Do you like to keep a clean house?
You might have thought I was referring to a physical house with four walls. But I’m thinking about your mental house.
Do you like to keep a clean mental house?
If so, invite Christ in to do the housekeeping.
Christ is the Mind of God that knows best how to keep your thought in perfect order.
Christ is the Love of God that sweeps into consciousness and creates ideal conditions for instant forgiveness, kindness, generosity, compassion, goodwill, peace of mind, and boundless joy.
Christ is the Truth of God that establishes order, integrity, honesty, clarity, morality, spirituality.
Christ is the Spirit of God that fills the atmosphere with energy, joy, delight, gratitude, life, and health.
Christ cleans up the debris of mortal mind, vacuuming out ill-will, anger, resentment, pessimism, cynicism, complaint and self-will.
Christ is the comfort of God that dissolves all fear.
Invite Christ into your mental space today, and enjoy a clean consciousness of Truth and Love where God’s order reigns. Christ knows best how to get the job done well.
Christ is the ultimate housekeeper!!
Thank you! This removes personal sense.
Nice. When my mom was asked to clean a chaotic house, she said she never saw the chaos, the disorder, dirt, or trash, she only saw the radiant order, cleanliness and beauty of the home that all that stuff was hiding. She then worked swiftly , effortlessly, joyfully, and the results brought great peace and joy to her friends.
We can keep our eyes on the perfect child of the Perfect God, and joyously let God do this work, too!
(See Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy, page 280:1.)
That is a very clear example of Evan’s message diane w. Thank you for sharing.
As your Mom proved, we also must look beyond what the material senses appear
to be presenting, to see with our spiritual lenses what really IS. Christ teaches us
‘Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light”.
Thank you, Diane, for sharing your mom’s visual,mental, perspective. It lifts my thought to a higher perspective of being. I’ll be using it along with Evan’s descriptive words to clean my mental house.
Thank you Evan, and thank you so much diane w.a. for your comment about your mom’s experience. Currently dealing with a family member who shares a home with another family member with substance issues and the house would appear to be very chaotic. I was praying to know how to move forward and have already taken some steps. This is so helpful!
That is so helpful Diane!!! Thank you for this lovely approach to take! I’ve been doing major cleaning and organizing for a couple of people. They are very happy with the results; but this approach takes what I’m doing to a higher level. From now on, I’m going to start (paraphrasing here) when asked to clean a chaotic house, by never seeing the chaos, the disorder, dirt, or trash, but only seeing the radiant order, cleanliness and beauty of the home that all the stuff is hiding. I will work swiftly, effortlessly, joyfully, and the results are sure to bring great peace and joy – thanks to Divine inspiration and help!
Perfect!! Just what I needed for today. Thank you so much for the post and comments. I’m ever so grateful.
Maravilhoso!! Obrigada Professor Evan.
Wow! Just wow! Thank you .
I love this!
I’ll be sharing this with my friends and family.
One of my favorite article son this subject is:
How’s Your Attic?
Is this the one?
I have just read it, and it is very good. Milton Simon is the author, and his articles
I have always found to be exceedingly good and helpful. So thank you
Same article – Robert got there just before me!!!!
Thank you!
“Witness to the Christ” a conversation with Mary Ten Eyck and Rosalie E. Dunbar, from the December 2007 issue of The Christian Science Journal:
Thank you Evan and all. This is lovely in keeping a home-thought of Christ.
The first thing I thought of when I saw the photo, was the wreath hanging
on the door… as in “stand porter at the door of thought” to let only good in.
A wreath symbolizes the circularity of God and also Christ. That is, no
beginning or end, but eternity. Life, our life, is also expressed as Christ Jesus
proved – that our True self is not limited and mortal, but spiritual and perfect.
I like where Evan states, “Christ cleans up the debris of mortal mind …”. .
It is a constant housekeeping of thought to keep out the mortal mind
suggestions that would try to enter our thinking in so many conniving ways,
but “Christ knows best how to get the job done well.” I am off to do some
housecleaning now. : )
Following the extraordinary and upsetting events of this weekend, it would appear there is a lot of nental house cleaning to be done. Thank you for this post today. L. X
“…as we fulfill the demands of daily living from a spiritual basis, we too can participate in God’s plan of salvation for all mankind…I realized that prayer is not so much an activity taking place in some room apart as it is a spiritual state of thought. So we can pray as effectively in the kitchen or office as we do in the study.”
Quotes above are from the the article accessible via the link below.
A few years ago I started trying to re-understand everything I thought I understood about CS. There is a lot of CS jargon and because I was raised in CS, I just took that jargon for granted without really thinking what the words meant. One word used frequently by Christian Scientists I started thinking more deeply about was “demonstration.” What exactly is “demonstration” I pondered. The obvious answer is “healing” and I guess that’s what I always thought was meant by that word in terms of CS. But after praying and not achieving healing results, I decided it had to mean more. It finally occurred to me that “demonstration” means keeping thought in line with God, Mind, every second. In other words, demonstration is not about an end result (i.e., what humans call “healing”). It’s about the continuous reflection of the Christ, God’s idea, in thought even when the evidence to the material senses is screaming the opposite is true. “Demonstration” is what we do before (and after) what is commonly referred to as “healing”. It’s about loving God, and God’s idea,, so much that we want to hold to God’s loving truth in thought even when all of the noise of the human senses is telling us that God’s idea can’t be true. And finally, it’s about gaining a total conviction that God’s idea (Christ) is true, right now regardless of what the material senses are trying to get us to accept, and wanting to express that God’s good idea in our every thought and action.
Here’s another article that I thought brings out that “demonstration” is not just what we do when we’re studying and praying. Demonstration is also what we do minute by minute when holding to the truths we gained when studying and praying…i.e., demonstrating those truths in our lives.
Thank RobertH, for sharing your steps of spiritual growth. They’re very useful to.
Thank you Evan and other sharers!!☺️
Evan! When I first read the title I had to laugh as I was saying that I needed to dust and vacuum today!!! Yes I like a clean house and decorating and expressing the idea of Home but inviting Christ in to clean my mental home is best! Stand porter at thought . Also I have envisioned at times getting out my mental broom and sweeping out all the unwanted thoughts, in every knock and cranny. Out! out! – everybody out!
I love this post
Thanks, Robert H. for the link to that thoughtful article. It reminded me of one of my favorites a talk by Chet Manchester, “Christmas Presence” many years ago. It was published in the Journal. Sorry I don’t know the date.
Thank you Evan (and Laurel). I believe this is the article you’re referring to:
I love this, so helpful.