to understand and counter arguments which mortal mind throws around when you may least expect them. I’m still learning the truth of being and the completeness , the ALL of God .
      It’s a beautiful journey❣️

  4. Thank you very very much for this article, dear Evan! Partly I unserstood the text. However for me the speaker is speaking very quick. And this time the text to read is not totally to see. I would love to read your article rather to listen to it. Is there a way to send a link with the full text to r e a d ?

    1. Hi Uta
      I had a small ‘read more’ button to press halfway through the article which gave me the full text. It was a bit obscured due to the adverts. Maybe this will work for you? X

      1. O yes Barbara, thank you very much indeed! I pressed the button and it works. But disturbing the several ads.

        1. At first I thought the ads were somewhat distracting. But then I thought how wonderful that they were supporting the wonderful healing work of Evan’s Christian Science healing. I listened to a number of the demonstrations that Evan had recorded and found them very uplifting and useful. Thank you Evan for sharing these with us.

        2. Dear Uta & Susan, there is also another solution. Under Evan’s picture is an arrow that says “Only have a minute? Listen instead”. (I know ads are necessary to generate revenue for the paper, but it also reminds me of how mortal mind would try to distract us from receiving a great message. 🙂 )

          Thank you Evan. An excellent article!

  5. Thank you all for your insights and a good and welcome morning to David and Jeffery. We all certainly would welcome the how of how to remove the dreaded news of another shooting. Working on my thought is the only way that I know of to remove such thoughts of raw villance and to replace with the peace that is so needed. I ask myself what is my brother asking for what is his need at this moment? The answer that always comes to thought is—to see him as he truly is —the child of God. This thought is not always easy seeing or hearing what is in front of me, yet as I have experienced it it is the only way. After what seems a daughtening struggle PEACE daunes in my heart.

    1. Lindalou, you hit the nail on the head. Yes our task is to proactively ask in prayer, what us our brother’s need? Like you said, the answer is always the same, it’s what we ALL need — to be seen and known as we truly are, as God sees us, the loved, whole, child of God.

  6. Evan, todays SpiritView is very good
    as usual. Thanks.
    The take away is the last sentence.
    “I choose Love.”
    Not easy sometimes, but as we all know,
    a perfect eraser to error.
    Thanks! ❤️

  7. Evan, your article is wonderful. I love how you used the Bible to speak to your community. Your Christianity shines through.” I choose to love” is exactly the path Christ Jesus chose as he was faced with anger, violence, and rejection. If we are followers of Christ Jesus, then our path is clear. We must do the same. Thank you for reminding us that we are not only Scientists, but CHRISTIAN Scientists. Have a beautiful week, all!

  8. Dear Evan thank you for today’s view of loving more, overcoming a frightening and possibly dangerous situation. Several years ago I had an experience almost identical to yours, when a woman came into the place where I was working. She was clearly not “in her right mind” But I had been especially devoted that morning to preparing my thought for my day, and was well equipped to handle the strange and disturbing experience. Like you, I tried to see as God sees:
    this woman is My beloved child. It took a while for the woman to calm down, but she did eventually; then we had a long conversation and she left peacefully.. Actually, I’m sure that all of us in going through life have had to handle unsettling moments and have found that to love, actively reflecting Love, God, is the only way!
    I’ve been thinking in the last few weeks about the ABSOLUTE power of Love, that Love IS power, the Only Power! Christ Jesus showed us how, and Mary Baker Eddy set this down as the Science on which we base our life practices.
    Thanks to everyone in our beautiful spiritual-viewing community whose lifted thought surely uplifts the world. Love MUST have Her perfect work!

    1. Yes I have proved the power of love too. While walking down a dark Chicago street and being grabbed by a man wanting to rape me, I pulled back and with inspiration looked in his eyes seeing only love. He kept pulling me and I pulled back and looked in his eyes again with love and gently said to him “leave me alone.”
      He.then he gave me a push and said go on then.

  9. What a wonderful article you shared with your community and the world,
    Evan! I particularly loved where you wrote, “Let us think of ways to motivate
    one another to acts of love and good works” (Heb.10:24,NLT). That certainly
    is felt here with the love shared in thoughts, comments and articles of Truth.
    I truly am grateful!
    Welcome Jeffery.
    Have a great week everyone!

  10. Just a wonderful expression of divine love for your fellow mankind. Thank you, Evan for sharing this excellent approach to healing in a troubled situation. This is a experience that calls for sharing.

  11. From Mary Baker Eddy written in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures: “In patient obedience to a patient God, let us labor to dissolve with the universal solvent of Love the adamant of error, – self-will, self-justification, and self-love, – which wars against spirituality and is the law of sin and death. “

    If I want to stop mass shooting, I have to stop thinking and acting even in the mildest beginning of a way that goes down that pathway. I must honestly dig deep to remove in or as my thought every root and seed that could sprout that violence. No selfishness. No self pity. No self will. No self justification. No going along to get along, no idle idol entertainment, no whining self pity songs, no my team vs their team/country/race-class, no murder mysteries or war films or violent computer games or gossip or revenge fantasies or cynicism or indifference or moral laziness or cowardliness.

    “Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind through Christ Jesus” by “having that mind in Christ Jesus, which was merciful, just, and pure .”

    I figure I cannot stop in my reaching out to God for transforming my life and attitude until at the minimum I have an understanding which is proven by me feeling empathy and compassion for everyone involved and demonstrating grace in a way that can be humanly appreciated and beneficial with courageous peace and vital joy.

    If I understand the deadly rage and killers’ anger, I recognize that it’s based on:
    1. fear,
    2. and that is based on believing a scary story
    3. that we are separate mortals without the good we need, disconnected from our inner truth and life, purpose, from God, from other humans, and the rest of nature, and unsupported by them,
    4. self-pity believing we are denied safety, respectful caring belonging with justice and dignity and hope,
    5. believing that power is exercised over others,
    6. Imagining that others are abusing their power over us with false authority or hierarchy or false loyalty/dependence, exploiting us, and dehumanizing us,
    7. believing that in order to not be hurt by being disempowered and degraded, one has to scare away the perceived threat
    8. by demonstrating violence,
    9. by getting the sense of affirmative belonging, approval, and protection of fascists, who glorify violence and self justification of self pity and scapegoating then revenge,
    10. By romanticizing and glorifying violence as a superhero or heroic soldier or “strong real man” justifying dehumanizing others as the enemy and the wrong/bad, maybe even wanting to be seen as a terrorist idealized,
    11. Believing that there is no other option to escape the pain they feel,
    12. believing the story that one’s life has no meaning or purpose, and the only way to get attention or to be memorable is to get the focus intense attention of those at the time one is aiming a gun or threatening, and the time, when the shooting, and after the bloodshed, the horrified mesmerism of the audience and the survivors, who cannot let go of that story and remembering one’s name and face and written explanation
    13. that is imitating the template written by others in constant reinforcement through the social and major corporate media owned by war profiters,
    14. because one believes one doesn’t have inspired thought, unique and necessary as one’s individuality that includes being connected in love with everyone else, joyously supporting others, and being upheld and nourished by others by all of life, and always dearly ”cared for, watched over, beloved, and protected” by God.

    So each time I think that someone is a bully or abuser or brutal cop, or warmonger or terrorist or war profiteer I can just commit myself to being evermore, the opposite, the correction, the one that loves no matter how others betray or hate me. To commit to love and understand and empathize, and forgive, and to persistently, consistently, continuously, give grace, gratitude, faith. To give an inspiring testimony of my life that feeds their hungering heart for purpose and meaning through Love, Truth, Principle.

    1. Thank you, Edie for your above context (detailed and so true!) and thank you, Evan for sharing your wonderful article with us. I love the spiritual courage you express by sharing in your article Bible verses to further your point in the news. I know that praying for the shootings, begins in my thinking- and like Edie wrote above- I must root out any violence in my own thinking to help leaven my individual and to bless collective consciousness. Grateful

  12. Thank you, Evan. My initial reaction was horror when seeing a familiar building at Michigan State in the news where a shooting took place. With a granddaughter away at college, dark thoughts swept thru and unsettled me. I’ve found comfort in Paul’s words: Neither death, nor life… nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God.” Divine love cannot be deprived, Mrs. Eddy reminds us.

  13. At first I thought the ads were somewhat distracting. But then I thought how wonderful that they were supporting the wonderful healing work of Evan’s Christian Science healing. I listened to a number of the demonstrations that Evan had recorded and found them very uplifting and useful. Thank you Evan for sharing these with us.

  14. Dearest Evan,-Thank you for this healing balm you have brought to your community, -revealing the power of divine Love to see through the masks of hatred and to effectuate the restoration of mental health and harmony. Your profound and beautifully written article should be printed in every newspaper throughout the world. It’s a masterpiece!

    A warm and loving welcome to Jeffery!

  15. Thank you Evan. I listened to the ways you handled the problems. It is just wonderful to see how the study of the bible together with all the tools provided for us bring healing to us and our communities. Thanks to all who share their experiences too. Every day one gains new inspiration from this sharing. A lovely day to all.

  16. Hi dear Evan, thank you very very much for all your wonderful healings you had with yourself. And I am grateful that you shared your grandious testimonies with us and the world through your lectures, through Sentinel, Journal and Herald. Also in my German Herold I read many articles you wrote, and they give me a lot of inspiration . And through that all I learn to love my neighbor, friends, church members and family members etc. much much more.
    Dearest Evan, I am deeply grateful to you for your loving caring for us all with your SpiritView Blog, Vlogs and articles! Much Love from us a l l!

    1. I ad deep thanks, dear Evan for explaining us how to love our socalled enimies through your own experiences. Not love the “enimy”, but love the child of God which is their real divine identity. In reality we have no enimies, as God knows no enimies as He is pure Love and His creation is the outcome of His/Her endless Love. ♡

      And dearest SpiritView friends, I thank you all very much for your so helpful and inspired comments. I read them with interest!!! ♡

  17. I love this story of Evan (symbolically like David) and the big, angry man (symbolically like Goliath) every time I hear it.
    I have been catching on to an important theme now for some time in The Holy Bible and our Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures; Love! Divine Love and its power! we are told so many times and in so many ways to Love, Love, Love! One of the many, many examples of this command for us to Love is from our hymnal, #179 “…Love heals our every ill, All the law does love fulfill. Love is our answered prayer…Love, Love alone is power.”
    We need to move from a sense of love as a wishy-washy, inconsistent human emotion that often fails when we need it most to Divine Principle Love. I have been enjoying thinking about Principle as a law that is enforced and has power. This kind of Love alone is power. The power of Good!
    I awoke today feeling the world’s sense of heaviness and negativity, but of course after reading the weekly Bible lesson my heart and mind soared in the love and works of Christ Jesus and reaffirmed to me we have to stay up and continue in this Love of the Christ, Truth. We can make way more of a difference than we think in expressing Divine Principle Love in our sometimes, seemingly small everyday interactions with people on the road, in the store, in our neighborhood,at work, when listeing to the news, etc. We can always correct the thoughts about these situations coming to us and this dedicated work does help to leaven the whole lump of error with Truth and Love. The lesson this week says it’s our duty and privilege.

    1. Thanks a lot Trista. Yes, it is the divine, spiritual all encompassing Love we express, and that heals!
      I love in this week’s lesson, that nothing can devide us from the Love of God!♡

  18. Jesus taught that the eye is the lamp of the body. If the eye, or visions and images we hold on to are of evil, then, as Jesus taught, our lamp is not lit -our consciousness is full of darkness. When Evan made the decision to see a child of God, worthy of being loved, he allowed the lamp of love to fill him up. Since he was loving his neighbor as himself, his neighbor was able to feel himself fill with love, and the darkness cannot oppose the light.

    I have been trying this with a relative that did a disturbing and illegal thing to a vulnerable family member. Slowly I have been replacing an image of a bad person with the image of God, expressing the power of love everywhere. It has taken persistence and a few months. But I can now think of this person as having God’s qualities. I feel peace and spiritual calm because with the eye on God, I see that the evil was not the person, but something trying to hide her true nature as God’s child.

    1. Thank you Kay. Great job! I need to work more consistently on this. I like your perseverance. One of the reminders on my phone is “Perseverance: Steadfastness;.continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition.” to help me remember to be more steadfast.

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