Listen to spiritual sense for the best results

November 9, 2022 | 18 comments

Would you like to find better results when turning to God in prayer?

When you rely upon spiritual sense, rather than material sense to form your conclusions, you’ll sooner find the solutions you seek.

I explain how in this vlog that was filmed in the Flaming Gorge National Recreation area in Utah when my wife and I visited the area in August 2022.

18 thoughts on “Listen to spiritual sense for the best results”

  1. What great inspiration this morning so needed when the day is chocked full of dramatic news of political results. Looking to spiritual sense is exactly what is needed today.

    1. Hi Lindalou, I’ve been working with this statement this morning (sorry, I didn’t write down the author): “Forgivingly love and embrace all because God knows no conflict. He sees His children dwelling in brotherly love. As we trust in God’s loving, wise government of all, human will yields to “Thy will be done” and the spirit of goodwill prevails over any ill will. There is only one side to be on: God’s.”

  2. Thanks so much Evan. Also enjoyed the beautiful setting from which you delivered your important message. Looking at things from a spiritual viewpoint can show us what’s Really going on, beyond limited, faulty, surface appearances. Nothing can change the facts of Being.

    We learn that it’s important to start from the right premise — perfect God and perfect man, unchanging. Here’s a well-known talk (transcript) from the amazing Daniel Jensen, “To Begin Rightly.” A blessed day to all!

    1. Thank you for this inspiring article that I really needed to read this morning. It has pointed out so clearly what I’ve been doing wrong. I am most grateful this insight as to what is actually going on in all of our lives.

  3. An example of this general concept is the transitional prayer God gave me that moves us to the specific application of this truth. “….Therefore, God is enabling us to know here and now that God is omnipotent, supreme. Here and now, each and every detail of each and every person and each and every situation and even each and every sensation is exactly, precisely perfect with the individualized lessons and blessin’s we need for spiritual growth in grace – – humility, self knowledge, love, and good deeds to be expressed with wisdom, economy, and brotherly love . Therefore, how is this… an opportunity for me to love God, love myself, and love others?” (Followed by meekly trusting, thanking God and the current person, situation, sensation for the practice growth opportunity to be ever-better loving and living grace and truly listening and courageously, creatively obeying it in those details with right spiritual reasoning and Christly doing/being.)

  4. “Infinite supply of Divine Mind” If you stop for a minute and deeply ponder that concept it’s quite radical. if you take a step further and begin to accept it rather than just like the sound of the words, a whole other world of thought and understanding opens up. This world (spiritual sense) already has an answer, a solution, a remedy for everything and anything.

    1. I really love this directive to “…take a step further and begin to accept it…”. I’ve been giving a lot of thought to the word “accept” with relation to spiritual sense, and was looking for some additional inspiration. I looked up the word accept for added insight, and these words were some that were given: consent, welcome, take part in, begin, start, gain, acquire, and this one made me smile – to give something a whirl.

  5. Thanks so much for this! It’s especially timely for me, as I’m in a situation where my landlord is trying to charge me for something she’s shouldn’t, so I’ve been working to see the situation, and her, in the right light.

    I’ll add, as well as seeing the other person in the right light, we also have to root out error from our own thought. For me that means considering both how I’m seeing her, and how my own actions or words might be adding to the problem — as Edie says above, look with humility; purify my thought and actions.

  6. Thank you so much for your comments on finances. So helpful right now in my experience. I will work with these ideas today. Thank you so much Evan! Cindy

  7. Oddly enough, I can hear spiritual sense in songs, even if they aren’t true CS – I can quickly reinterpret lyrics, but the sense is there which guides me to truth.

    Justine Suissa’s angelic voice (Almost Home is a good tune) from years past that inspires me to study rather than dance to vocal trance genre – I guess I can pick up on spiritual sense rather than pick apart lyrics sometimes.

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