How to stay healthy when mingling with the public

August 6, 2021 | 26 comments

If you ever worry about staying healthy when you circulate with the public, there’s a way to heal that fear and keep your health intact at the same time.

I share some ideas on how to take your health with you when you leave the house and circulate with others, and how to bring it back home again.

This vlog was filmed in Quail Creek State Park, Utah, when Kathy and I traveled through last May.

Expect to stay healthy when mingling with the public

26 thoughts on “How to stay healthy when mingling with the public”

  1. When I saw Evan’s topic this morning, it occurred to me that, not only am I a spiritual idea of God who’s immune to “invasion” by a hostile material element, everyone else I come in contact with is, too! The world is not populated by material “hosts” to disease…it’s populated by God’s spiritual men, women, and children who are just as free from false material laws as I am!

    ” The divine Principle and idea constitute spiritual har‐
    mony, — heaven and eternity. In the universe of Truth,
    matter is unknown. No supposition of error
    enters there. Divine Science, the Word of
    God, saith to the darkness upon the face of error, “God
    is All-in-all,” and the light of ever-present Love illumines
    the universe. Hence the eternal wonder, — that infinite
    space is peopled with God’s ideas, reflecting Him in
    countless spiritual forms.” Science and Health, p. 503

    Often over the last year and a half, I’ve been reminded numerous times of the words of a practitioner when something was “going around” in our daughter’s elementary school years ago. “Life is not a hostile environment, Life is God.” THAT’S where we “live, move, and have our being”!

    1. Such a radiant expression. Thinking this way, blesses us all. Omnipotent Truth that you deliver to all.
      Thank you Robyn.

    2. Robyn, Thank you for the reminder that “Life is not a hostile environment, Life is God” “That’s where we “live and move and have our being.!” Thank you to that practitioner for those words. I will print out and hang where I can see them. Thanks Evan for another great timely vlog.

      1. It’s been a very helpful reminder to me over the years since, too, Jane! Mortal mind seems to present so many “pictures” for our acceptance that depict the exact opposite!

  2. “Expectation can be a self-fulfilling prophesy” YOU SAID IT!!! We really have to watch those thoughts which create an unreal “reality”. proved this so many times by not paying attention and either expecting the worst scenario or else verbalising a POSSIBLE negative out some to someone else…then of course that is exactly what happens!

  3. I so appreciate these reminders about true health, especially these days when we’re bombarded with mortal thought on the pandemic. It’s very helpful and supportive to see and hear the Truth reaffirmed.

  4. Evan, Thanks for the vlog this morning. The park scene is a most beautiful backdrop for the continued assertion on immunity from error.
    “Give (ing) us grace for today, feed (ing) the famished affections”

  5. “Health is Spiritual, a gift from God.” Our God is Good. All Good. What a joy when we understand these Truths. We understand them by employing our spiritual senses. So many good ideas this week in the lesson on Spirit and using our spiritual senses. We all have Spiritual sense built into the fabric of our being. If we don’t feel we are experiencing spiritual senses, pray to God with an honest desire to discern with spiritual sense. I did this very thing a while ago and I am experiencing a deeper understanding. God is the only power, presence, Life, health, Spirit!

  6. Love the water in the background Evan. Water is unstoppable unless there are barriers put up. Divine Love is also unstoppable , giving peace and protection wherever we are. We must see through those barriers of mortal sense both for ourselves and for everyone and expect health and well being. Thank your the vlog Evan and all the helpful comments here❣️

  7. Needed this this morning. Praying for a clear atmosphere of Love. Smoke that’s very heavy seems real as we are surrounded by forest fires in Northern CA. Prayer’s appreciated.

    1. Love and Clarity and Purity surrounding you and your family and neighbors in atmosphere of Love divine dear Jane b.

  8. From “TO SEE AS GOD SEES “  excerpt from article by Jill Gooding
    “Today, I’m going out to see God’s presence everywhere:
    I’m going out to see everyone as the loved child of our mutual heavenly Parent.
    I’m going out to see only the action of good everywhere.
    I’m going out to see God’s power in every detail of life.
    I’m going out to see this vision bring healing, light, and harmony to everyone I think of.
    I’m going out to see as God sees today.
    To do this is to practice scientific, Christian healing.”

    Can’t be anything to worry us if we follow this – all we mingle with are God’s
    own image and likeness, all pure and healthy and exempt from all false beliefs
    of contagion.

    1. Thanks SO much Maggie for this quote from “To See as God Sees” by Jill Gooding. I’ve copied it down and will read it each day….what wonderful thoughts!

  9. Thank you so much Evan for this clear and strong reminder of who we are as children of God and how we should see each other. Not as agents of harm but agents of Love.

    A few days ago on Spiritview (July 26) there was some discussion about neighbors who seem disturbing to those around them. I had said that I cannot disturb my neighbor and my neighbor cannot disturb me, I cannot harm my neighbor and my neighbor cannot harm me, because we are together in God’s harmony at all times and nothing can interfere with that. And dear Uta replied with a beautiful comment, “One idea cannot harm another idea but they can only bless each other!” And from Rhondda from Spiritview Aug 4. ” A spiritual fact is that fear has no power over us”. These ideas fit well with today’s topic of knowing we don’t have to fear each other and whence comes our safety. Very grateful.

  10. Thank you so much, Evan and all, for your daily inspired and uplifting thoughts! They are very helpful and appreciated. Love and blessings to all!

  11. To:jane b from California
    My prayers are with you. I live in Tustin, Orange County, So, California now but lived in No. California (Crescent City) for about 25 years.
    Mary Baker Eddy refers to fire as purification. I am claiming that your atmosphere wil be purified.
    You will not even have the “smell of smoke” on you. God is everywhere and is omnipresent and

  12. So grateful for blog and comments today. And everyday.
    We are inundated with smoke from fires in North and in
    B C. I have memorized this from Job 33 The Spirit of God
    Hath made me and the breath of the Almighty hath given
    me Life “. The elements of matter cannot assert power
    over elements of Spirut…….Love, Joy, peace and safety.
    The law of Love sends only blessings.

  13. I, Spirit

    The statement in S&H 304:8-15 is made by divine Principle, Love, not by manifestation. I, Love, AM saying that I cannot be deprived of the loveliness that expresses Me. I, Mind, AM saying I cannot be deprived of My own consciousness of Myself, which is My full manifestation, man.
    I, Soul, cannot be deprived of My own Self-awareness which is as perfect as I AM.

    I AM the Mind of My universe. There is no other mind. I AM all substance, Life, Truth, Love: all intelligence. I AM the one I, the only Ego. A knowledge of aught beside Me is impossible. My knowledge of Myself manifests what I AM and is My own image: My own idea of Myself. I have no past history or future experience, for I AM all here now. I AM not evolved from anything else than Myself, for all that I AM is the underived. In Me there is no excess or deficiency. I govern because I constitute all forces, action, functioning: all faculties, all comprehension. My thoughts of Myself remain in Me, and are inviolate. There is nothing in Me to threaten, jar, aggravate, conflict with or hurt Me, for I AM Myself only and am All. There is nothing but Me to know what I AM because there is no standpoint outside of Myself from which to know My all-inclusive Being, to see, comment on, or reverse what I AM. I AM whole, all-inclusive, underived. My own Name and Nature constitutes and characterizes all existence.

  14. From We Knew… Vol. 2 Anna B. White Baker | page 317

    A Watch Prayer
    All is love, peace, harmony,
    Heaven is right here,
    Truth reigns,
    There is no strife.
    Peace, be still!
    Truth has destroyed the error,
    Love has destroyed all hate,
    All is peace, love, joy.

    1. Elena… how grateful I am for your quotation of the ‘Watch Prayer’ here and directions for accessing it in the Vol. 2 of We Knew. I didn’t have my copy at hand… but was still rewarded when I placed a search on (just using her name) when ALL of her many, many references in We Knew came forward…including the moment when she included the very precious Watch Prayer.
      Thank you for your gift!

  15. Thank so very much dear Evan for this healing SpiritView Vlog giving us so lovingly! ♡
    It is utmost comforting to know what you said, that health is a permanent state of our being, because it is totally spiritual and given us from God. And this Truth goes with us in every situation and where ever we are – in a Subway or supermarket with many people around us.
    Today I was invited by my nephew and his lovely family with 2 children. I was too early so I talked and played with the children – so lovely. When we sat at the table with cake and coffee we were abt. 12 persons (God’s children) . We had nice and humorous chats. I am grateful for this harmonious afternoon in Love’s healthy presence!♡.

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