Listen with the heart of spiritual sense

October 21, 2022 | 22 comments

The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.

~ Helen Keller

22 thoughts on “Listen with the heart of spiritual sense”

  1. “When the heart speaks, however simple the words, it’s language is always acceptable to those who have hearts.”
    Misc. 262:10 MBE

    Could it be said more elequently?

  2. Why so sad mum?
    Concerned for,
    Your dis-located son?

    A bow shot distance he,
    Over, by yonder tree,

    “God heard the lad”

    Be not sad,
    Be still, and know,
    He is My beloved son.

      1. I have wondered about this Bible story for more than a few years now.

        Recently my own grown-up son was hurting mentally and physically. The quote “God heard the lad” was an angel thought as I prayed.

        I sat quietly and prayed, the words above came to my thought and brought me peace.
        I am glad to say, our son had a better day and some good experiences,

        1. This is so very helpful for me, too, who sometimes forgets that God is “my” son’s real Father, who cares for him always. Thank you for sharing ❤️

          And I particularly love today’s HEART- centering thought…. we hope we kniw that heart~Love precedes intellect.

    1. Dear Still, here,
      Your poem is so beautiful. It touched my heart, I’m sure it does every mother’s (and father’s). Thank you so much.
      – Anna

  3. In spiritual sense we have all the love that God has given to us,each in every one of his idea , and there where our hearts rest upon.

  4. When the heart speaks, however simple
    the words, the language is always acceptable
    to those who have hearts. MW p 262-10

    It is under the heading, Heart To Heart

  5. Great thanks to Evan and Helen Keller quote and to all who have shared from their hearts today.
    much love,

  6. “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”

    Antoine de Saint Exupéry, “The Little Prince”

    1. Caroline thank you for mentioning the book The Little Prince, it is a favorite of mine. The line you quoted is perfect for today’s topic of listening to what is real with our spiritual sense.

      It is considered a children’s book but very spiritual and beautiful and can be understood on many levels. I think it’s time for a re-read. Wonderful weekend to all!

    1. Thank you, Evan, and contributors for the quotes on the language of the heart. Love it! Also, Thank you, J, for the article on listening to spiritual sense. I’m reading it now. Very good.

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