Let the progress roll on

July 14, 2015 | 19 comments

Never fear progress! I often remind myself.

Progress takes us to new places. It requires us to leave outdated practices behind and open to new and improved ways of living. It kicks us out of time-worn ruts and bounces us into wide open plains of fresh possibility. It forces us to let go of things that no longer serve a useful purpose. It may move us on to new relationships that are healthier and happier. It may have us change jobs or move to a new location to allow a more inspired way of living take form. Whatever changes it inspires, progress is good, and to be welcomed.

There is a difference to be noted, however, between real progress and material change. Material change is not necessarily progress, and often quite the opposite. For example, changing jobs for the sake of changing jobs may not be progressive at all, if one is not any happier. Earning more money may not be progressive if family-time is sacrificed. There needs to be a spiritual gain.

Real progress is spiritual and is the outcome of increased spiritual mindedness. It starts with prayer and it results in inspiration. It brings us closer to God and feeling genuinely happier over the long run. It takes us to a higher place in thought than the old way of thinking we left behind. It is measured in terms of spiritual gain, not material position, fame or fortune.

Mary Baker Eddy wrote, “Every step of progress is a step more spiritual” (People’s Idea of God, p. 1).

Progress is inevitable. It’s a law of God constantly at work in the human consciousness moving thought to a better place until the fullness of heaven is realized. All evil is to be overcome eventually through increased spiritual understanding. No one can avoid the forward momentum, even if they try!

So, let the imperative of progress roll on and stay ready for where it takes you. There is only more of Life’s blessings to discover up ahead.

19 thoughts on “Let the progress roll on”

  1. So well said Evan that Spiritual progress brings us closer to God and makes us feel genuinely happy. Yes it takes us to a higher place in thought and measured in terms of spiritual gain, not material position, fame or fortune. Real progress and happiness is the outcome of spiritual mindedness. Thanks so much for this lovely reminder. Its so inspiring and good.

  2. I think I need to read this often. Getting to understand our relationship with God and relinquishing the old beliefs that get in the way is progress, however the form it takes. It is the old software, running in the background, that robs our joy.

  3. I love this message and such an inspiring photo to go along with it, Evan. Like a beautiful wave, there is no stopping progress, just as there is no stopping the force and power of the ocean. I love, also, how the light shines through the wave, as Spirit illuminates thought. So refreshing!

  4. Thank you, Evan! Beautiful Ideas! Yes, I know well about the “Geographical Cure” – i.e. deciding to get up and move just because I’m not Happy where I am. I have learned the hard way that: “Wherever You Go – There You Are”!! Learning to make sure that it is God that guides my way and any needed changes on my path in Life. And trusting that God always has my Best Interest at Heart – God always has a Good Purpose for me! Learning to recognize the difference between my will and Thy Will and then being willing to be willing to surrender every day to the Good Will of God in my Life! Amen!

  5. The thought of Eddy, “All things work together for good to them that love God”… To love an idea is to cling to it, to see it manifested. Little steps are just important as the big ones and give us confidence that we are moving forward. The gear of a car has to be put in drive to move forward There is an effort required. So, to spiritually know more about God, thought has to be put into gear.

  6. To rely on material progress is no progress at all, IT’S DOGMA. It doesn’t except change and if it does, that is not progress for it still relies on matter. Spirit, on the other hand relies on better ways to bless and be blessed.

    1. I agree! My church has a bylaw that new members must not be taking medicine (although it’s not a rule for existing members). I feel that’s dogma. “Thou the Christ, and not the creed,” as Mary Baker Eddy’s hymn states! Judging spiritual progress by material results is, in my view, not right. I am praying it will be changed soon so I can join the church.

  7. Amen! I’ve been making a lot of progress spiritually, and I know that’s what’s important, not material markers. Of course I’ll be glad when the material picture of issue disappears as well, but I’ve worked hard and come so far, and part of that is learning to appreciate my progress and refuse to let matter get me down.

    I had a conversation with a friend wher she quoted a saying that said a change of direction leads to a change of thought; I said I thought it was really the other way around. Of course sometimes we are jolted into a change of thought by circumstances, but even that doesn’t guarantee change.

    I’m grateful to be getting better at listening for God’s guidance each day!

  8. Love this post, Evan and wanted to share on Facebook, but there seems to be a problem with the link as it won’t let me share on my phone or computer.

        1. Just as a test I clicked on the facebook icon above (under the “Sharing is caring!” text) and shared this to my own facebook page just fine. So I’m puzzled you are having problems. I’m not tech support for this page, so I’m afraid I can’t help you with your problem. But I just wanted to let you know it worked for me.

  9. thank you, Evan for this and all your postings!!

    Everything I read of people having healings, they all speak of having prayed. As a Christian Scientist, in all humility, I to some degree understand the term “prayer”. However, to most people prayer is a mystery.

    I think that we as Christian Scientist make assumptions that everyone understands what we mean by “prayer”. Because prayer is essential to the healing, and demonstration of God’s love and presence, I’m seeing more and more that we need to, in some way, as we write and speak to help clear up the misconception of prayer. Otherwise, people, recognizing that prayer is important, continue to pray as they have all their live with no results and left feeling unworthy of divine love and help.

    I hope this makes sense.

    So what is this prayer that is referred to in CS?

    Again, thank you Evan.

    1. You make some good points! I’ll keep those in mind. You are correct, prayer is a big word and means many different things to different people.

      When I use the word prayer, I’m talking about actively, mentally, spiritually seeking out Truth. It’s an understanding of Truth, or God, that heals. It’s in line with Jesus’ saying, “Know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

  10. Hi Evan, Oh, I love this post! I think and pray so often about progress as it relates to our branch churches and societies, and it has everything to do with thought moving us forward — as opposed to change simply for the sake of change! I am loving meeting with branches around the country and the world facilitating discussions about what it means to be a church of healers, and now I will love having your blog to refer to and send them to! Such simple but deeply meaningful ideas. Thanks for all you do to keep thought turning to God! Val

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