Keep your thought in a high place

October 19, 2017 | 10 comments

After a patient and I discussed the importance of keeping one’s thought elevated with spiritual truth and not deflated with fear and mortal belief, he summed up our conversation with the words,

“As my Christian Science teacher taught in class, ‘Keep your thought up in the penthouse of Spirit, not in the basement of matter.’”

I loved it! It’s healing counsel, a graphic way to illustrate truth, and very memorable.

10 thoughts on “Keep your thought in a high place”

  1. I love that! Thanks Evan. I woke up in a bit of a “slough of despond” this morning but thanks to the Daily Bible lesson, the Daily Lift, your Spirit view and a bit more gratitude for all the blessings in my life, I am ready for my day! My daughter lived in a penthouse for a while so I know exactly the lovely view we get from that perspective!

  2. Thanks for all the sharing of wonderful ideas, Evan! If we experience anything unlike what God knows about us as his dear child during our day, we can remember that we have simply stepped out onto the wrong “floor” and shifting our focus to what is good and true, we will find peace. If we continuously Keep our focus clear, we won’t find ourselves stuck in the basement!
    Beautiful start to my day!

  3. Thank you, Evan, for such an elevated thought! I love how your photos correspond to the blog. This one reminds me of how flowers/plants naturally grow towards the sunlight and often stretch for it if they are in a shadier spot. If the mortal way of thinking tends to find us in a shady spot, we, too, can reach for the light of Truth and rise above anything that would hold us back from the more enlightened thinking.

  4. You have been on the top of Spiritual Foundation and my recent healings from your care over the past months have helped to conquer many for the healings the last few months.
    I regained my spiritual focus to follow your services. Thanks for keeping me in the continued right thoughts to conquer my material beliefs. I need this refreshing to conquer my mind over matter. Your daily entries and comments by those our daily status certainly expend the spiritual though and keep us in this special commitment. Thank You and the readers each day who share their thoughts. This community keeps me going and on my spiritual thinking a balance . Thanks Folks!!

  5. Evan. what a blessing your blog and the Daily Lift are every day. Thank you all for your comments. I will always wonder each day which floor I am on: the Penthouse of Spirit or basement of mortal beliefs – or a floor in between. Food for thought!

  6. Yes, I know, it is important to keep our thought up in the penthouse of Spirit, Truth.
    But it seems not always so easy. But because of this we should meet the challenge at least always come back up to that spiritual hight – it is worthwhile and strengthens us.

    Thank you Evan that you remind us to ponder this with your precious SpiritView 🙂

  7. I love the idea of thought relating it to different floors. The penthouse sounds wonderful. I’ve recently been dealing with a physical problem which just soared to the penthouse! I constantly
    Checked my thought and persistently
    Would only allow good thoughts
    admittance into my consciousness. I’m grateful for the diverse group of my friends who held me in prayer . The penthouse is lovely and I love the company it has attracted into my life.
    Gratitude is riches poverty is complaint!

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