Live in God’s allness and goodness

June 9, 2023 | 38 comments

“I’m living in God’s allness and goodness now!” I told myself while worrying about an event happening in a few weeks. I was fretting over what may or may not occur, and it was disrupting my peaceful state of thought. I wanted peace again.

I decided that I didn’t need to worry about what might happen tomorrow. The primary need was to know that I had everything I needed today!

I let go of all concerns, fears, worries, and doubts. All mental tension vanished. The body was in perfect peace. I was 100% content with what I knew I had from God that moment. And that was enough. I didn’t need anything else. It felt wonderful!

There is huge freedom in letting go of ALL worries, fears, and concerns about mortal existence. The human mind frets and fears about material conditions because it believes its existence is at the mercy of mortal conditions and circumstances.

But in Truth, we have everything we need to thrive coming from God. We don’t have to wait for something to happen in the future. We can have a perfect moment of Life’s goodness in the moment we are in. And continuously so.

God is ever with us. God is ever blessing us. God has us covered in all ways.

You can enjoy this heavenly consciousness. Drop ALL worries and fears about anything and everything, and let consciousness sink into an awareness of God’s infinite goodness here and now. Trust it. You’ll know you’ve done it when you find absolute peace.

And after you find it, don’t lose it. Stay with it! You’ll feel better than ever.

Live in a consciousness convinced of God’s allness and goodness. It will take all stress out of your life. It’s the happiest and healthiest place to be.

38 thoughts on “Live in God’s allness and goodness”

  1. Thank you Evan. I seem to be dealing with a lingering medical challenge and your message is a metaphysical treatment every day. So inspiring and uplifting.

    1. Un immense merci à ses Spirit View toujours parfait. J’aime beaucoup ce que nous lisons dans la leçon cette semaine ; « La relation de Dieu à l’homme, du Principe divin à l’idée, est indestructible dans la Science ; et la Science ne connaît ni déviation de l’harmonie, ni retour à l’harmonie, mais elle affirme que l’ordre divin …est demeuré inchangé dans son histoire » Il n’y a réellement que l’harmonie infini de l’Esprit. Comme le dit Evan; Faites confiance à Dieu. Très belle journée à tous.
      A huge thank you to its always perfect Spirit View. I really like what we read in the lesson this week; “The relation of God to man, from divine Principle to idea, is indestructible in Science; and Science knows neither deviation from harmony nor return to harmony, but it affirms that the divine order…has remained unchanged in its eternal history” so I thought: So there is no history material and deadly! There is really only the infinite harmony of the Spirit. As Evan says; Trust God. Have a very nice day everyone.

  2. Excellent Evan…read, reread, copied, pasted in my notes and printed for my handbag! Wow what a nonsense this makes of human time and all the constraints and worries it can try to encumber us with.
    Fortunately we know and learn in CS that man lives in the eternal, harmonious Now❣️

    1. Thank you Barbara, and thank you Evan for your daily courageous spiritual support.
      Yes Barbara “ man lives in the eternal , harmonious Now”.
      When doubts surface or resurface I’m waiting for that spark to be back on the trail of God, that Presence to give us The green light. Someone may say it easy to say that but when you are stock it’s a different story!
      I know it seems real but like MBE tells us : Wake up from the dream, the mortal dream and bring back the eternal harmony , the spiritual anchor and soon we will blossom again.

  3. Thanks Evan;
    I really need to have Peace in thoughts, I have troubled about a situation at home for quite a while, tried to pray but I’m still feeling burden, which is seemingly overwhelming me.
    I need to just let go and allow God to take over. Not doubting or wavering in my thinking, but profound reliance on Him.

  4. This message is so applicable and helpful.
    In studying Sermon on the Mount one spring I found something helpful. I was worried about finding summer employment while in college. In Matthew 6:34 it reads as part of the Sermon: “Take no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.”
    That last sentence didn’t seem too comforting at first. But then put it into metaphysical terms: evil is nothing Jesus knew, a liar. So, perhaps Jesus meant sufficient unto each day is our reflected ability to pray about the problems, challenges or fears of the day – and to see the unreality of evil, and the allness of God, good. Later in reading Prose Works, I came upon this: “We cannot boast ourselves of tomorrow; sufficient unto each day is the duty thereof.” MY 161:22-23. Ah, duty is what Jesus meant Mrs. Eddy thought. So Mrs. Eddy saw we should focus on the duty of the day, not tomorrow’s duty. Of course, we could pray about today the fear we have for tomorrow. What was I fearing or believing wrongly today? I realized I had preferences for the kind of work I wanted to do, the location, and what I didn’t want to do or be. And that I believed there were bosses in the past who had negative qualities who I didn’t want to work for. I gave thanks for the jobs I had in previous summers, saw that negative traits of folks were unreal and not part of God’s children, and prayed sincerely that God’s will be done, not mine as I had mentally outlined the kind of job I wanted to do and didn’t want to do. After eliminating human will, and affirming God’s direction and care for each day, the fear dissipated and the right job opened up that was perfect for that summer just before the summer began.

    1. Thanks Lindajane for sharing how you used spiritual reasoning to dissolve the worries about finding employment.

      I too have found the phrase in Matthew 6:34 a bit disturbing (sufficient unto the day us the evil thereof). I decided to read some other translations on Bible Gateway online. Out of 62 translations, most seemed to imply that it was natural/normal to see evil or trouble every day. But a few were comforting and made it clear to me that it’s not that we should set ourselves up to expect evil or trouble every day, but to trust that God’s sufficiency enables us to see things in their true spiritual nature, and stay focused on this day, this moment only and move through what is in front of us with ease and grace and peace. Sounds good to me! Here are my 3 favorites:

      So don’t be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time.. (The Living Bible)

      Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes. (The Message)

      So do not worry about tomorrow. Let tomorrow worry about itself. Living faithfully is a large enough task for today. (The Voice)

      1. I grew up hearing a saying “Don’t borrow trouble.” I think worrying about the future would fit in the borrowing trouble category.

        1. Yes! Virginia from Carmel, you are totally right. Love this. It
          is a good saying to keep in mind. Thank you.

      2. Hi Rose,
        Those are great translations and are in the spirit of what Mrs. Eddy said about duty each day. If we didn’t have C.S. understanding of how Jesus saw evil as nothing, I think we’d think that God sends evil to us each day or evil comes each day as a reality to make us stronger or we all have an allotment of evil to deal with each day.

        It’s always impressive how she fits in Bible verses into her writings which she translates into something very understandable and practical. She will write something and then I’ll see it in the Bible in slightly different form or a few different words – I think there’s one about a bird flying up into the sky like our thoughts can take wingward flight. Go straight to inspiration and not be earthbound by problems.
        I always love your comments here – so kind and insightful.

        Thanks for sharing those translations.

        1. Thanks for your kind words Lindajane!

          What you said about the false belief that evil or trouble comes for our benefit, to make us stronger reminded me of what a co-worker said to me yesterday, that we are like a piece of coal being refined and turned into a diamond by the intense pressures of life. He implied that was how God improves us.

          I don’t think we should believe that God sends trouble or pressures (would we intentionally send difficulties to our own beloved, cherished children? I think not). But there is some grain of truth in that thinking. We CAN let God open our eyes to see through whatever mortal mind is presenting and so we grow higher in Truth and Trust..

          1. Pointing out that it is God’s sufficiency in that translation stood out on the second reading. God’s oneness with us is a concept that is easy to forget. One Sentinel article, or maybe read it here, that in Lord’s Prayer when Mrs. Eddy wrote “Adorable One” that included us, too. Because man, as God’s image, is one with God. We are part of the infinite Oneness. Dropping all worries and fears about the future as Evan encourages is a great challenge. Will focus on that this week – a rewarding practice. Thanks for responding.

  5. Thank you Evan. Thank you all. This is an inspiring testimony and the kind of peace that comes when the allness and goodness of our being is understood.
    In Miscellaneous Writings, Mrs Eddy presents a three stanza poem on the page before the Preface.I
    The first sttanza
    If worlds were formed by matter,
    And mankind from the dust;
    Till time shall end more timely,
    There’s nothing here to trust.
    The first three lines of the third stanza .
    My world has sprung from Spirit,
    In everlasting day;
    Whereof I’ve more to glory,

  6. Thank you Evan – you perfectly illustrated the efficacy of Mrs Eddy’s words.
    The Psalmist saith: “He shall give His angels charge over thee.” God gives you His spiritual ideas, and in turn, they give you daily supplies. Never ask for to-morrow: it is enough that divine Love is an ever-present help; and if you wait, never doubting, you will have all you need every moment.
    (Miscellaneous Writings 1883–1896, Mary Baker Eddy, pp. 306:29–5)

    1. Linda thanks, this is the exact quote that immediately came to thought when I read Evan’s message today. I turn to it often and find it very comforting.

      That phrase, “You will have all you need every moment,” pretty much covers all ground, destroying error’s futile efforts to convince us that something is wrong, that we are in some type of danger. The tactic is always to keep us distracted and off balance enough that we won’t notice God’s uninterrupted presence, power, goodness, ALLNESS – which is our true state of Being.

      The lesson this week is God, The Preserver of Man. Let’s know He is the preserver of our Joy, our Wellness, our Supply of all good. Last night when trying to sleep, thoughts were going round and round about some things at work and I declared, “No! God is the preserver of my Peace.” That did the trick!

    2. I had forgotten this passage that I have used so many times in the past with good results. It is so freeing and affirming filled with Love and hope, and I thank you Linda for the reminder.
      Evan thank you for this blog message. It is just what I needed today. “TODAY IS FILLED WITH BLESSINGS”

  7. As always, this Spiritual View of things is so helpful, as are all of
    the comforting comments. I was thinking of the little girl taking
    the baby steps yesterday and today she is grown into a relaxed
    reflection of perfect peace. Oh, but to be that calm, not worrying
    about anything. But that is Really what our True Life should be/is.
    I get hung up on, it seems all the lies and corruption in the world
    and how the Truth Seems to be overwhelmed by such atrocities.
    It Seems there is so much evil going on and it is difficult getting
    the Truth out there on a personal and a worldly level. I sometimes
    let it affect my thinking, where good people are persecuted, like in
    Jesus’ time and evilness seems to be accepted and rewarded. It
    just is not right. But … as Evan declares and rightly so,
    “Drop ALL worries and fears about anything and everything and let
    consciousness sink into an awareness of God’s infinite goodness
    here and now. Trust it. You’ll know you’ve done it when you find
    absolute peace”. What a wonderful place to strive for and Be! …
    where we Really already Are.
    Thank you so much, Evan and All, for guidance in all of this.

  8. The perfect message for today! I am so grateful for this wonderful, embracing Spirit View connection. I never want to miss a moment of a good play or a line of a good book. How infinitely more important to not miss even an instant of God’s goodness and allness, here now in perfect fulfillment.
    Thank you again!

  9. What an important thing to learn! To let go of “all” fear, worry, concern and be present in God’s all goodness. I did this yesterday and had the most beautiful, effortless day. and of course the thing that was mesmerizing me, worked out perfectly, harmoniously, and joyously. It then came to me to tackle something I really wanted to complete which was looming on my to do list. To go take the permit test for a motorcycle endorsement. I had not read the handbook, but have tons of off road riding experience which translates over to street riding. I made an appointment online for an hour later while finishing up an errand and then drove to the dmv. I arrived 40 minutes early and skimmed through the book picking up lots of helpful info I didn’t know and took the test and passed. Before I took the test I sat down at the computer and reminded myself, God is the only Mind. God writes the test, knows the answers, and gives me the ability to reflect this Mind. I also have been praying constantly while riding and confirming that this is indeed a uselful activity to express Soul through joy, fearlessness, freedom, humility, grace, strength, dominion, kindness, etc.

    I’m learning that while the human aspect of things working out and being healed is amazing, but it’s that deepening sense of peace and knowing/feeling/understanding God’s presence with me, that is the real thing we are striving for. It’s a deeper understanding that it’s not at all about us as a separate being, but it’s all about God! And how we are the way that God is made known. It’s a freeing way to live and I’m going to continue to strive to recognize it’s the only place I can ever live. What Joy!

    1. Wow thank you Trista, this is a great testimony, so helpful. I’ve benefited from your comments in the past and am very glad to see you posting here again. All the best in your motorcycle adventures, so cool. I was recently thinking of getting a bicycle, haven’t ridden in years and had some concerns about safety, ability etc., all mortal mind limiting beliefs, human outlining. You’ve given me some great ideas for how to pray about this!

      1. I was just thinking, Rose, about your riding a bicycle again. They say if
        you’ve ridden be fore, it is something that you never forget. If you are
        lead to it, you will succeed, I’m sure. It’s all in God’s hands.

  10. Thank you! I was just telling a friend last night to let go, let God! It was something she needed to do with one of her horses who seemed to be having a problem. It can seem so hard when it comes to an animal.
    This morning the horse is eating and enjoying the the sun! And the owner, my friend, is rejoicing!!

  11. Day by day the manna fell:
    O, to learn this lesson well.
    Still by constant mercy fed,
    Give me Lord, my daily bread.

    Day by day the promise reads,
    Daily strength for daily needs:
    Cast foreboding fears away;
    Take the manna of today.

    Lord, my times are in Your hand:
    All my highest hopes have planned,
    I will yield with joy to You;
    What You ask, that will I do.

    You will show my task each day;
    I will follow and obey:
    So shall every year fulfill
    Not my own, my dear God’s will.

    Hymn 463

    1. Thank you very much dear Linda for this comforting hymn. I take it as a prayer. This hymn I needed just in this moment and very healing!♡

      Dear Evan, also your today’s wonderful SpiritView is very very helpful and exactly what I needed today . After reading it this morning I did some needed errands by car and it was a good day until the evening. I had seemingly a problem with an eBay customer to whom I sold DVDs. Immediately I knew I had to pray for God’s guidance what to do. I got the thought to give the customer some money back. He thanked me for it and wished me all the best. I think it’s a harmonious solution for both of us. And herewith God is expressed in kindness and compassion.
      I am very thankful and happy for SpiritView♡

  12. I was just rereading all of these glorious posts and marvel at
    the goodness/Godness being expressed … naturally, Really …
    in the realm of Truth’s being. From the demonstration of jobs,
    motorcycle, bicycle, horses, ~ there is so much healing going on.
    How wonderful to be enlightened by it all and to actually feel
    the Love shared here within these great comments, echoing
    Evan’s initial prompt.
    MH, how terrific that your friend’s horse is doing well. I grew
    up with my neighbor’s helping horses and ponies graze and
    recover from being mistreated and their gentleness, love and
    affection were so endearing. I loved helping them heal, but
    the love they gave back was immeasurable. Animals do
    have a way of sharing with us their love in such a way that
    is indescribably calming.
    Thank you all for being here!

  13. Thank you everybody This is so much to process but we all are on this path of as mrsetti says Mrs Eddie says the warfare quote the warfare with one selfish grand isn’t it she was right and it’s a constant learning and the more we do it the more that it is easier to do and I’m just so grateful for you guys and Evan and all the good in this lesson this week is you know every every week I say this is my favorite lesson whether it’s about God or it’s about dog reserver or God the only causing creator every lesson is my favorite and I’m so grateful to all of you and to be on the path of this brand work grand fork not fork work you know what I’m saying Thank you all Love you

  14. Thank you, Evan! Today, and everyday your posts are very inspiring and helpful! They lead to healing. and are most appreciated. ‘Sending much live and gratitude. Blessings to all.

  15. “Live in God’s allness and goodness”.
    Lovely words to ponder and a sweet place to be.
    Have a great rest of the weekend, everyone!

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