Less judgment and condemnation builds happier relationships

June 10, 2015 | 6 comments

So often in daily routine, what you give you get right back. A big happy smile can often inspire another to smile. Snarls or a grumpy posture can send people in the other direction.

The same effect applies to what we think. When we see magnificent goodness in others we glow with love toward them and they tend to see something good in us. If we see evil in our neighbor and hold it against them our demeanor toward them will manifest our negative outlook and they may tend to see something evil in us to complain about too.

If you ever feel unfairly condemned or judged by others, it could be a sign to examine your own attitude and see if you’re doing the same toward them. You may be just getting back what you are sending out.

The way to break any negative cycle of tit-for-tat is to see God’s man in everyone. Look for the good, even if you have to dig deep, and you will find it. And they might just find it in you too!

Jesus Christ said it wisely,

“Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn others, or it will all come back against you. Forgive others, and you will be forgiven” Luke 6:27, NLT.

“Don’t pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults—unless, of course, you want the same treatment. Don’t condemn those who are down; that hardness can boomerang. Be easy on people; you’ll find life a lot easier” Luke 6:37, MSG.

6 thoughts on “Less judgment and condemnation builds happier relationships”

  1. Vow, what a lovely inspiration.”Look for the good and you will find it.” What a lovely thought.
    Yes we need to look with our spiritual sense and we do find the good. Judging and condemning does not help. It only backfires. Thanks Evan.

  2. “When we see magnificent goodness in others we glow with love toward them and they tend to see something good in us”

    Truer words have never been spoken, Evan. Thank you! Love this!

  3. Thanks for this reminder! Judging others is a form of mental malpractice. It’s attributing lies to that person. It’s especially complicated when – as in my recent experience – you are judging others for being judgmental about someone else! It’s no part of them, and no part of you, and it can’t touch the third party as well. So much better to see everyone, including yourself, a God’s perfect child.

  4. I have been and am being blessed by these families who live by these rules. Wow!

    Thank you, also, Evan – for your daily smiles, even posted in early Midwestern morning.
    I am grateful for SPIRIT VIEW and it’s messenger.

  5. I need to pay attention to this, as I have a habit of being cute in conversations on the telephone with good friends. This message is a good reminder!

    Thanks, Evan

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