Judge less and love more

May 13, 2015 | 8 comments

Do not judge others, and you will not be judged.
Do not condemn others, or it will all come back against you.
Forgive others, and you will be forgiven.

~ Jesus Christ, Luke 6:37, NLT

8 thoughts on “Judge less and love more”

  1. Thank you Evan. I love the image of the word “forgive” in letter blocks – a great reminder for me that I can re-arrange a sometimes challenging concept into a more loving “give” truth “for” error. Works every time!

  2. Forgiveness is a gift we give to our self, since nobody gains more from forgiveness than we ourselves viz. the forgiver. One gains so much of good by forgiving. Within our hearts we feel so happy. Hard feelings are replaced by kind, gentle and peaceful feelings. As a result of good feelings and good thoughts, we keep well and healthy. God loves a cheerful forgiver who is blessed.
    “Its human to err but its divine to forgive.”
    “Lords Prayer” also says : “Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.” This means if we forgive, then in turn, we too will be forgiven for our mistakes.
    “Forgiveness” is the best virtue one can have.

  3. Something more I wish to add please. Many a times we rash judge and condemn others, without knowing the complete picture, without knowing what the person is actually going through in his/her life. We tend to misunderstood people.
    Imagine how would we feel if we were rash judged and condemned? Not good at all. Isn’t it? So we need to do unto others as we would have them do unto us.

  4. I have heard a saying years ago that goes, “Forgiveness is the fragrance of the violet on the heel of the one who crushed it”. I just happened to be reminded of that yesterday as I mowed the lawn and unintentionally stepped on a beautiful violet. Forgiveness blesses one and all. Thank you, Evan and commenters for always starting off my day with such treasures of truth.

    1. Carol: I think this saying you heard years ago – “Forgiveness is the fragrance of the violet on the heel of the one who crushed it” – expresses perfectly the concept of complete unconditioned forgiveness and of our doing good in return for evil. Thank you for sharing this. It is blessing my soul. Nergish’s comments are appreciated too.

  5. Carrying resentment is such a heavy burden. But forgiveness….how it frees the heart! Thank you, Evan for the reminder. Jesus could never have accomplished the resurrection/ascension had he not forgiven his enemies first. “Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do.”
    Blessings and grace, to all this beautiful day!

  6. Forgiveness is a great way to begin our day. I read something years ago, I think by MBE, that spoke about forgiveness as a way of letting go of mortal mind and all the illusions. I begin my daily mediation saying I forgive, many times. Throughout the day can have a few I forgives! I find this very powerful as it helps disengage from the rush of illusions.

  7. Humanly speaking, it’s easier to judge and to not forgive, to carry grudges and therefore hate
    Spiritually speaking, it’s easier to judge not, gossip not, grudge not, and therefor to be always in the atmosphere of true love. WHICH DO YOU WANT?

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