Life is Eternal

November 13, 2014 | 22 comments

I like the below phrasing that came from one explaining her understanding of eternal life and how death never happens to the person passing on.

“Death is the experience of the on-looker, never of the person said to be dead.”

As Mary Baker Eddy wrote,

“In the illusion of death, mortals wake to the knowledge of two facts: (1) that they are not dead; (2) that they have but passed the portals of a new belief.” Science and Health, p. 251.

Death is never to be feared. It doesn’t happen. Life goes on and on and on…, forever. It is eternal.

22 thoughts on “Life is Eternal”

  1. I love that quote about death being the experience of the on-looker… Thanks!

    Just two days ago I came across the last paragraph on page 164 of Science and Health which is related to this blog topic and it really stood out to me. Especially the part about “The seeming decease…does not in the least disprove Christian Science…”.

  2. As a human or mortal, I fear death because of the unknowable beyond that. But all the writings of Mrs Eddy plus books written on the subject, I don’t have that kind of fear. I love the above statement in your blog that death is the experience of the on looker.

  3. Knowing that there is no death has almost become a platitude. But that’s not much of a comfort for the observer. The issue that needs healing is missing the person who has gone on. Knowing that my mother is continuing on doesn’t heal the pain of wanting to hold her and talk with her. How do you deal with that?!

    1. Hi Karin,

      I understand. All of us inevitably have to deal with a loved one passing on. And I see it as an opportunity to unite with that person in the one place they’ve always been–in Spirit! And it’s where you live in Truth too. In Spirit. It would be selfish to hold onto a physical sense of that person and long to have it back in matter with us materially. We all must grow out of the material sense of things into the reality of Spirit. It’s required. The sooner the better! Only the belief of life in matter seems to separate us from our loved ones. As we grow out of that belief and see them as they are, we tangibly feel and know their presence. Jesus did this on the Sermon on the Mount. Moses and Elijah were right there at his side even though they had left the earth physically centuries before. But they never did leave. They were present all along, in Spirit. But it took Jesus’ heightened thought to demonstrate it. We can seek out and find that same heightened thought too!

      Hope that helps.

    2. Dear Karin, I so feel for you! And totally agree–the person “left behind” is in need of healing. And it can take time–not just passively letting time go by and thinking that time in and of itself will bring healing. Time is not an agent. We must actively use our time–pray, read, listen–and gently, healing will come.
      My husband took his own life. Was I devastated? You bet! Some time after, I dreamed of him. He came into a room, and I thought “Yay, I will be able to ask him all those questions that are still jumping around my mind like monkeys in a cage. But without a word, he came and kissed me, which had the effect of shutting my lips, and left the room. End of dream. I understood that all those questions were irrelevant, because he was well and continuing his spiritual journey. I was immensely comforted. And some months afterwards, talking with a relative, I actually was able to say that I didn’t wish he were back with me. Sounds heartless? No, because I know he is fine.
      I might add that a Christian Science pratctioner was a great help to me; I was in kindergarten as to C.S., and she helped me lovingly, patientely and with a touch of humor, emerge from the quicksand of grief.
      I still love my husband and so I rejoice in knowing that all is well with him.
      You mom is doing fine, too, and you can rest in that. And you will be all right too.

    3. Hi Karin,
      I am on the other end of understanding: knowing. I was given a very great grace and can tell you for sure that there is no death, because I am still here after seeming to leave. I was very much aware of myself and my body during that experience. All pain left me and I was so excited to see what was next. My husband called me back, persistently. I think you will get the exact proof you need, in the meantime you are surrounded by love and Love.

      1. Thanks for sharing! I’ve had many people share similar experiences with me through the practice. They’ve seen through experience that there is no death. Only Love.

  4. Thank you all for your wonderful insights! I will share something my mother told me, when my Great Aunt passed on in 1976. She said all I need to do to be with her, is close my eyes and think of her. I do not look forward to the day when my mother passes on, but am glad I have connected with others who will help me through – and more importantly, with God. I have been working on recognizing all love comes from God, not from another person, and recommend the insert from the November Journal, “Getting it right” by Deborah Huebsch, CSB. She talks about God’s mother love in a tangible way. It’s also on JSH-Online.

  5. Hi Karin,
    Years ago I was able to read an article written by Mrs. Eddy and I wish I could give you the reference but I was not able to note it down. What I remember is in this context, ‘ the only thing that separates those so-called left behind from those so-called ‘passed on’ is the belief that they passed on.

    Many years ago I was careful and never grieved for my mom when she passed on. I was calm knowing that my mom is the good she taught me. I kept telling myself that my mom is not in that material body and not in that tomb or grave. Instead I rejoiced for her love, the good things she did to us, her children, and for those truths she taught us because those never left us (me). I felt that she is happier and contented by us, her children, seeing her in this manner rather than trying to hold her in our grasp and never letting her go and progress as our Father wills. Yes, it would be selfishness to my mom if that was how I acted. I also felt that to be able to love her is to remember to keep practicing those good teachings because they are the Words of our Mother-Father God. I hope this would help.
    Thank you for this blog, even before I read it I had been acknowledging Life as infinite, and with it is unending supply, complete and perfect. It proves there’s only one Mind governing man and the whole universe.

  6. One way a practioner explained things to me when I lost my mom was that material life was like looking through a knothole in a fence. You can only see the person as they walk by that tiny view but if you could lift up the fence you would see them coming, crossing your view and continuing into the distance. The point being there is a bigger picture view that is obscured by the fence. It’s easy to forget and think the small view through the knothole is the entire story.

    It took many spiritual lessons before I quit missing her so much but there came a time, through much prayer and spiritual growth, when I quit feeling any separation from her.
    We have a very close spiritual relationship these days.


  7. Hi Karin!

    I would like to add the experience our family had. My sister passed away at a young age after years of drug use which resulted in mental illness. It seemed there was nothing we could do to help her and then there was a period of very little contact and then the news she had passed on. It was so difficult but we learned to celebrate her life. Years passed and one day my mother told me she had a dream that my sister came to her and told her she was happy and had a daughter! My mother kept the news to herself for a long time. When she told me, I was so happy because it was a wonderful resolution for all of us.

    All the best to you!

  8. Let the truth be known that we the real children of the one divine Parent are idea, or thought, neither formed, nor existing, in matter, but constituted by and in Love.

    Thank you, dear Evan.

  9. I know there is no death. I know my sister, my mom and all my aunts are still joyful, and progressing in each their own life journey. Life has not stopped, love has not stopped. It is the loss of communication, conversation, normal connection, the utter separation that is to deeply felt. Please help.

    1. Sylvia, If you will scroll up and read, and ponder, and meditate, on the comments above, help is right there.
      You can go to JSH online; there are articles on comfort in times of grief that have helped me and surely can help you.
      When my husband took his life, I called a practioner and her immediate response was a firm, “You are NOT separated.” I said, “What?!” I wondered, did this woman not understand what had just happened?
      Then she explained: “You are not separated from God. Your husband is not separated from God. Therefore you are not separated.” And this practioner had been through some pretty hard times, so she spoke from experience.
      You cannot imagine how many times I have come back to that simple statement of Truth, and how it has helped me in other challenges.
      Your wilderness experience will not last forever.
      Might I close on a lighter note from Winston Churchill? “If you are going through hell, keep going.” (I don’t want to shock you but at times a bit of humor can lift the clouds ).
      I hope this is a bit helpful.

  10. Thank you all so much. I can’t remember when I’ve been so touched by Love…and thank you Even for opening the door for this healing conversation to be heard and felt!

  11. Dear Evan, Do our departed loved ones also grieve at leaving us? I read our Leader’s poem “Meeting of my departed mother and husband” to try to understand. This may remain unknown because who can tell us!! I’ve often wondered what Lazarus had to say on the subject.
    Thank you Evan for starting this conversation. May all those seeking comfort and healing find it.
    With love,

  12. When I have given memorial services, I always share with those in attendance the concept of there being no death. It is very clear that if the demise of the physical body signified the finality of life, there would remain no memories of the deceased. However, since we can remember how the individual looked, spoke, worked, and played, the person (or pet) is still with us, both in Love and Spirit. When there is a body in a casket during the service, I share gratitude for the love of those in attendance, and encourage them to understand that the person (identity) is receiving that love, and sending it back to them. Over a period of almost 25 years conducting these services, this concept has been the most cherished and helpful.

    A couple of years ago, 10 people in my life, both family and friends, passed in a 12 month period. Because it kept piling on, it was difficult to keep my thought focused and growing in Love and understanding. I decided to go back to each of these individuals, as well as to those dear ones who had gone before, and carefully and consistently express gratitude for their being. Gratitude can never be sad or grief-stricken, and shortly after I started this daily (sometimes hourly) work, I found my whole life experience changing while I was being lifted out of the pit of grief.

    Thanks, Evan, and everyone who has contributed.


  13. I hope and feel that loved ones that have past before us do not feel the reparation and grief that we do.
    I think possibly that they could and may have taken us with them. After all the body and the human environment is an illusion. Might they take some of their own illusion with them. Like an echo or another dimension of their own human life story.
    I know their experiences as ours are always lifting their true spiritual self to greater spiritual reality and wisdom. And the full experience of passing will lift our spiritual thought even higher.
    I thank you all for your comments and I will ponder them more to lift the moments of seeming separation.

  14. I’ve so enjoyed reading all the comments. They’ve all been so reassuring. My happiest moment after my dog died, was when I sat one evening in bed having a conversation with him. We had spent over 16 years together and he was my best friend. I told him how much I loved him and what a wonderful companion he had been, I just wanted to know if he was ok. I told him I was sure that anybody who knew him would love him. I wanted him to be happy and not worry about me. After going to sleep at about 1:30 I heard this loud, enormous BARK. There was just one bark. But he really got my attention. Yes, our pets do move along just as we do.

  15. I always found this so helpful:
    A dear friend experienced after his father had passed a really diifficult time because he missed him so much. He thought why and what he missed the most, and it came to him that he felt that everything he knew was the result of the loving wisdom of his father, he admired most that he was such a wise man. So he decided to acknowledge these qualities wherever it could be found in his every day life… this exchanged not only the grief but started a tremendous understanding how to live with a deep love for life itself… and today, 20 years later, he feels that he is closer to him than ever before.
    Loved reading your experiences, thanks so much

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