Immortal cravings

August 9, 2012 | 9 comments

Do you have any cravings? Aw, any lovers of chocolate out there?
What about craving for attention, money, clothes, coffee, time, sex or sleep?  Excess appetite seems to come in many different forms and often causes great frustration on the part of the one who is craving.
Craving is often seen as a great evil. But is it? Or is it, but maybe we’re mistaking what the craving is really all about?
Consider these words of Mary Baker Eddy,

“Soul has infinite resources with which to bless mankind, and happiness would be more readily attained and would be more secure in our keeping, if sought in Soul. Higher enjoyments alone can satisfy the cravings of immortal man….The senses confer no real enjoyment.” (S&H 60:29)


 “…the cravings of immortal man.” Now that is a new way to think about craving.
According to Eddy, craving is not about lust for greater material consumption. It’s about drawing closer to God, seeking spiritual contentment, understanding and fulfillment in Soul.
Mortal mind makes a harmful mistake when it identifies a “craving” as want for a sensual indulgence. And that is the deceitful lie Eddy has exposed.
Craving is not lust for sense indulgence. It’s a sign that thought needs greater spiritual nourishment, a richer experience with God, a deeper affection for the things of the Spirit.
As a child of God, you are immortal. You have immortal desires, loves and affections. These love and affections are only satisfied spiritually, never materially. And this is why those who seek satisfaction through material ways and means never find it. They always feel a want for more.
Genuine long lasting contentment and joy come from Soul, not through material sense.


9 thoughts on “Immortal cravings”

  1. Excellent reminder that our craving is really for things immortal…to know God better…love this…

  2. Thanks Evan. I will read your whole post later when I have more time. However, wanted to share what came to thought after reading the opening paragraph.
    The next time I’m craving anything material, I’ll recognize it as mortal mind’s attempt to hide my real carving for spiritual growth. And that’s a craving worth satisfying.
    Thanks for the eye opener.

  3. I crave just as much as anyone else. But my material cravings was never on sex, but on food and entertainment, not on short order but every thing. Now that I am a C/S, I have a craving to know God better. This has made me happier than ever before, and yet I still enjoy a good meal, a good drama or comedy on TV. The difference is from a mortal view is in more moderation than before. In other words it’s not #1. Spiritual understanding is.

  4. this really hit home for me – thank you Evan.

    Craving is not lust for sense indulgence. It’s a sign that thought needs greater spiritual nourishment, a richer experience with God, a deeper affection for the things of the Spirit.

  5. This hit home for me, too, Evan. Thanks for showing how Mrs. Eddy turns the tables on the idea that craving is lust. I think Jesus’ beatitudes show us that hungering and thirsting after righteousness is a part of our spiritual nature. There is nothing like eating when you are truly hungry. There is an appreciation there for everything that brings you to the table, as well as whats on the table itself. I think that’s a good metaphor for spiritual cravings. There is a respect and love for the unfolding as well as the unfoldment. Where mindless mortal cravings lack that element of gratitude and love. The lustful craving breeds shame instead of satisfaction, I think.

    Very thought-provoking post!

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