Is your standpoint liberating?

June 6, 2017 | 13 comments

What is your mental standpoint today? Is it a good place to be in thought where you see the unlimited possibilities of God unfolding in your life and causing wonderful things to happen? Are you seeing health, supply, strength, and reasons to be joyful and grateful?

The mental standpoint you occupy has everything to do with what you see as possible and where you head next.

If you are on a long hike toward a mountaintop and walk through valleys and woods to get there, your view from the valley is limited. The standpoint you occupy in that leg of the journey limits how far you see. But when you summit the mountain and stand on top, you can see forever. Your standpoint at that juncture allows you to view without limit.

When walking through life, the mental standpoint we occupy affects how far we see. If we’re mentally standing in the belief system that we are mortal, and thus limited, we see limited possibilities. If we are occupying a spiritual standpoint, understanding that we are unlimited spiritual children of God, there are no limits to how far we can see and what we can accomplish.

So, check your standpoint today. Does it allow you to see as far as Truth allows you to see? Are you seeing beyond matter, beyond disease, beyond conflict, beyond lack, to the infinite realm of Spirit where health is the norm, peace is the fact, and abundance abounds?

Mary Baker Eddy wrote, “When understanding changes the standpoints of life and intelligence from a material to a spiritual basis, we shall gain the reality of Life, the control of Soul over sense, and we shall perceive Christianity, or Truth, in its divine Principle. This must be the climax before harmonious and immortal man is obtained and his capabilities revealed.” Science and Health, p. 322. The spiritual standpoint of God is All, gains the reality of Life and all its blessings. Enjoy!

13 thoughts on “Is your standpoint liberating?”

  1. Thanks Evan for the breath taking image you displayed for bringing home the point, that in order to enjoy a wonderful view its so very important to be at the correct standpoint. Likewise, to enjoy the journey of our life and make it awesome, its so very essential to have the correct standpoints in life.
    Just as the view from a height or a mountain top is amazing, similarly if we rise above the material pictures to our true spiritual consciousness and then see the world, its so much beautiful and good. It requires constant not allow our standpoint to trail down.. We need to be very watchful and alert. The help of daily prayers enable us to stick to the correct standpoint and see the world from the spiritual perspective. From here we see the beauty and grandeur of God’s creation made in His own image and likeness.
    I love these words of Evan “So, check your standpoint today. Does it allow you to see as far as Truth allows you to see? Are you seeing beyond matter, beyond disease, beyond conflict, beyond lack, to the infinite realm of Spirit where health is the norm, peace is the fact, and abundance abounds?”
    Deeply grateful to you Evan, for directing our thoughts to the right standpoints in life in order to get a grander view and experience peace, plenty and bliss. Thanks be to God.

    1. Thank you Nergish, for your comment.

      And I tune into you in so far, that I also do love that sentence of Evans SV, to check our standpoint today etc.

      As I wrote below, am working on it, knowing that I surely reach the top with that purely spiritual outlook.

      Thats right, thanks be to God 😉

  2. Thanks very much, Evan, want to climb more in order to have a still better spiritual outlook . working on it;-)

  3. Thank you Evan for helping to “clear” our viewpoint to the infinite possibilities we are blessed with “everyday”!

  4. Wonderful insight and inspiration! Thank you, Evan and comment inspirers and all striving for, reaching towards and finding that Spirit View. I, too, love that photo and find this enlightenment so helpful this morning, as sometimes the valleys and woods of mortal thinking tends to try to slow down our progress . But as we progress, the heights of Truth shine their light on what can seem to be a challenging experience and we see the treasures that being above it all, empowers us with.

  5. This subject shared today is similar to the note I made in my Quarterly as I studied the lesson for this week: “I am not working up to perfection, but out from perfection.” My perfection is already established – I just have to claim it!

  6. Yes..thank you , Evan. Love the picture. I read somewhere…to see the Truth….we can rise above the mist (error), or see thru the mist, or KNOW THAT IT IS ONLY A MIST.

  7. I am standing in a much better place ( with a much better view!) after reading your few wonderful paragraphs!

    Oh THANK YOU!!! Just the SHIFT I so needed!

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