It’s up to you

August 5, 2010 | 6 comments

There was a rivalry in the mind of a young man who wanted to show himself superior to an elderly wise man of the local village.

One day, the young guy hatched a plan to put the debate of who was wisest to an end.

He caught a little bird that he could hold in his hand.

He approached the wise man and asked, while holding the perfectly still creature, “Is this bird alive or dead?” as if to test the perceptive abilities of this counselor.

His plan was to release the bird alive if the man said he was dead, and subtly squeeze the bird to death if the man said he was alive.

But he found a surprise answer when the senior replied, “It’s up to you.”

How many decisions are “Up to you,” today?

You may ask a boss, “What are my prospects to get promoted?” You may ask your spouse, “Will you forgive me?” You may ask God, “Can I be healed?” And how often is the answer, “It’s up to you…”?

6 thoughts on “It’s up to you”

  1. This story is a very strange one!
    And to one who has sought healing for a very, very long time, a bit depressing. Perhaps it is up to me, but I’m pretty much at a loss to know what else to do–I have relied on CS for many years, but this has me stymied. I wish it really were up to me–but I can’t seem to force myself to understand what I can’t seem to understand to get the healing I need!

  2. Dear Anonymous,
    I don’t think its about guilt or even effort to have a healing – its a willingness to let go and to see yourself/the situation as God sees it. You are perfect NOW, whole and complete – allow yourself to accept that. All the best!!

  3. To above,

    Yes, that’s right. It’s not about the human mind or will figuring it out and being smarter than evil. It’s about yielding to the divine Mind and letting God be God in our life. We all can do that!


  4. oh anon #2, here is what I wish for us both … a sense of how much we are loved, some quiet to hear and feel that Love could never allow us to be hurt or remain hurt. The loving intelligence of ever-present Mind can and does overshadow any sense of helplessness and desperation. Let’s start clocking the time we are clear about perfection and stop clocking anything else.

  5. When I read this yesterday morning I was interested in the replies to the second post. Then last evening as I was cooking dinner hot oil splashed on my hands. As I was trying to deal with the pain I remembered the morning’s Spiritview and decided I was NOT going to choose to accept these burns. I worked with this and a short time later all was back to normal. Thank you for these daily reminders of God’s Love!

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