It feels good to be a Christian Scientist

September 29, 2022 | 63 comments

I’m so happy to be a Christian Scientist. Hardly a day goes by that I don’t remember how blessed I am to have this healing truth at work in my life.

Christian Science has made God a concrete reality for me. It has made it easy for me to feel God’s presence wherever I am and in whatever I’m doing.

Christian Science has enabled me to see beyond matter to spiritual reality here and now.

Christian Science has taught me that I’m living my eternal spiritual life now. I don’t have to wait until death for things to get better. The best of life is present to experience now. As Jesus taught, “The kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21).

Christian Science has taught me how to pray for healing and find it.

Christian Science has taught me how to see myself from a spiritual point of view, as God’s immortal man in action, rather than acting out the role of a flailing mortal.

Christian Science has taught me how to see past disease, sin, and pain, to the realities of Spirit that take away disease, sin, and pain.

Christian Science has taught me how to find good health through understanding spiritual truth.

Christian Science has made me a happy person.

Christian Science has taught me that I have a good life to live and should not accept anything less.

I’m so happy to be a Christian Scientist. Because of its teachings, I feel whole, complete, spiritual, secure, loved, and lovable, cared for, watched over and protected. It has made God a living reality for me, and I am blessed.

63 thoughts on “It feels good to be a Christian Scientist”

  1. Amen! It is certainly a pearl of great price and I don’t know what I would do without it either Thank you for your daily reminders that help keep us focused on living our best lives, and thank you to Jesus Christ and Mrs Eddy for making these truths knowable, accessible and demonstrable for us all ☺️

  2. “The pearl of great price “- thank you , Evan , for encapsulating , on this site , what we feel and love about these wonderful scientific , spiritual teachings . And thank you Mary Baker Eddy for your dedication and love in giving to the world .

  3. Thank you Evan for such a wonderful treatment for everyone. Doubtless conviction to Divine Science.
    But thank you most of all Evan , for your limitless sharing of Christian Science knowledge and understanding. It is so appreciated .
    After all, what is the value of anything if it isn’t lovingly taught and shared❣️

  4. What a wonderful message to read this morning. Amen is right. I am completely and absolutely grateful for the beautiful gift that I was brought up in Christian Science. I am eternally grateful for all the beautiful Blessings this Truth provides every moment of the day and has given to me and my family. Thank you so much Evan for all that you share here at Spirit View! ❤️❤️

  5. Thank you Evan. Everyday as I continue to make progress I pray for my friends and relations whom I left behind to also catch a glimpse of this Truth and find this joy that cannot be measured. Christian Science remains a wonderful discovery.

  6. I met a dear family of Christian Scientists and went from being an agnostic to someone who started going to church, went through class instruction, left my 13 year job at a bank and became a religion major at Principia College as a non-traditional student (making up for lost time), I met my future husband at Prin, then, after graduating, I had the great privilege and joy of working at The Mother Church for 18 years! To say Christian Science changed my life is an understatement. This hymn by Richard of Chichester says so well what Christian Science awakened in me:
    “Day by day, day by day,
    O, dear Lord, three things I pray:
    to see thee more clearly, love thee more dearly,
    follow thee more nearly, day by day.”
    I’m so grateful for the beautiful life I have lived thanks to Christian Science helping me come to know and love God! Thank you DEAR Evan for this wonderful accounting of our blessings from being students of Christian Science!!!

    1. Sharon, your story of how Christian Science changed your life is wonderful to read. I also came to CS as an adult. I was very spiritually inclined already but I found that CS went farther and was more absolute in its teachings than other things I had studied. My understanding grew very gradually, and continues to grow. I’m grateful and humbled by the fruits of relying more and more fully on my Father-Mother God.

      Thanks everyone, nice to see so many shares today and grateful to be part of this wonderful SV community. I am thankful to the woman who introduced me to CS, gave me my first copy of S&H and took me to a testimony meeting. Her name is Iris. I’m not in touch with her anymore but I bless her and humbly thank God that He made her the vehicle to bring this great teaching to me.

      1. Dearest ROSE,

        My experience is very similar.
        Better late than never to feel the MARVELOUS blessings Evan amplifies.
        I sure am in EXCELLENT company reading these comments.

    1. Thank you dear Angie for your treasure trove of articles you share. John Hargreaves was the first CS I got to know. He addressed our gathering of Truth seekers a few times. He loved meeting with us as he said we were just after the Truth. We all came from other religious backgrounds or none at all. It was a beautiful time for 30 years. Thank you again

      1. Hi, Nadine, it is so good to hear that you’ve been actively a Truth seeker,–viewing reality–during your life, too. It’s wonderful to hear that you knew John Hargreaves, as well.

        Do you know of a anyone or even a group who values John Hargreaves’ Letters and other books? Does anyone here know of someone? It would be wonderful to connect with them. Thanks very much for letting me know, either here or in my gmail account of “surewaters”. I sincerely appreciate this. Ellen

      1. dear Angie, I also thank you very much for that wonderful article and for all the links you send us to suitable articles to Evan`s SpiritView topics!

    2. Thank you, Evan Mehlenbacher, for this SpiritView blog, for your articles, and for your service in supporting all mankind.

      Angie, I just saw your post here with one of John Hargreaves, CS articles. Thanks very much for sharing this timeless article with us!

      Would you know of a group or someone who values John Hargreaves’ books and Letters? Deep, sincere thanks for kindly letting me know.

  7. I’m turning the blog today into questions and prayers for myself. Am I feeling God’s presence wherever I am and in whatever I’m doing? Today show me Father-Mother Mind how to see past disease, sin, and pain, to the realities of Spirit that take away disease, sin, and pain. God made everything and sees everything She makes as very good… therefore I see my life too… a good life to live and should not accept anything less.
    This blog is wonderful! Thank you

  8. Thank you dear Evan for putting into words what I feel and love about Christian Science and making its purpose for all mankind so clear.

  9. Thank you Dear Evan for these wonderful posts . I love them Yes Christian Science does make us happy . I remember explaining,, to someone who asked , what Christian Scientist believe and her reply was, “ oh, that’s why you are skyways so happy ! “

  10. It feels good to be a student of Christian Science and always be learning more about Gods goodness! Thank you God, Jesus and Mary Baker Eddy! Evan, thank you for Spiritview where we can discuss these ideas as though we are in Sunday School Mon-Fri! Much love to everyone! 🙂

  11. Thank you, Evan, for reminding us that we want to enumerate the blessings Christian Science has given us. My testimonies always include gratitude for having been led to Christian Science, to learning that God is LOVE, not just ”sometimes loving” which was the theology I had grown up believing. I thank our Master, Christ Jesus for his example on HOW to live and heal and think; I thank Mary Baker Eddy, our Discoverer of this Science, for logically leading us to the actual Principle, Law of the universe, for the certainty of Christian Science. I thank the steadfast, earnest practitioners who dedicate their every thought to healing, ready to lift one’s confused thought back to the realm of Mind where harmony reigns. I thank all my precious SpiritView brothers and sisters for the compassionate care extended to readers who reach out in need, and receive inspiration and explanations to work out solutions. Christian Science is my rock, my firm foundation, my hope, my prayer, my heart. What a joyous day. LOVE to each and every one.

  12. What a wonderful statement of gratitude, thank you!
    In adding an additional comment…
    I am grateful for Christian Science because it is permanent, reliable, always there and my spiritual sense (getting to know God) improves every day. Anticipating even more Spirit, love, peace, abundance and joy for our future. Also much gratitude!

  13. Thank you Evan. I appreciate more and more how Mrs Eddy was led and never gave up or in. And she shared it with the world. Though I came to CS as someone who had adopted metaphysics CS was a treasure trove of metaphysical works, so thoughtful written gleaned and edited. She was never afraid of change as long as Truth was initiating the change. All before even women had the right to vote. I am always touched by Daniel Jensen’s remark that when he reads S&H he is going to visit and old friend❤️

  14. Oh what a beautiful message!!!! This is a perfect way to start the day reflecting on Christian Science and what a blessing it is to have this gift.

  15. Thanks for sharing this. I am also grateful for Christian Science. When I was born, the doctor’s said I had jaundice. My parents, both class taught Christian Scientists, declined treatment and got to work prayerfully. The doctor’s said they would give them a week, but would start treatment after that regardless (I’m not sure they had the legal right to do so, but that’s really beside the point). At the end of the week, though I hadn’t really showed improvement throughout the week, I was fully healed. One of the claims of untreated jaundice is supposedly the potential for brain damage. I ended up in gifted programs in school, test high on IQ tests, and was even asked to skip a grade. I believe that was all part of the very complete demonstration. I don’t claim any of that as my own, but rather as all of ours as expressions of God. I’ve had many more physical healings through years, but what I’ve come to treasure most is how Christian Science came to guide my daily life. It really does feel good to be a Christian Scientist!

  16. “Lulled by stupefying illusions, the world is asleep in the cradle of infancy, dreaming away the hours.”
    ― Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
    I often think of this statement, and feel so grateful that Christian Science gives us the opportunity to wake up from the hypnotic and illusive dream of life in matter for a higher spiritual view. I love all the inspiration that comes from SpiritView – what a blessing!!

  17. Christian Science has made me a happy person too!

    I am grateful to have been blessed with the gift of Christian Science, a gift that keeps on giving.

    1. Thank you Ryan for those true words, that Christian Science is a Gift that keeps on giving.!
      I can also say that I feel blessed and happy through the Science of Christ teaching us our present Spirituality as Evan says also. ♡

  18. I am very grateful to my grandmother who passed Christian Science to my mother and to us. It has been a lifetime journey and continues and blesses us forever. Thanks Evan for spelling this out so beautifully.

  19. Thank you, Evan. Expressing joy in my study and life as a Christian Scientist has been an unfolding experience and a wonderful gift. I join the others here who have infinite gratitude for the blessings of Christian Science. Beautiful and uplifting message today. Thank you!

  20. Yes. A living reality. Not like the social media take-off on the work Mona Lisa where there is a cat in her arms.
    Rhank you.

  21. Thank you Evan for your beautiful depiction of the extraordinary life we can all experience through our understanding of and faithfulness to the Science of Christianity that we are so blessed to have. Christian Science is the greatest blessing anyone can ever possess in this world!
    The immense gratitude expressed by all in this morning’s blog is so empowering and inspiring!

  22. I want to add my Grateful appreciation for Christian Science too … and for Christian Science Sunday school, the BEST GIFT you can give to a child, the sooner the better!! My prayer each day begins and ends with Thank you Father, who is Spirit and All Good … to Jesus, our Way Shower and to Mary Baker Eddy who followed Jesus’ example and so lovingly provided us with the book that enables us to discover his PROVABLE TRUTH through her discovery of God’s laws and Gave her gift to the whole world. May the eyes be opened and the ears be unstopped so that the world can wake to this wonderful provable loving healing science of God. Thank you to my Grandmother who was led to Christian Science through the healing of her brother who had been given up on and sent home from the medical world to die … but was healed because a wonderful neighbor shared this provable, healing Truth …. The Gift that keeps on giving!!!
    Love to All God’s precious spiritual children today❤️

    1. THE BOOK I am referring to in my PREVIOUS post is …



    2. I agree with you about what a wonderful gift Christian Science Sunday School is. I am presently teaching in our Sunday School and I just love it. When I see and hear about how the Truth is being applied to everyday situations I thank God for all the prayers that support Christian Science around the world. Thank you Evan and all my Spirit View (family) for sharing your CS experiences here.

  23. I can’t help but add my voice of gratitude for Christian Science. The weekly Bible lesson offers such inspired daily instruction that uplifts guides, corrects, and heals. I count on it everyday to lift my thought. I love the “life-long learner” aspect of CS, and all of the tools we have (lessons, Eddy’s writings, the Bible and many translations, class instruction, our periodicals, Daily Lift, lectures, online podcasts, etc.) that enable us to grow spiritually. Of course, Spiritview is one of those tools. Thank you, Evan, and everyone who shares their inspiration.

  24. This is awesome! Thank you, Evan and all, so very much for sharing this wonderful message that it feels good to be a Christian Scientist.

  25. Thank you for today’s lift and for all your lifts. Christian Science is the pearl of great price – without a doubt. All is us are super blessed to study this Science and it is a privilege to share it.

  26. I am grateful for what Christian Science is in my life. I have been one all my life and found it automatic to turn to its God-like thoughts for each one of us ALL THE TIME! I immediately turned to our wonderful weekly C.S. Lesson and studied it more thoroughly each day over the past few days as IAN approached. I just knew that everyone would be blessed and protected as IAN came to Florida. I’m grateful to say that we had NO power outages here in the development where I live in St. Petersburg and only wind and rain neither of which did any damage here where I live. I included everyone in my prayers and just know that only good is going on even as IAN is still in our state in the north east. Thanks to you, Evan, and everyone that has shared here today and each week day!

    1. Good to read this Diane, I was grateful we did alright in the FLORIDA KEYS as well.
      After deeply praying for our entire beautiful state, I will continue to be so very grateful for all the selfless humans and all the prayers around our country directed to FLORIDA.
      IRMA taught us patience, perseverance, prayer,,,,
      As we continue, we take those three p’s with us daily,

  27. Happy to be a Christian Scientist? YES!
    Happy that my Mom brought my Brother and I to Christian Science Sunday School.
    Grateful that my sweet Grandmother would read the lesson to me.
    Grateful and happy for the many healings and demonstrations my family has had.
    When I strayed, God has always shepherded me tenderly to a better place in my understanding of him and Christian Science.
    Happy to have raised all 3 of my children in Christian Science.
    Happy to be married to a wonderful, kind, man who always supports me in my study of Christian
    Happy to be a Christian Scientist? YES I AM!
    Thank you Evan for this inspiring Spirit View and thank you to all the wonderful comments.

  28. Dear Evan, thank you very much indeed for your today’s really wonderful SpiritView!
    God is leading us even when we do not notice it at times. And I think he did it with me often. And I am deeply grateful to our loving God that he led me to understand and love Christian Science and to be grateful for Mrs. Eddy and our great teacher Christ Jesus and love them. To love everthing which is coming from God is natural, as Mrs. Eddy says in SH under the heading: what is man, that man is idea, the image of LOVE. So we can’t else but l o v e everything God gives us so abundantly!

    Thank you Evan, it is great and very moving what you give us so lovingly today!♡

    1. Just some more insights here:
      Evan you are teaching us so much with your SpiritView blog; and also today you are teaching us that Christian Science is the shining pearl for which we sell everthing else in order to buy that pearl, Christian Science!
      With today’s SV you show us the great value that Christian Science is for the world and all mankind and for which we can be eternally thankful and happy!♡

  29. Thank you so much for this wonderful feel-good blog today, Evan and all SpiritViewers. There are so many wonderful things to be thankful for. As I am reading this at the end of the day, my sleep will indeed be sweet. Thank you all for sharing so lovingly. Sleep well.

  30. Thank you Evan,
    For reminding me that life is infinite, unending, spiritual and good and that I don’t have to wait until this body dies to experience the former but can start this minute living the life Jesus came to give me and all, which is the life Mrs. Eddy writes about in her book, Science and Health with Key to The Scriptures.
    As much as I love apples, I must say. Evan, that I am so grateful that you choose to come into the CS public practice rather than farming your father’s apple orchard.
    Thanks a thousand times for your many prayers and for Spirit View, and everyone who post on it.
    With much gratitude,
    Evelyn Smith Tyson

  31. I like Dottie’s cute and meaningful non-mis-type word: “…skyways” so happy!” I wish to expound upon this because it is a great point: Christian Science is everywhere, above,–in the *”skyways!,”*– around,–the whole world, and beneath,–under the sea, ocean and all bodies of water. We are safe everywhere with Christian Science in tow, in all of these places! Only good can happen everywhere. Good-ness is God-ness that blends together including us and all, everywhere.

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