If you compare, compare aright!

October 4, 2021 | 35 comments

Are you tempted to ever compare yourself to other people around you? To analyze their physique and compare it to yours, perhaps comparing their height and weight to your height and weight, to measure how successful they are in their career against your own success, to note their standing in society compared to yours, or compare the qualities of character they express to the qualities you express?

Whatever form the temptation to compare may come in, do yourself a favor, and never compare yourself to a mortal.

You are not a mortal! You are an immortal living an immortal life designed to reflect God in all of God’s divine glory.

To compare yourself to a mortal is to downgrade your being, to potentially belittle yourself, subject yourself to flaws, imperfections, shortcomings and temporal conditions that have nothing to do with your individuality made in the likeness of God.

You are not a flawed mortal subject to mortal comparisons. You are an incredibly awesome, beautiful, talented, worthy immortal that can be found only in God’s image.

In writing about making comparisons, Mary Baker Eddy instructed, “Now compare man before the mirror to his divine Principle, God. Call the mirror divine Science, and call man the reflection. Then note how true, according to Christian Science, is the reflection to its original. As the reflection of yourself appears in the mirror, so you, being spiritual, are the reflection of God”
(Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 515).

To learn the truth about your individuality, look into the mirror of divine Science—or in other words, consult spiritual reality for the right view—and you’ll get the true picture.

Be sure to never compare yourself with something you are not. You are not a mortal! You are an immortal.

Compare aright.

35 thoughts on “If you compare, compare aright!”

  1. I love this Evan. It is a real wake-up call to me. “Never compare yourself to a mortal”. How many times have I found myself thinking “Oh I wish I had her energy” or “I wish I looked as slim as she does” etc. God doesn’t have favourites and give more to one than another. We are all His/Her loved children riight now! I’m going to put the phrase “never compare yourself to a mortal” on a post-it note and stick it on my mirror! Thank you so much for this today.

  2. Thank you so much, Evan, for these wonderfully inspired ideas based on the piece you mention from S&H p 515. Most helpful.

  3. Thanks so much to reminding me with these pointers. Although i never try to compare myself with other people, i am most grateful to hold this in thought today. God made all His children in His likness. Therefore we have no need to compare ourselves to another.

  4. There would never be any unhappiness were it not for comparison. Thank you for this Monday morning’s issue. It’s a fine way to begin the week.

    I will share the first paragraph from The Christian Science Journal, 1883, by Mary Baker Eddy.

    “Every time you declare you are perfect in God, there goes through the body a health giving power. When you realize this truth of truths, that you are now, and will be, perfect in God (without a single doubt) wonderful changes will come to pass.”

    Perhaps someone may find a link so that you may see the article in it’s entirety. You will keep it always in thought and be blessed. If there isn’t a link I will transpose it later on. It’s a full page of declaration.

    Have a most productive and wonderful week in the service of reflecting your true selfhood.

    1. Thank you Evan for the Awesome post today -really invaluable !

      Thank you David for sharing this remembered quote. Interestingly enough the article has been found to be not actually written by Mary Baker Eddy as previously generally understood.
      -some of what’s quoted is in the following article, by SpiritView contributors noted below:

      ‘The Way to Begin in Christian Science’:

  5. Thank you, Evan. In the past, I have compared my demonstrations of supply to those of others, feeling a bit envious that I didn’t have more. What a ridiculous and hopeless spiral that is! We all have abundant and infinite supply as a natural part of our divine image and likeness. No one can take that away from us or add anything to it. It comes from God and is as eternal as He is.

  6. wow I love this. Evan I want you to start making tiktoks…all you have to do is read your daily blogs…tik Tok is an unbelievable platform for sharing ideas and inspiriing others. it is NOT about teenagers dancing. it has exploded as a platform bc of how much it helps people learn and grow and I think your voice would be so valued there…im gonna call you about it!!!! you already have all the content! I will teach you how to do it!!!! 🙂

    1. I’m with Tricia on tiktok! What an amazing opportunity to potentially reach millions of people. Metaphysics is an amazing way of thinking, and just what our world needs!

    2. Wanting to share with a larger audience is commendable, but wisdom bids consider safeguarding; the SpiritView community is large, loyal, and contributors stay incredibly constructive in their comments -which has been a greatly needed Treasure for “honest seekers of Truth”.
      -Considering extending to TikTok brings the strong concern of risking being exposed to those who scoff at our appreciated peaceful atmosphere, & may have instead enjoyed proliferating destructively toxic entries & wish in their ignorance to harm this sweet oasis.

      1. I respectfully understand and can appreciate your point of view of seeing Evan’s blog as a sweet oasis for like-minded thinkers. However, if you want to stay relevant and proliferate Christian Science you need to reach people online. Thankfully, lectures are on YouTube and are reaching thousands of people. At last count, I noticed that one of Philip Hockley’s lectures has had 76,789 views. Didn’t Jesus say, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” (Mark 16:15). I would consider “creation” to be those that are watching tiktoc.

      2. Interestingly, I’ve never had to “protect” this blog. It is written for all sincere seekers of truth, and it is reaching a wide audience around the world.

        What I’ve learned is, as a general rule, that when you show respect for others, they show respect back again, even if they disagree with your position. That can lead to some very healthy discussions that open everyone’s thought to new possibilities. So, I am not afraid of new venues. It’s a matter of having the time to explore them and understand them. Thanks everyone for sharing your thoughts.

  7. Let’s all re-read the overleaf page following Title page of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy!

    And here’s a helpful “object-lesson:”
    Who would compare a …Rose to a Poppy or Peony or Sunflower??


  8. Never compare yourself to a mortal. Never compare your current imagination about yourself to the story you imagined about your past mortal “self” or your future mortal “self”. Your own or anyone else’s true identity is never mortal, is never messed up, is never missing out, is never missing or lacking or “too” much or ”too” little of whatever. Is never mindless or losing its mind. Is never doomed and damned from one’s own or another’s mistakes. Never try to get others to compare or contrast you, to judge you or label you as a mortal, whether considered good or bad. We don’t need mortal opinion impressed or depressed or oppressed or stressed. Mere mortal opinion or judgment according to mortal material measuring sticks never measures up to reality.

    The highly destructive US military explosive called C4, Can be a reminder to not use or allow vulnerability to the four “C’s”: comparison, complaint, criticism, contempt. Instead, apply 4G: Commit all for (1) God’s Glory, through (2) Generous Gratitude/grace, trusting (3) infinite Goodness, evidenced as (4) Growth/healing/liberating justice. The reflection and activity of God’s goodness has no delay or imperfection.

    1. Thank you Edith for your wise comments. I will also add the 5 G’s: God good, guides guards and governs.

  9. I am so appreciative of all the comments on todays “Spirit View” and for Evan’s powerful thoughts on comparison, for indeed we are all the most wonderful, complete, whole spiritual ideas of God, each of us expressing our heavenly Creator as our God given image and likeness, the complete idea of our Father-Mother God. Nothing to compare, just love expressing itself as God intended us to be and do.
    Blessing to all.

  10. Evan thanks for the reminder that we are not a mortal. We need to remember that again and again.

    God is the only source of true info about us. I recently had this thought very clearly: “Everything I need to know about myself I find out from God. He knows everything about me that needs to be known.”

    Thanks and love to all!

  11. Thank you for this wonderful gift, Evan. I am going to print it out and read it every day. I was raised by a loving but insecure mother, who always made comparisons and inadvertently instilled a sense of inadequacy in her children.
    But that is all a lie. I am a perfect immortal! I am, we all are, the individualized expression of the perfect, “Altogether Lovely.” Thank you for helping me break this mortal tendency to compare myself to others. What a relief!

  12. What an insight – don’t compare ourselves to mortal sense of individual because we’re not mortal and they’re not mortal. That’s a limited perspective. And we are infinite reflections of the Infinite. You can’t compare infinity. Comparison is limiting. It’s ingratitude one supposes as it says God hasn’t given me enough. A C.S. teacher said that she prayed: “I can’t want anything God doesn’t want me to want.”

    1. Melissa, unfortunately, this link is only available to those who r subscribers of JHS online. I would have loved to have been able to read it.

      1. Dear Laura,
        This article might be found in the nearest Christian Science Reading Room, Christian Science Journal “Bound Volumes” on the shelf of Christian Science Reading Room, if you are near a Reading Room where you are.

      2. This article had already been shared in an above comment. The link there is open for everyone to access it.

  13. Decisions are not made by what someone else does.God
    Provides all good for each of His children and provides
    what is best when we listen for His direction, Thanks
    for reminding us of this in today’s helpful blog

  14. “I love and accept myself,” is what I say whenever a negative thought about my body rears up, Stops that thought in its tracks. Now I will add, “God made me perfect.” And “Never compare yourself to a mortal.” What a blessing this blog is, Even, and readers!

  15. Thank you for this inspiring message, Evan. I thank all those who comment as well, especially David Brandon and Melissa J. Haydon. I find this thought extremely helpful: “every time you declare you are perfect in God, there goes through the body a health giving power. … without a single doubt, wonderful changes will come to pass.”

  16. I discovered a very clear definition of jealousy – to compare and compete. To me this is the essence of Jealousy. By defining it clearly, It is easier to see through it. The best biblical example is Hannah, of 1 Samuel. She is a hero in handling comparing/ competing/ jealousy. She was the object of Peninah’s jealousy. But she walked past all that taunting straight into the temple to pray to a God she had been told cursed her. Obviously, she could not have truly believed that or why should she pray to that God? She redefined God and prayed anyway leaving jealousy behind her. She was healed. She was able to return to the festival table and eat! That to me says it all. She ate!
    She overcomes jealousy and brings forth Samuel. The one who would turn Israel back to trusting in God instead of idols. In that moment, she handles what would eventually take Saul and David a lifetime to overcome. She is a hero. God is her ROCK.
    Does this remind you of anyone who comes later? Maybe Mary? We so often don’t see the stories of true greatness because the players are women and their stories are buried in other non important stuff like Eli’s superficial prayers and baby clothes. When what was really happening was a transformation of world thought.

  17. Wonderful blog and comments! Personality must be replaced by Gods individuality. We are all the loved of Love.❣️

  18. Magnificent research, Angie.
    Seems we are not the only ones who have this document. The article forwarded “The Way to Begin in Christian Science” uses only excerpts from the text that I have from my family’s saved articles. I have had this copy for many decades. It is sealed in plastic wrap for endurance.
    It is titled, “From the Christian Science Journal of 1883” by Mary Baker Eddy.

    Here it is in it’s entirety as promised:

    Every time you declare you are perfect in God, there goes through the body a health giving power. When you realize this truth of truths, that you are now, and will be, perfect in God (without a single doubt) wonderful changes will come to pass.
    But let me urge you, however difficult it may seem, to declare all is right. Deny all physical suffering, declare times without number that you are perfect, joyful, triumphant. Say often “God is my strength, my health, my understanding.” you have dominion in Him over the world, the flesh and the devil. A dominion that is omnipotent. Your life is in Him, no power can bind you. God is the only life, Spirit is the only substance. Life is the only the only Cause. Harmony is the only Law. Now is the only time.
    This is God’s spiritual household. Nothing can enter into it to annoy or destroy. Nothing can enter to manifest sin, sickness or discouragement, for God – Good – fills all the household with perfect love and peace and governs every member in it.
    There can be no power, obstinacy nor animal magnetism to darken the atmosphere of my home for God does in every deed dwell in earth with man and governs every event. There is no evil condition of thought that can argue or suggest or make ant law to dominate or control me, or bring any evil to pass me, or shut out of my consciousness any good.
    There is no law of failure, or want or poverty, lack or limitation. There is no law but Divine Law, which is plenty, abundance, harmony and dominion. No mortal minds good, bad or indifferent, individual, collective or universal, can touch me or anyone within the radius of my thought this day; for God, Good, governs me and every member of this household with perfect love.
    Beloved Father-Mother God, give me wisdom to meet the problems that come to be met today, give me the understanding to deny error. Give me the grace to remain silent when not necessary to speak. Oh Love, take me in. Give me one Mind, one Consciousness, enable me to love my neighbor as myself.
    When I cease to judge, criticize or condemn, I begin to make progress.

    1. David,
      Thank you so much for providing this treasure! It is so full of ideas on which to reflect more deeply, and I have copied it to do just that. I am glad I checked back to discover this true blessing.
      Much gratitude, Lisa Z

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