Let God do it

December 14, 2017 | 23 comments

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

~ Matthew 11:28, KJV

A little boy in a Sunday school class quoted the above as, “Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will do the rest.”

23 thoughts on “Let God do it”

  1. Lolol!
    Our of the mouths of babes ♡
    This citation always rem8nds me . . .

    I gave a Testimony at Church one Wednesday. I had dropped a kitchen unit end on a summer sandal clad foot!

    Spent the busy day giving thanks and singing Hymns.

    Going to bed that night, recalling the incident, I looked at my foot to see the tiniest bruise which faded quickly. My day was not impaired.

    My Testimony was the last that evening and we stood to sing, Hy 124 which ends,

    “I drop my burden at His feet,
    And bear a song away”

    1. Shelagh, very LOUD LOL,

      I loved the singing and healing link as you described your day after something heavy trying to land a foot.

      Very good healing sense of humor. LOVE!

  2. In a CS Sentinel testimony a mother was very depressed. Her toddler, that attended CS Sunday School heard her say, “I’m such a flop,” in complete despair!
    The little child said, with absolute sureness, “Fear not,little flop, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”
    The young mother was immediately healed
    Gratitude for your blog and Shelagh’s sharing

  3. That picture of baby innocence and trust at being held up by loving support made my day! The comments are simply wonderful….and brought smiles and tears! Thank you, dear Spiritview people! And of course Evan! this is simply the sweetest thing I’ve read in ages. Can’t wait to pass it on.Fear not, little flop! It IS the Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.:-)

    1. Yes! We are all held in God’s Father/Mother Loving care, so gently and purely ~ all His/Her children. What a peaceful thought. I love the experiences shared this morning… such a great way to start the day. Thank you all

  4. Good day dear Evan and loving group. Today’s article brings refreshment and encouragement. What more could you want!! To have the possibility of supporting ourselves in Christ, in Truth, in oppressive moments and full of material routine is like swimming in the sea after a hot day …. and … there is Him to receive us. I loved the testimony of Shelagh and very very cute Shirley with that child doing metaphysical work so naturally. Jesus loved children because of that. Mrs. Eddy says that children are more readily receptive to Truth. Wonderful. I wish you all an excellent day.

  5. That baby is not putting one ounce of human effort into that activity. It is completely trusting those arms of Love. A powerful, simple and beautiful lesson and of course just the one I need right now. I’m so grateful to continue learning about our natural, effortless, and intact oneness with our father-mother God.

  6. Thank you, Evan and SV family! I loved every word of the post and comments! I lay awakes most of last night feeling like a big “flop,” struggling with a health issue that hasn’t yielded. When I read this blog and remembered when contemplating taking class instruction when quite new to CS and that Bible quote filled my thought and heart: Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to ….” etc. I did have class instruction and it continues to bless me. I’ll stand on that and continue forward knowing full well my healing IS established. Much joy to all!

  7. Thanks for the message, and the wonderful comments. Many years ago, a loving friend told me the “Fear not little flop” story just when I needed it. And the succeeding years have shown me the truth of that. It has been my Father-Mother God’s good pleasure to give me, show me my place in, the heavenly kingdom.

  8. Thanks and love to everyone! Sweet picture and stories to remember! Putting all our trust in our dear Father-Mother God is truly the answer.

  9. What precious comments this morning. Thanks to all! And to Evan for posting that darling picture along with your inspiring message, which prompted the comments.

  10. Am so grateful that English was always in school and later on my hobby and later I needed it in business, otherwise I would miss all these very lovely, valuable and inspiring SpiritViews of dear Evan and all the so inspiring and lively comments from you all dear commentors – thank you so very much! 🙂

    Never have seen such an extremely lovely picture with such a cute idea of God.
    Awfully sweet that truth thought from that sunday boy and very wise!
    Als commentors said, this little one leaves all in God`s hand. That is what we ought to do, too, then healing is coming. Am working on it.

  11. What a great reminder that God is guiding and governing and loving us all. The picture is the epitome of complete and absolute trust. We must strive to express this same unconditional trust in our Father-Mother each day and each moment!
    Shirley’s sharing of “Fear not, little flop, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” made my day. I laughed out loud and it lifted my spirits as I went out for a round of golf with friends. It broke a feeling of stress and busyness that had tried to pull my thought down this morning. I felt surrounded by love and cheer as I went about my day! Joy can not be compromised since it comes from our divine Source.!

  12. This is so sweet. Such love expressed. I am so grateful this morning for this sv blog greeting us each weekday morning and the opportunity to go back and review I reviewed the one on contagion right before this then read the stories presented here proving the power of pure and innocent thought.
    I want to share a testimony I heard years ago. A mother was lying on the couch with symptoms of the flu and told her 4 year old daughter who was attending CS sunday school that mother was sick snd her daughter immediately replied “there is no spot where God is not.” The mother got up healed and went on with her day.

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