Your right place

May 13, 2024 | 22 comments

Many people worry about whether they are in the right place.  Maybe they don’t like their job, yearn to live at a different address, or even wonder whether they are married to the right person.  

What can we do when we feel like we’re not in our right place?

One way to find a resolution of our concerns, is to identify place in spiritual terms.

The ultimate place to be is with God.  God is the source of all goodness, love, happiness, worth, peace of mind, and health.  When we have God, we have everything we need to flourish no matter what address we presently occupy, or what job we currently have.  

What we gain from knowing God, improves conditions around us.  Spiritual place always transcends physical place.

A woman thought a change of job would make her happier.  She found another job but wasn’t any happier after moving.  She realized that the problem wasn’t in the workplace around her.  It was with the attitude within her that was causing grief.  She took her demoralized attitude from her old job to her new job, and essentially, nothing changed.  Once she prayed to get her thought into a better place, than work conditions improved to her delight.

Place is spiritual.  Its spiritual consciousness, knowing God, feeling God’s presence, and acting on spiritual inspiration as it comes.

Keep your thinking in a good place, and you’ll find everything else about you in a healthy happy place too.

22 thoughts on “Your right place”

  1. “Spiritual place always transcends physical place.” I love that sentence because it can be so relevant in many circumstances..marriage for instance. Sometimes a change of spouse or partner can feel right (and sometimes it is) but then there is always some OTHER thing that we need to meet in the next relationship/ job/ situation/team / country etc
    So really we must never stop learning how to see the Godlike nature in ourselves and others.

  2. Thanks Evan for this today’s Spiritual view and our ability to know we are always in our right place

  3. The Spiritual place is a place of Grace. Thank you, Evan, for this wonderful expression and wisdom.

  4. I had this message recently in a fortune cookie “You’re in your right place” and I had to laugh. I’m in a Christian Science nursing facility receiving loving care.

    1. Hi Lori, it’s nice to see you on the Beverly Hills Church noon zoom service! And thank you for your article in the Sentinel recently.

  5. Life often seems like such a mystery when thinking in “mortal” terms – we never
    quite know the interpretation of sometimes vague implications and we are left
    coming to conclusions that can be right or wrong in where we are “physically”
    meant to be.
    But with spiritual thinking, we are Always in our Right place. I think it is important
    to always keep an open mind, as I thought that my last “material” home was where
    I was meant to be, but God had a place so much better in Mind. But.. in the
    eternity of Life, moving forward in our spiritual thinking and progress, propels us
    onward to places we never even thought we would be and that is beautiful.
    Divine Love is Always our Rightful dwelling place, because with Love, we can take
    along the Truth of our Being, wherever we are or go. And dear Lori, I love the fortune
    you shared with us! With loving care, we always Are in our right place.

  6. This message was particularly “healing” for me to read today! I have intermittently struggled with ‘place’ issues, as I bought a Victorian home in my city years ago that “always needs something done to it;” however, I am periodically reminded of the sense of home and comfort it brings me, then I pray to be in the space of gratitude, not complaint. I was so happy to read this article! Thank-you, Evan, and other contributors!

  7. Dear Lori,– You are in a perfect place, surrounded by God’s healing Love. In this atmosphere of divine light, mortal fears and false beliefs of suffering must give way to the operative, effective action of the Christ! Blessings to you!

  8. When I moved to a small town in Nebraska to accept a teaching job in a two-room school house after college I prayed to find the right home. Remembering that Mrs. Eddy said that home is a power, I thought what is power, what about power? And then remembered the poem-hymn: O gentle presence, peace and joy and power. So home is really God’s gentle presence, full of peace and joy and power I thought. God’s power is bringin us and our home together. Then found lots more truths about home in that hymn: it’s guiding our flight to the right home, it’s God’s upward wing. Love is our refuge – it’s not a pit. God’s habitation is high and here and near (nigh). Home is His arm encircling us. It’s beneath the shadow of His almighty wing, so protected, it’s in that sweet secret of the narrow way, seeking and finding, we can sing with the angels and they are singing for us while we seek and find, Lo, God’s presence and home is with us always. We watch and pray. There’s no snare, pestilence, or fall but heaven’s aftersmile awaiting us. Home is God’s aftersmile. And mother, and we, find our home and heavenly rest. Home can feel like heaven. I did find a home on a farm in a spacious trailer with a view of roosters in Nebraska. It was lovely. After that year I moved to another state on the east coast and on the way moved 7 times in one year living with family, in a pool house with no heat in the summer from someone from church, in an in-law apartment of my teaching assistant. I eventually found a darling apartment with a view of a lake and ducks with walking distrance to town and church. I rented from a woman from church at rent I could afford. What’s interesting is 9 months prior I had gone to a party at this apartment and when climbing the stairs to it, God said to me, “You’re going to live here some day.” I didn’t understand how that was going to come about. But 9 months later a tenant moved out and married a man who came to that party. Three years later I married a man who had 3 rental homes and we bought 3 more – 8 units in all and have been providing attractive and affordable homes for tenants for many years. Some tenants have been with us for 15-20 years. It’s a joy to witness Love meeting people’s needs in providing homes via our homes. Some examples: when a house we had to rent didn’t rent quickly, we dropped the rent $100 a month, relisted it on Zillow for rent, and got a call within hours by a woman who had just put in rent range in her search the number we dropped it to. She was a great tenant and bought a condo in our town for her and her 9 year old son the following spring. We let her break the lease early and move without penalty. We tell tenants here’s the lease, but if you have to move or need to move, we will understand and no penalty. That provides a lot of comfort to them. We treat our tenants like guests and the way we would want to be treated. Another this past fall was a woman who loved our cottage but had several more to look at. She wanted to put down $ to hold it. We told her if there was something better for her we’d want her to have it, so could wait to hear from her the next day. She liked ours best and has made it so homey. She was the first person who saw it. Also last fall the first person who saw the house next to it we own had lived in the neighborhood for several years. The landlord sold her home and she had been living 40 minutes away for months in the next state with her mom. She used to walk by our house. When it was listed on Zillow she was delighted to return to our town and her former neighborhood. I tell prospective tenants am always happy to show our rentals because for them the more they look at apartments and houses, the more they know if something is right. Sometimes I’ll show a rental 20 times and someone walks in and says I love it! What can I do to rent it? Spiritual sense is wonderful to use to feel if someone is right for the home. I listen to them carefully and use spiritual sense to feel if there’s a fit. So that hymn is a wonderful help for praying about home or airplane flights I’ve found, too.

    1. Thank you Lindajane for the spiritual Interpretation of Mrs. Eddy’s Poem “O gentle presence, peace and Joy and powet”.
      It is very inspiring! For me friendship is very important. The right friends are found in God, Spirit. Friendship is a spiritual quality and therefore harmonious and loving and healing! Am grateful to God for wonderful friends and for the best workingplace I ever had, namely in my CS branchchurch where I can bless!
      Lindajane, your lifetestimony is wonderful, and very blessing, thank you! I also moved several times in my life to good places. Before I prayed with what Christ Jesus said: in my Father’s house there are many mentions; if it wouldn’t be so, I will go and prepare it for you”. Am very grateful that the Christ always prepared it for me in beautiful places!
      And wonderful the inspiring thought from Wendy: The Spiritual place is a place of Grace. Thanks a lot Wendy!
      And thanks to all for your inspired comments!♡
      And dear Evan, I love your SpiritView inspirations and uplifts; they lead to healing, comforting ideas!♡

      1. You are welcome, Uta. I enjoy reading your comments here as well. Am glad you’ve always found lovely places to live.

  9. Thank you Evan and all. I awoke this very early morning to the roar of my neighbor’s
    lawn mower, making me bemoan – “Oh no, now I have to mow .. again … so my
    lawn keeps up with theirs”. It seems wherever we are in mortal thinking, we have
    some challenges that need to be met and every home seems to have endless things
    needing to be done.
    However, our constant supply of Love given to us through God’s ever presence,
    though, helps to get us through the challenging things to move on to an all expansive
    realization that our rightful place is Within us – spiritual, in nature and this presence
    of Love is always with us – guiding us in the right direction, wherever that may be.

  10. Thanks, Evan,
    You always bless us with just what’s needed. Yes, sometimes while trying to solve a problem, I think back to the time I first believed in God. And then, back even further, to he place where I was pointed to a Living, All present and Omnipotent God , or Principle, who loves me, and who is a very present help in every situation and circumstance which the physical senses present.

    Worshiping God, good without ceasing is the best employment one can ever have. This is our Right Place. And, thanking God for sending his angel thoughts to keep us there lifts us even higher.

  11. Thanks Evan,
    I may have shared this. 50 years ago, my husband was transferred to the small town I still live in. We had three weeks before he started. We found a buyer for our home and came here to look. There were a few homes for sale, but they didn’t meet the size and layout for a family with 3 children. and no rentals were available. We returned home and were discouraged but started thinking about the fact that God “Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need.” and as happened many times in the past god will do just that. AS the promotion was right, The rest would be complete. We returned the following weekend feeling confident and headed for the local news stand and a Realter we had delt with while looking before chased us down the street and said a house just came back on the market. would we like to see it?
    We bought it and I am still gratefully living a paid for home. We are always in the right place, and I have no doubt that even if a change is necessary, I will always be.

  12. Thankyou Jane b! Love what you wrote. “We are always in the right place” as God’s loved children. Where God is, is our right place and home and work, and God is everpresent!♡

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