Let every thought praise God

July 22, 2024 | 29 comments

What is your thought praising today?  Is it aware of something good, something heavenly, something inspirational from God?

A friend was telling me how depressed she was from listening to all the bad news coming at her from friends talking about their diseases, family members complaining, and world strife she read about in the news.

We talked about making better choices.  Yes, there are people all around us, and to the far reaches of the globe, suffering and needing help, we agreed, but the best help we can give them doesn’t come from letting our thinking descend into the same suffering sense.  These people need inspiration, spiritual truth, the light of God to find their way to a better place.  And that healing light can start with us. 

When faced with trouble, we can choose to stay spiritually minded and stay focused on healing solutions coming from God rather than let our perspective descend into a negative place.  We can let every thought praise God and become a shining light of hope to others around us.  We can be a healing presence.

“I will praise thee, O Lord, among the people: I will sing unto thee among the nations.” (Psalms 57:9)

29 thoughts on “Let every thought praise God”

  1. Thank you very much, Evan, for these helpful ideas. Just what I needed today because I had to work with a difficult colleague. But I’m a bit confused about the date: here in Germany today is only July 16th?!

  2. Thank you Evan for so clearly defining the purpose of God’s Man-ifestation. In my prayers for what appears as a mortal universe, I constantly remind myself that without God there would be nothing.
    What appears as ‘other’ humans in our life is actually God showing His Love in such a graphic way that you cannot fail to understand and experience Mind in action. Material education claims they are mortal parents, siblings and associates and that they might go away or out of sight… but when our divine Mind is recognised as our only and true Source of thinking, the mortal lie/story is no longer seen as the script-writer, and it leaves no sad story. Looking out from God’s view, the all Seeing, we cannot fail to drop the story for the present Truth and be joyful that the Truth is all that was ever here, for us, and every other Idea dwelling in this Kingdom where we truly live.
    We are seeing “God’s Thinking “ – but mortal education claims it is material and vulnerable because it can’t see what God is seeing. This doesn’t mean that material sense is true just because it can’t see (that’s why it is important that we stop relying on this material way of comprehending thru it’s 5 material senses, they only see what mortal education has programmed them to see – like a computer is the prisoner of its programming) your God-Mind doesn’t need this programming to express Life, Truth and Love – we don’t need the computer to tell us it’s version of God’s creation. We are not a ‘concept’ but the very Idea of God. 

    1. Thank you, F. – I love you put it that “we are seeing God’s thinking'”. And that must be so,
      for God is thinking us and everything, and we are also God’s thoughts.. Realising this we can
      be always about exchanging the objects of sense for the ideas of Soul. and praising God for His
      wonderful spiritual creation.

    2. F I also loved, “We are seeing God’s thinking” and we are Being God’s thinking, as Maggie said. You mentioned the programming we receive from material education/mortal education, also callled educated belief. The programming is accepted by most people as a given and rarely, if ever, questioned. But as you say, no matter how many accept the mortal picture as truth, it can never actually be True. And thankfully we can learn in CS to see through the lies to the highest and ongoing Truth of our joyful Being, Now.

  3. Thank you for these true words. Spiritual reality gives us this opportunity to praise God as you describe. I am so thankful for Mrs. Eddy’s awesome patience in literally spelling out her thoughts and inspiration for us to learn from.

  4. Thank you. Attending in appreciation those ideas that God gives us to energize acceptance and recycle affections offer so much more promise than negative suggestions. Amen !

  5. Thank you. We are told to ‘keep your minds so filled with Truth and Love, that sin, disease, and death cannot enter in……Good thoughts are an impervious armor; clad therewith you are completely shielded from the attacks of error of every sort.” My p. 210

  6. Also, the next line of that phrase is And not only yourselves are safe, but all whom your thoughts rest upon are thereby benefitted.

    1. Hi Gratitude, your link does not work, it does not open up at all.

      Can anybody help, please?

      Thank you very much, Evan. Yes, it’s wonderful to praise God for his everpresence, his guidance, his everpresent goodness, for his healing Christ today and forever !!!

      1. Hi Uta,
        I went to the Sentinel Watch page and searched by title. The article Gratitude shared came right up.

  7. Thank you Even for this timely post. I also find using the news as my daily “prayer book” to send blessings and love to people and events.
    Many are concerned with world problems, and I believe blessing can be an important tool in healing the world by healing our own vision of the world, so that rather than despairing over the number of problems facing our planet and its inhabitants, we rejoice in having a tool to help solve them.

    I bless this day in the fullness of good it already contains, in the many occasions it offers to listen deeply, to be of service to others, to express gratitude moment by moment and to keep my mind so filled with love, beauty and joy that no negativity can find even the tiniest crack in which to set foot.
    I bless this day in the infinite opportunities it gives me to love: to love and bless every human I meet, every beast or bird I pass by, every plant I behold, for all are but the manifold expressions of the infinite Life that undergirds all.
    Truly, I bless this day for the wonderful adventure it can become as I walk through it with the eyes of wonder rather than boredom, use every opportunity to express peace rather than irritation, and choose love over fear.
    Thank you, Life, for this day.
    Pierre Pradervand, from his book 365 Blessings to heal myself and the world

  8. It is so refreshing to hear of “making better choices .. and the inspiration, spiritual truth,
    the light of God to find [our] way to a better place”. Thank you, Evan. There is nothing
    more hurtful or discouraging than to be told or deceived by, lies. It seems sometimes
    that the world suffers from falsehoods and wallows in the mud of deception and mortal
    belief. The Truth of our being as God’s reflection becomes mired in false representations
    that are not our True selfhood. They are imposters of God’s harmony and purpose. In
    realizing our true identity as children of God, lies of matter dissipate into their native
    nothingness and we see ourselves and others as God created All of us – within the Love
    and perfection of our divine purpose – not as “perfect humans”, but as perfect Spiritual
    beings that reflect God’s Love and Spirit. This Love is everlasting and not hidden under
    the guise of temporary highs and lows. Then it doesn’t matter who we are “mortally” –
    we are All equal within One Mind’s protection and experience, no matter what the ‘world’
    tries to throw at us. The Truth always is exposed in – the end – because in understanding
    and believing in this Truth, we all are expressions of permanence and Peace, which
    propels us into a much better place – a joyous place where harmony reigns.

    1. Thanks a lot, dear J’nean. Your link works perfectly. One also can listen to this article. It’s midnight here, and I Look forward to read the article tomorrow!♡

    1. I second what Wendy said. And thank you to all the other contributors for sharing. This certainly does need to be addressed today and every day.

  9. Reminds me of what Evan said in a post recently…
    …another persons thoughts ( verbal or otherwise ) are NOT my Truths.. sorry if it isn’t word for word Evan…but it so ties in with today highlighting our praise for the gift of being Gods expression of permanent harmonious being.
    Love to all❣️

  10. thank you, Evan for your loving comments to help mankind. I look forward to reading or watching your Spirit View. you are a blessing. Diann V.

  11. To add to the message and especially what F had shared – Thank you, F . imho, the way
    I understand trying not to let our mortal thinking descend into depressed, unhappy thinking –
    but to elevate it from sense to Soul … In seeing things through the mortal, finite, we are
    listening to and accepting earthly woes as the beguiling snake/serpent in the Second
    chapter of Genesis in the Bible, or as Mrs. Eddy defines Serpent as “Subtlety; a lie; the
    opposite of Truth, named error; the first statement of mythology and idolatry; the belief
    in more than one God; animal magnetism; the first lie of limitation; finity; the first claim
    that there is an opposite of Spirit, or good, termed matter, or evil; the first delusion that
    error exists as fact; the first claim that sin, sickness, and death are the realities of life.
    The first audible claim that God was not omnipotent and that there was another power,
    named evil, which was as real and eternal as God, good.” In S&H pg.530, Mrs. Eddy
    reiterates on her pages on Genesis and asks, “Is Life sustained by matter or by Spirit?
    Certainly not by both, since flesh wars against Spirit and the corporeal senses can take
    no cognizance of Spirit.” Reliance on mortal sense causes discord. Spiritual Soul is the
    light of hope that heals through divine Love and is eternal.

  12. Evan thank you for, “…the best help we can give them doesn’t come from letting our thinking descend into the same suffering sense.” So true.

    There is a popular saying that ‘misery loves company’ and it can seem easy to commiserate with others engaged in airing gripes and woes, and can seem to be a type of bonding activity agreeing with the crowd or with the media etc, about our “sad state of affairs.” But as you say it does more harm than good and just creates more misery all around. If I descend into that darkness it literally feels like a hell, which error makes it seem hard to emerge from.

    Manuela thank you for mentioning Pierre Pradervand. His other book is called The Gentle Art of Blessing. It is a classic, a marvelous book that everyone should read. He was involved with the Christian Science movement for many years and you can clearly sense that in his uplifting writings. God help me to praise You with every thought and every word and every action, Amen.

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