Life is the route to a better experience, not death

May 14, 2024 | 17 comments

To a woman wanting to end her life because of misery and suffering, I said, “Death does not take you to a better place.  Life does!  God is your Life.  There is no better place to experience the good Life God has given you to live, than here and now.”  Her thought turned around.  She started to find her joy again, and a desire to end her life disappeared.

It’s a misleading argument to believe death is a pathway to life.  Death means “the end, no more life.”  

If death really existed, then there is nothing more afterward.  

But thankfully, Jesus Christ made it clear that there is no death.  Life is forever.  It’s material sense and suffering that ends as thought ascends spiritually.  Life never ends.

As Christian Science explains, Life is not in matter to somehow be mysteriously transferred to Spirit through a transition called death.  Life is in Spirit here and now.  This moment.  Understanding this truth empowers us to conquer the suffering of material sense here on earth.  We don’t have to “die” first to learn this.

Death is not a gateway to Life in Spirit.  Life in Spirit is already here.  You already have your spiritual Life to demonstrate fully and abundantly.

17 thoughts on “Life is the route to a better experience, not death”

  1. I rarely post here, but am so grateful for all the truths expressed and freely shared.
    Today I’m especially grateful to Martine for that link to the article on immortality…it was just right to share with a relative in Israel from whom I’d had emails lacking any sense of hope…the Jonah story it included will bless, I know. All we monotheistic religions need to be reminded of God’s supremacy in every circumstance, don’t we…as well as knowing Him/Her as ALL good.
    Thank you all, especially Evan, for all the good expressed here. With love to all…

  2. This message is just what was needed this morning!! As always…Thank you so
    much dear Evan, Martine and all , for the lovely messages, the inspiring article (and
    the one after I was able to access). Tears are flowing with gratitude – and a certain
    revelation touched my heart immeasurably and so dearly, in missing so many
    friends and family who are in other realms of living and loving, and although I can
    not see them, I feel their presence so much with me now.
    My one dear friend loved sunflowers and all of the ones depicted above with that
    glorious scene, brightens my outlook. My heartfelt appreciation, also, to who searches
    for and shares these wonderful graphics, that add so much to the divine message.
    This brings to light and out of the gloom the wondrous ever presence of Love, no
    matter where we are, our heavenly Life and Love are forever. We are all Soul-sisters
    and brothers in God’s universal family. : )

  3. Thank you for this Life-affirming message, Evan! We hear news (at least where I live) more and more about the “epidemic” of teens and young people wanting to end their lives, and those who have ended their lives, due to hurt and hopelessness. Each of us as Christian Scientists, all God-Loving people need to be the joyful, Faithful standard-bearers to show the way, proving by example that one moment (no matter if it seems to be a very long moment) of misery is not a hallmark of the end; it is a marker that each person needs to keep going, keep learning, keep reaching upward, outward with the Faith of great expectations ahead. Thank you for this message and proof with your experience with that young woman. Her “smile”, everyone’s “smile” is needed!

    1. Yes Wendy, sadly we do hear more and more about a mental health crisis among teens experiencing anxiety and depression on a larger scale than in the past. The bullying, social comparisons, intensity of emotions, cliques etc. that seem to often characterize this age group are highly amplified due to social media and smartphones which came on the scene around 2010, and that is exactly when researchers saw the sharp increase in these mental health issues. But error loves to take advantage of anything new (or anything at all) to try to make us feel separate from the Love of God. If we can learn who we are in God: safe, loved, whole and more than enough, then dark thoughts can be seen as external, lies, and not true thoughts of the child of God. The true thoughts can only come from Divine Mind, our only Mind. Then the influences of technology (or anything else) will have less and less effect.

      -Nothing shall be able to separate us from the Love of God. (Romans 8:39)

  4. Thank you Evan for these thoughts. I especially liked the quotes below.

    “There is no better place to experience the good Life God has given you to live, than here and now.”

    Life is forever. It’s material sense and suffering that ends as thought ascends spiritually. Life never ends.

  5. Such a timely message, Evan–thank you! I’m striving to learn a little each day about life being truly in God, now and forever. We cannot “die” out of this experience and be transported into something better. We must strive each day to recognize the truth of spiritual life being right now and thus continuing forever.

  6. We cannot reach the infinite over the stepping stone of the finite. Thank you, Evan. I love this idea as show us the error of mispercieving death as a way out of our troubles when in reality we need to accept the power of Spirit, God, Love to bring us into the true reality of life.

    1. I love that way of putting it, Babs…Thank you! As Mrs. Eddy writes in S&H,
      pg # 469, “Life is neither in nor of matter. What is termed matter is unknown
      to Spirit, which includes in itself all substance and Life eternal. Matter is a
      human concept. Life is divine Mind. Life is not limited. Death and finiteness
      are unknown to Life. If Life ever had a beginning, it would also have an ending.”
      I like to think of it like when we were so-called “born”, we do not remember any
      of this event. It is others who count our fingers and toes and put “material”
      numbers and oftentimes limitations on us by looking at us as “matter”. We are
      taught along these lines all throughout our “lives” and in believing these
      human-made descriptions, labels and beliefs, we go along with the beginning
      and ending scenario… but in Spiritual thinking, we experience our God-given
      Principle that we are not made of “brain, blood, bones, and other material
      elements”, but are created in the image and likeness of God. That sure seems
      like the better approach to take, where we see our loved ones and ourselves,
      through a spiritual lens where matter is really irrelevant or at least insubordinate
      to false senses that seem to be and try to limit who we Really are.
      We are Perfect as God sees us!

  7. How wonderful, that’s very freeing! Thank you very much in deed, dear Evan!♡

    Thank you Babs and Carol and Martine for the inspired article and all you wonderful commenters. Some tears came up reading some comments, it’s touching!♡

    O yes, we can be endless grateful to our loved wayshower, Christ Jesus, who really proved for us all that life is eternal.
    I also strive each God’s day prayerfully to understand my spiritual life in God’s kingdom better and better! The weekly lesson sermon is very helpful to start the day with God!♡

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