Keep moving

January 10, 2023 | 26 comments

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.

Albert Einstein

Waste no time stagnating in material sense. Keep moving with spiritual sense and enjoy life.

26 thoughts on “Keep moving”

  1. In the wonderful and very helpful recommended article by Jill Gooding yesterday is a passage that relates to this topic:

    “….if we are driving a car at night, the headlights may light up only a limited number of yards ahead, but we don’t stop driving forward because we can’t see beyond the range of the headlights. We keep moving, and as we advance, the light illumines the next part of the road. Like Moses, we can hear the word of God saying, “Speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward” (Ex. 14:15).”

    Christian Science teaches us to move forward spiritually all the time, and to trust in the Christ to show us the way by shining the light of Truth and Love before us. (I love the thought that
    Christ is shining the torch of spiritual understanding before us) Like the analogy of driving a car at night, we can trust that the safe and secure pathway lights up our path before us and keeps us on track, as we forever look for and respond to the unfoldment of good, as new spiritual views of everything appear.

  2. Love the analogy of driving a car at night! We keep moving forward. Thanks for all these uplifting daily posts and comments.

  3. I have a friend who had two devastating extreme brain injuries in her life that clinically killed her, and the only way she got through that was through a sense of Spirit caring for and guiding her, and her determination to “listen for the next thought from Spiri”t. She chose that thought to be her thought. Her brain did not work for her to do her own thinking and it would’ve been totally inadequate for the situation. She did not need to know what would be the second thought; she just need to know what was to be this thought. One thought at a time. One step at a time. One thought at a time. One step at a time. One word at a time. Only this thought from Spirit for my thought now.

    Eventually, she was able to have coherent full-sentence thoughts and eventually speak and walk. It was just one thought at a time, and it came from Spirit.

    She didn’t know how she was going to house and feed, provide and care for her young children in a racist, classist, ableist society hostile to her family, but she did know she could listen for the next thought from Spirit. And then she would have one answer after another that was far better than anything that her former genius educated self could’ve thought up, and that is even seemingly impossible to most people who are overwhelmed by how they think it is downright miraculous.

    Because she did not rely on a broken brain or human mind. She had one thought to go to a meeting. She might not be dealing with alcoholism, but it was an addiction to thinking that she could have her own thoughts and wanting to get her own way. She needed to let go of that addiction and trust Spirit’s next one thought. The next one thought that only came from Spirit.

    She asked those near her to transport her, and on the way home, the driver told her about something that led to her having a place to live in exchange for a few hours of work she could do one thought at a time. She had a quiet easy place with minimal sounds, lights, people, complications, or need for much physical coordination. to work as she healed and a place to access a photocopy machine and a phone, with her former fellow doctoral students who could come to help her research solutions.

    One thought at a time, quietly waiting without “her” mortal thoughts cluttering things between the one thought at a time from Spirit. She could compile research and get transportation and lodging to go around the world and learn ways to treat people with brain injuries, and bring those back to the United States. She founded the first brain injury support groups, As technology and society was ready and providing options for spreading those ideas one thought at a time she was able to give people love and listening and focused attention instead of the merely busy self important, mental mortal materiality chatter that wastes the time of most people and interferes with healing relationships.

    Now she is able to walk, talk, read, write, and coherently articulately persuade the formerly close-minded. she has creative out of the box liberating thoughts, and Solutions, She is a powerful, compassionate advocate for housing rights and racial justice. She is writing a book about her inspiring experiences of living life, one thought at a time, and only the thoughts that Spirit gave her. Now she is self-disciplined and Spirit–trusting because she doesn’t waste all that time and energy in making all those mistakes that comes from trying to think things out “her own way,” which is just mortal mind’s way. Spirit thoughts are perfect so she doesn’t need to know what the second or third or fourth or fifth thought is going to be. She just needs to listen for and obey and think the next thought, to accept as her own thought and action, Watch and listen for and then embrace and live his thought that Spirit gives her.

    I want to be like her. I think that is how Jesus and Mary Baker Eddy disciplined themselves.
    Stop worrying, Edie, about how things are going to happen, stop wasting time addicted to your “own” thinking, and who is going to think and do what. Just trust and listen for the next one thought from Spirit, and take that as my only thought, until I get the next thought from Spirit. Then obey that thought.Looking back on my life, I realize that had I known what was going to happen next I probably would not have had the courage or the patience and the grace and love to deal with that situation. I do better when I only am in the present here, now, with the thought that is a present from God. One thought at a time. Quiet and sufficient in between.

    1. Edie thank you for sharing this story of the woman .
      Please let us know her name.
      With that we can find the title of the book she is writing.
      I am forever grateful for our Pastor —
      The Holy Bible, and Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy.
      And it is also worth reading the stories of people who
      have overcome extreme challenges spiritually!

  4. The Jill Gooding car analogy was something I had never thought about, too, Maggie
    and Lisa, but it is so True. We approach each step along the way with courage and
    often don’t even realize how we are moving forward, without worrying about our
    steps. The football gentleman, Damar Hamlin, has been proving to the world the power of prayer and it is wonderful to see so many different sources acknowledging
    this divine power. To see his teammates on the field praying, in a world that of
    late has been seeming to turn away from God, was so refreshing, as are all
    of the well wishes of so many. Each step of God’s purpose brings us closer in
    understanding the divine plan.

  5. Such a good topic Evan, thank you. Love all the comments too.

    “Moving past the problem to healing” by Mark Swinney:

    As with the helpful headlight analogy from Jill Gooding, it also brought to thought Heike Arneth’s analogy about “driving on” regarding a mirage:
    “To actually see the puddle vanish, we have to drive on. In healing, we have to leave old mental landmarks”:
    (I’ve posted the article before, but posting it again in case you missed it.)

  6. Thank you Edie for this inspiring life example of trust in the guidance of Infinite Intelligence as opposed to agreeing with the constricts and limitations of material belief. I am reminded of Mary Baker Eddy’s words in Science and Health, “God expresses in man the infinite idea forever developing itself, broadening and rising higher and higher from a boundless basis.”

  7. “The Continuing Adventure” article articulated some of the same idea as the quote above about keep moving. The article said: “We have our eyes on a goal. Our goal is spiritual ascension, following Christ Jesus in the progressive putting off of dependence on matter and in the discovering of ourselves as the purely spiritual ideas of God, divine Life, or Mind. We keep our eyes on this goal. Of less importance is whether we are living in this country or that, in a retirement home or hotel, in our own house, apartment, or room, or even in the so-called “here” or “hereafter.” The only thing that really matters is, Are we on the road to ascension? Are we following in the way of our Master, who said, “He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life”? Are we exploring?” It’s an insightful article and amusing about the author’s Pekingese dog who inspired it.

      1. Maggie –
        You are welcome. It’s a fresh perspective that our focus isn’t on our human circumstances (which is tempting to do) but on ascending thought. I read recently one of Mrs. Eddy’s students said something to the effect that one of her focus’s was bringing the kingdom of heaven to earth. It’s tempting to focus on the outcome (health, supply, home) but it seems our focus should be spiritual learning and spiritual adventure which means we keep on moving.

  8. Thanks Evan for sharing Einstein’s statement — Keep moving forward to maintain balance.
    And THANK YOU Edie and all for your comments !
    We are into another new year —
    We can and DO move forward
    We have the Mind of Christ reflecting it —
    The Light to show us the Way to GO Forward!!
    Genesis 1 says “The Spirit of God MOVED”
    And it is still moving, unstoppable
    in all creation–
    Moving us with Spirit, God —
    you and me and all mankind!

  9. Thank you so VERY much Edie for sharing your friends experiences. It is so helpful to see that SPIRIT does guide us in our path. Very encouraging! We can all “keep moving” in the right direction with God’s guidance.

    1. dear J, thank you very much for this utmost helpful and healing article by Mark Swinney! 🙂
      Will also print it out and give it to members of my church.

  10. Thanks Evan for bringing up this important topic, and thank you Maggie for your additional insight regarding the Jill Gooding article and driving in the dark. Another driving analogy about a mirage that came to thought was from an article by Heike Arneth, where she says, “To actually see the puddle vanish, we have to drive on. In healing, we have to leave old mental landmarks. It is the elevation of thought that is necessary to see the truth. So, the step we have to take is to lift thought above matter, rather than trying to see the truth from the old landmark.” I’ve posted the article previously, and including it in case you missed it:

  11. Thank you Evan. Mind is the source of all movement and there is no inertia to retard or check its perpetual and harmonious action . Let’s keep on moving.

  12. yess Evan, thanks a lot. And if we know us as God’s loved child we cannot else but keep moving with God and spiritual sense and joy making a lot of progress. Oh what a wonderful outlook for this year! So desirable!!

  13. This quote reminds me of “walking meditation”…or in our language “praying on the run!” and we all need to learn to do this…not focusing on the human story but on what God knows of our Life.

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