Know that God does the work through Mind

April 11, 2019 | 30 comments

There’s a new book out titled “Life at 400 Beacon Street,” which documents what working in Mary Baker Eddy’s household was like during her years living at Chestnut Hill.

The book jacket states, “The following pages introduce some of the men and women who served on Mrs. Eddy’s staff in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, between 1908 and 1910. From all walks of life, they were ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances, invited to come live and work in one of the most mentally active, high-profile households in the world: The home of the Discoverer, Founder, and Leader of Christian Science.”

I’m reading the book now, and thoroughly enjoying the fresh insights it offers into the kind of metaphysical discipline Mrs. Eddy expected of her workers, and the huge healing benefits they received in return.

For instance, on page 200, in a section explaining what the daily routine was like for the kitchen staff, Heather Vogel Frederick, the author of the book, wrote,

“There was more to the kitchen work than just the daily round of grocery shopping and preparing, serving, and cleaning up after meals. As with all the work undertaken in her home, Mrs. Eddy expected everything to be approached prayerfully.

“For example, she impressed upon Ella Rathvon, one of the metaphysical workers, ‘When ministering your daily tasks, do not think that you have done something through matter, but know that God has done it through Mind.’”

I love that last statement! As you go about your daily routine, “…do not think that you have done something through matter, but know that God has done it through Mind!”

You might want to remember that truth as you go about your daily routine. Chances are, that your work will go easier and be far more enjoyable.


30 thoughts on “Know that God does the work through Mind”

  1. THat’s so helpful and encouraging. Takes self right out of it!. Makes me think that what God has planned is already fulfilled, and very good. That has to be fun!

    1. He perfometh the thing that is appointed for me and many such things are with him. Job 23:14. Thank you Evan.

  2. Thank you very much indeed, Evan, that is so helpful, as I really need doing what the last sentence advises us to do. If I do it that spiritual way with God, let Him do it, and I express His doing, the work is much more effortless. And that is also relevant to all our householdwork – wonderful! Am grateful for it!
    Where can one get this book, already at the Motherchurchshop?

  3. Wow – thank you, Evan!! Your post really helped me understand our relationship with God. When I think of myself as God’s expression, I tend to imagine a person made of light. But a light-person would still be an object, though a subtle one “made” of light. MBE’s extraordinary work helps us realize God didn’t “make” us. God didn’t fabricate us or toss a spark of Godself onto the hay bale of matter. There is no matter, only God and God’s expression or reflection. We are not beautiful objects like jewelry, but God’s idea, God’s poetry, God’s dance.

    1. Jay you have a unique way of summing things up and I’m always happy to read your comments! Keep it coming! Evan thank you once again for your insight and finding different ways of getting the message across each day. Looks like an interesting book!

        1. Jay, I do understand what you will say, but I dare to ad something nice.
          We a r e God`s beautiful jewelries, namely the jewelries of Spirit and Love and Soul.

  4. This is so enlightening as to the way Mrs Eddy worked, and expected her household to work. What a wonderful atmosphere it must have been in that house! Thanks for sharing this little window into that household, Evan, it gives much food for thought.

  5. Thank you Evan for bringing this book to our attention. It is so wonderful to have people “share” these up-close experiences with MBE.
    She really demonstrated: “Be still and know that I am God.”
    SH 588:11 ~ “There is but one I, or Us, but one divine Principle, or Mind, governing all existence; man and woman unchanged forever in their individual characters, even as numbers which never blend with each other, though they are governed by one Principle.
    SH 591:16 ~ “Mind. The only I, or Us; the only Spirit, Soul, divine Principle, substance, Life, Truth, Love; the one God; not that which is in man, but the divine Principle, or God, of whom man is the full and perfect expression; Deity, which outlines but is not outlined.
    My 274:3 “Christian Science can and does produce universal fellowship. As the sequence of divine Love it explains love, it lives love, it demonstrates love. The human, material, so-called senses do not perceive this fact until they are controlled by divine Love; hence the Scripture,
    “Be still, and know that I am God.”

  6. Thank U all. This thought of expressing Mind is needed. “Be still, and know…” Powerful! Much gratitude, always.

  7. Thanks sooo much Evan and love your comment Jay! This SV blends so well today with the Daily Lift I thought.
    God did not “make me”, there is no matter. I am only God’s expression or reflection. I am an individual spiritual consciousness and that’s the only thing I am taking with me from this existence!
    Don’t try to excel materially, Let go and let Love shine through me in all I do.
    And, experience the pure joy of being God’s loved, cherished, valuable and needed child.
    Now I have to buy the book, thanks for the link Lisa!

  8. God is the doing…we are the being. I love the fact that every activity is what God is doing through Mind and it is man’s Christly nature and consciousness that responds. One cause and effect–Mind.
    I’m sitting in an oral surgeon’s waiting room as I read this blog, while my daughter is getting a dental implant. What a perfect truth to know at this moment!

  9. Your ideas & writings are so appreciated…
    so helpful, practicable & easy to use.
    Thank you for sharing your expression of the Truth… and reminding us daily that we do not need to labor it, we are impelled as Mind’s idea to express.

  10. Thanks, Evan, for another helpful message to start our day and to all who have commented. And, a special thanks to Fay for her thoughtful response.

  11. Thank you, God is always the thinker, the doer. We are Mind expressed. So grateful Jesus and Mary Baker Eddy had a such a clear understanding of these truths. I have been listening to something a lot lately that is helping me to put things in perspective. The title is “I Am” by Bicknell Young and it can be found on YouTube. It helps to clearly see that there is only one I am.

  12. The activity of Mind, the atmosphere of Love, the Truth that releases the thought of any error. guides one in healing Thanks Evan for the guiding thought that has been expressed today by you kind folks. ” In atmosphere of Love Divine ,we live and move and breathe”

  13. I love that last statement too! As you go about your daily routine, “…do not think that you have done something through matter, but know that God has done it through Mind!”

  14. I love her statement about acknowledging that you’re doing everything through God. I’m still having some trouble staying with that but I usually get back into balance fairly quickly. However, one thing that I am fairly balanced in is that matter is only an appearance. During my years at Unity Church, I occasionally heard the saying that we are human beings, not human doings. However, God is really the only “doer” and yet all of his work is already done. 🙂

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