Immortality is immunity to contagion

December 15, 2017 | 16 comments

Many people feel vulnerable to the spread of disease, that if others around them have a cold, for instance, they might get a cold. But this does not need to be the case. There is a spiritual defense we can put up that protects us from catching illness.

Part of an effective spiritual defense is knowing our immortality.

As children of God, we are not mortals walking around in dangerous environments that expose us to disease. We are immortals expressing Life and Truth wherever we are and in whatever we do.

To know that you are immortal is to neutralize claims of mortality.

Immortals do not catch disease. Immortals are not vulnerable to disease. Immortals are never in danger. Immortals do not lose their health.

The individuality of immortals is like light shining out from the sun. They light up the environment they occupy. They do not fear darkness. They are not intimidated by darkness. By living true to who they are, any darkness they encounter is instantly wiped out.

The same rule applies to living true to your immortal selfhood. As you understand your immortality and actively strive to express it, any “darkness,” or disease you encounter, is neutralized by the immortality you are expressing. As darkness does not enter light, disease does not enter immortal consciousness.

Immortality is your immunity to disease.

In Truth, you are wholly immortal right now. You are living your immortal life. It does not start after death, it is already happening, and it is endowed with fixed health that is never lost.

No matter what type of disease you are exposed to, it never touches the immortal child of God, the only being that you ever can be. You are immune to it. It is as nothing to you. Life and health are all to you.

The thought-germs of mortal mind have no chance of entering a consciousness of immortality.

Stay conscious of your immortality and demonstrate immunity to disease!

16 thoughts on “Immortality is immunity to contagion”

  1. Thank you Evan! This reminds me of Mrs. Eddy’s statement in S&H, 209:31-32, “Spiritual
    sense is a constant, conscious capacity to understand God.” When we are focused on
    God and His reflection, there is no room for did-ease! So as you remind us, we must
    “stay conscious of {our} immortality”. Thank you again for this reminder!

    1. Thank you Evan. Such a powerful message! It reminds me of an incident in a Sentinel article many years ago:

      Jimmy, a little boy who attended a Christian Science Sunday School, ran down the street to play with his friend Kevin. Kevin’s mother opened the door and told him he couldn’t play with Kevin that day. “Kevin is sick. He has a cold. And if you play with him, you’ll catch his cold and get sick too.” So Jimmy ran home. Then he asked his mother, “Why must I catch “sick” from Kevin? Why can’t Kevin catch “well” from me?”

      Mary Baker Eddy tells us to include everyone in this exemption from contagion. “Thus may each member of this church rise above the oft-repeated inquiry, What am I? to the scientific response: I am able to impart truth, health, and happiness, and this is my rock of salvation and my reason for existing.” (First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, p. 165.)

      And in Science and Health she tells us of other freedoms we have as immortal. “Immortality, exempt from age or decay, has a glory of its own, the radiance of Soul.” 247:13-15

  2. Perfect timing Evan. There is plenty of general discussion and media about flu shots. It is time to be sure we stay conscious and claim our true heritage and freedom. Thank you.

  3. This reminds me of a joke from the Reader’s digest many years ago.
    In the Orient, a local young man was working as a house boy to an
    American. The lady of the house was explaining how important it was to clean as to
    avoid germs which would cause sickness. He innocently replied “But we Christians don’t believe that, do we?”

  4. This LIFT counter acts all ideas of contagion or expectation of illness or darkness in our lives! As we each pray this Truth it can lift thought everywhere to see goodness, purity, the image and likeness of God in each person we see, meet, think about or encounter in our daily walk! Think if this was the NEWS on TV today — what an impact that mankind is immune to the evil idea of harmful contagion. Only good is contagious, only purity is powerful and God’s love is in each one of us! Share that today!

  5. Thank you, Evan. Thanks to all, especially those sweet stories—so pure and innocent and what we all are as God’s immortal ideas. I love Mrs. Eddy’s answer to a question about our immortality in MY 241:10, and the specific point: “You can never demonstrate spirituality until you declare yourself to be immortal and understand that you are so.” (MY 242:3-5) Her explanation is so helpful. (I have this taped onto our bathroom mirror!)

  6. Thanks again Evan for challenging me to consider the power of words! I have begun to regularly ask myself if the words I hear or use really convey what I want them to mean – do they resonate and align me with my Source, divine Mind. What really works for me? One idea word I have chosen to stop using in this age of comic characters is “immortal” for to me it implies the subtle confirmation of “time” and “space”, personality and a presence of “evil”. Paul said in Romans “none of these things touch me”, so I have chosen to describe myself – the law of my mind – as the image and likeness of “immutable” instead.

  7. This reminds me of a time when I was teaching a Sunday School class of third graders and one very precocious second grader.
    I had asked that each share something about how they had knowingly prayed and been aware of God’s presence and help that week.
    Going around to each in the group they shared, in their child innocence, some wonderful thoughtts. When we came to the second grader he shared this.
    “It had been a rainy day but the rain had stopped so the teacher had taken the children outside for recess. Our young man was enjoying splashing in mud puddles. He said the teacher had physically removed him telling him to – ‘come out of there. You’ll catch cold.’ His prayer was short and to the point. “But I knew I wouldn’t so I went back in.”
    Oh that we could all have such unfailing and complete trust in God’s care and protection as this beautiful child innocence.

    1. Thank you Dorothy,

      yes, we all, and I mean specially me, do need this beautiful child innocence who has such unfailing and complete trust in God`s very loving safe care! 🙂

      Thank you Evan, for this healing and thought provoking SpiritView of today.
      It lifts me up to a higher and perfect spiritual view of myself, thanks awfully!
      And with this I also mean that all the wonderful comments today are helping me very much – thank you – with Love to all 🙂

  8. When the Great Spirit speaks,
    He reminds us..”Don’t dream
    the dreams of others”

    There are many dreaming
    bad dreams…. in their
    dreams there is war and
    poverty and sickness
    and death….

    These are their dreams
    which they mistake
    for their reality….

    You are immortal,
    You are free
    You are blessed
    and have all you need…

    This is not a dream
    this is reality…
    When you find this
    within, it becomes
    Your truth…

    1. Thank you Maximo,

      this time I cannot add anything to your perfect and loving poem – so good and helpful – love that! 😉

  9. Thank you Evan for the wake up call. What wonderful comments from readers. Thank you Maximo for your lovely poem. 🙂

  10. Thank you so much, Evan–and all the lovely replies (including Maximo’s beautiful poem). I enjoyed all the stories of childlike trust which protected and blessed those dear children as well as those around them, I’m sure! Blessing and love to you all.

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